A master of online games

Chapter 138 The Skull King 2

Nie Fan frowned. He didn't expect that the skeleton king had such magical power that he could throw dozens of skulls at a time. There were more than a dozen just flying to deal with him, and half of them were similar to Ruomeng and Mo Yan.

Although he can cope with it and believes that half Ge Ruomeng and Mo Yan can cope with it, it is not a way to go on like this. He is entangled by more than a dozen skeletons and can't move forward by half. From time to time, he has to take a step back one or two, and he can't even reach the skeleton king. How can he fight?

"Let's boil! Blood pool! Wake up, my baby!"

With the sound of the skeleton king falling, the blood pool in the field really boiled up, and the skeletons inside also trembled one by one. Soon, they trembled more violently, and then came out of the blood pool directly, flew into the air, divided into three soldiers and horses, and attacked Nie Fan, Bange Ruomeng and Mo Yan!

Nie Fan's head became big in an instant! It doesn't matter. He can't die for a while, but he is afraid that Bange Ruomeng and Mo Yan will not be able to support it!

He took the time to turn his head and look at Ban Ge Ruomeng and Mo Yan. He found that Ban Ge Ruomeng actually held the sword in his right hand and held it in his left hand*. Both hands were not delayed. While shooting crossbows, he waved his sword. He cooperated properly and moved neatly, and there was no danger for a while.

On the other side, Mo Yan also tried her best to summon not only the white fox, but also three summoning beasts. Two of them, Nie Fan, had seen it. A gray-brown wild wolf and a mutant rabbit, were not powerful, so she usually didn't summon much. At this time, it was also because she was forced to summon it. But in the end, the one Nie Fan had never seen was powerful. A lion, which was so huge that it was twice as big as Nie Fan's Nether tiger. With a lion roar, three skulls fell directly, and then one by one, he swallowed all of them!

Sure enough, half of Ruomeng and Mo Yan all left a killer mace, which Nie Fan usually did not know, but today he saw them all.

Especially the skill of using two weapons at the same time, Nie Fan was really stunned and puzzled by Nie Fan. How can he do it? Isn't it going to be against the sky that the ranger can use two weapons with his left and right hands at the same time?

Nie Fan is no longer interested in this issue, and it is also because he has no time to think so much now. While dealing with more than 20 skulls, he is thinking about whether he should also show his cards?

But it doesn't seem to be a last resort yet.

Thinking of this, Nie Fan made up his mind that if he wanted to hide, he would hide deeply.

So Nie Fan didn't want anything else and was single-mindedly cutting the skeleton in the air. The blade flew and rotated in the air, flipping and chopping to resist the bites of these skulls again and again.

"Kill my baby, you have completely annoyed me. I will personally take action and put you to death!"

"Babys, come back!"

Hearing these two words of the Skull King, Nie Fan almost spit it out. One by one, it's really disgusting and immortal.

However, the skeleton king summoned all the skulls back. After receiving orders to deal with Nie Fan's skeletons, he turned around and flew back to the blood pool.

The pressure of Nie Fan and the other three suddenly decreased and they took a long breath.

But just as Nie Fan calmed down, the skeleton king held a big black knife and jumped up in the air, and the big knife hit the head.

Nie Fan did not dare to slack off, so he immediately concentrated into the battle mode again and quickly analyzed what he should do with the knife of the skeleton king.

Soon he came to the conclusion that he must retreat, otherwise this knife would be cut on his head and he would be disabled even if he did not die.

So Nie Fan quickly moved back a few steps.

"Bang!" A knife hit the ground, and the ground made of square bricks was broken in an instant.

"It's so dangerous!" Nie Fan broke out in a cold sweat, and the power of this knife really made him linger.

However, Nie Fan quickly made a counterattack, and an ice blade waved out, and then the blade of the bright fire sword followed the ice blade and split it.

"Bang!" The ice blade hit the Skeleton King and caused 2300 damage.

"The defense is really high!" Nie Fan thought so in his heart.

"Bang!" An ordinary attack also followed the ice blade and hit the skeleton king.

"It's useless. Eat me!"

Nie Fan's nerves tightened in an instant, his eyebrows frowned, and bean-sized sweat appeared on his forehead.

"Be careful!" Half of the song Ruomeng and Mo Yan shouted at the same time.

The skeleton king in front of Nie Fan dissipated in an instant, and then Nie Fan's back was hit. With a loud bang, Nie Fan flew forward like a broken kite.

As soon as the voice of the skeleton king sounded, Nie Fan's face changed, because the voice came from behind him, not the skeleton king in front of him.

The powerful skeleton king actually knew how to split up, and Nie Fan was hit without knowing it at all.

Only one knife was hit, but this knife was obviously the killing move of the skeleton king, and Nie Fan's health value was instantly cleared.

However, zero health does not mean death. Maybe others are, but Nie Fan has the skill of 'immortal body'.

So after Nie Fan rolled a few meters on the ground, a green word '+100' floated on his head.

Bange Ruomeng and Mo Yan still maintained a sad expression, but at this time, when they saw that Nie Fan did not hang up, their expressions changed a little. Well, there was a trace of incredible and a trace of shock in it.

After rolling on the ground twice unhandsomely, Nie Fan stood up, sorted out his hairstyle, and asked, "Can you two hold on for more than 20 seconds?"

Half of Song Ruomeng and Mo Yan were stunned at the same time, and then replied in unison, "Yes!"

Nie Fan still remembers that there is a rule in the immortal body that he can't use any consumables, including red medicine, until his health reaches full value at a speed of 100 points per second, so he can't fight now. If he accidentally hangs up, he really can't save the immortals.

"Damn! How could this happen!" Seeing that Nie Fan did not hang up, the skeleton king was extremely angry and wanted to rush towards Nie Fan with a big knife and continue to kill Nie Fan.

But at this moment, a very big lion roared behind him and bit him on the shoulder.

Originally, the lion's target was the skull king's head, but the skeleton king flashed when he noticed it, so he bit the skull king's shoulder.

But that's enough, as long as you hold the Skull King.

"I don't know how to attack the king. I must drink your blood and refine your bones!"

The skeleton king turned around and cut it with a sword. Mo Yan's summoning beast, the lion, was also sensitive. At the critical moment, he avoided the tragedy of being cut off his head, but he was still cut into his body. Looking at it with a knife, blood surged.

The lion and the skeleton king are also very fair.

However, the skeleton king did not think so. After being bitten by Mo Yan's lion, he seemed to have suffered a great humiliation. He was so angry that he raised his knife again and cut it again.

But at this time, a leather whip hit the skull king's wrist with a crack, and successfully wrapped it around his wrist.

Mo Yan straightened the whip and pulled it hard, and the knife of the skeleton king stopped in the air.

And Mo Yan's lion also took this opportunity to escape from the skeleton king.


Before the man arrived, the arrow came first. Half of the song Ruomeng held * in one hand and a long sword in the other, running towards the skeleton king.

"Damn, damn, damn!" The skeleton king said three abominable words, and the skeleton's body trembled with anger.

"All demons are coming!" The skeleton king roared, and suddenly his body became hazy and full of black poison gas.

"It's not good!" Nie Fan tightened his heart, looked at his health value, and then shouted, "Hold on for another ten seconds!"

Half song Ruomeng and Mo Yan did not answer, but they both heard Nie Fan's voice. They didn't answer just because they didn't have time to answer. At this time, they were fighting with the skeleton king.

The skeleton king began to surround the black fog all over his body, and the attack speed was extremely fast. With only three or two times, he cut off the big rabbit and wild wolf summoned by Mo Yan.

Mo Yan's eyes burned with anger, and the whip was thrown and slapped on the skull king's head.

This angered the skeleton king.

"Damn human beings, I want you to die without a burial place!"

The skeleton king scolded, and his body suddenly became erratic. In the blink of an eye, he directly dodged behind Mo Yan!

It was a split just now, but now it's a direct teleportation!

Nie Fan witnessed all this and was inevitably shocked. Although the skeleton king said that the attribute showed that it was a 35-level lord-level monster, it grew up in the Wanmo Mountain, which was obviously much more powerful than the 35-level lord-level monster outside the Wanmo Mountain.

At the same time, Nie Fan shouted, "Mo Yan, be careful behind you!"

But it's too late. Mo Yan can't avoid this knife no matter how fast he is at this time.

"Death!" The strong voice of the skeleton king resounded through the stone room.

This moment seemed to freeze, Nie Fan's angry expression, half Ge Ruomeng's impatient expression, and Mo Yan's expression with a little confused expression.


In a knife, Mo Yan staggered forward.

But it was not hurt.

At the time of the thousand troops just now, her little white jumped up and blocked this knife for her, which was undoubtedly killed in seconds.

It is said that the fox is spiritual, which seems true, and it is also affectionate and righteous. At least this is the one Nie Fan saw.

"Go to hell!" Ban Ge Ruomeng was first annoyed and flashed behind the skeleton king. The long sword waved with a bang, and it was a crackling chopping at the skull king's head.

"Damn!!" The skeleton king shouted angrily and turned around and raised a big knife.

"Bang!" The whip wrapped around his wrist again and grabbed his hand to cut down.

Half of Ge Ruomeng took this opportunity to go around behind him again, crackling and chopping, while scolding him for being inhumane.

This makes Nie Fan, who has rushed over with his sword, a little funny. He is just a skeleton and not human, and inhumanity is not normal.

"I want you all to kneel down in front of me!" The skeleton king suddenly raised his arm, pulled Mo Yan directly on the other end of the whip, and then fell to the ground heavily.

"Make room for a little bit!" Nie Fan shouted, and half of Ge Ruomeng heard it and quickly moved away to the right.

And the skeleton king was even more angry when he heard Nie Fan's voice. He turned around and raised his sword and roared.

"Ice Blade!"

With a wave of Nie Fanming's fire sword, an ice blade waved out in an instant, hitting the skeleton king who was about to turn around and successfully freezing it!

"Good opportunity, come on!" Nie Fan narrowed his eyes slightly, rushed forward and waved the open fire sword, and chopped the head of the skeleton king crazily. He didn't even have time to release his skills. Although the skill has high damage and effect, the speed is slower. With the time of putting a skill, Nie Fan can cut out two or three swords with all his strength. Clear.

Of course, half of the song Ruomeng will not be idle. The sword and the crossbow launch an attack together, and the crackling sound is endless.

And Mo Yan, who just stood up from the ground, also gave a death order to her lion while waving the whip - attack with all his strength!

So the three lions launched a series of inhuman and crazy attacks on the skeleton king who turned into ice sculptures. The spirit and blood of the skeleton king plummeted, and the speed was so fast that Nie Fan wanted to cheer loudly.