A master of online games

Chapter 145 White Heat of Battle

All the people around expressed different degrees of shock at the two 'blessing' skills thrown out one after another.

It makes people sigh that the players on the celebrity list really live up to their reputation.

However, in the face of this blessing water dragon, Nie Fan can no longer stand still as calmly as just now.

The water dragon was very fast and roared down from mid-air. Nie Fan even felt that the air around him was slightly moist.

"You have to avoid it quickly." This is the voice in Nie Fan's heart.

jumped to the right a few times in a row. Nie Fan looked back and saw that a blue dragon head was facing him. Then he didn't have time to react at all, and was hit by the water dragon.

The players around took a deep breath and then held their breath.

Nie Fan's eyes widened and endured this fierce attack. He couldn't figure out how it could be like this. He obviously dodged it, but why did he still win.

Can this water dragon still turn?

Now it seems that this is the only possibility.

He just jumped too fast and didn't have time to turn around, so he didn't know how the water dragon turned the corner, but the officials around him could see clearly. The water dragon actually seemed to have eyes. Nie Fan jumped to the right side and turned his head to the other side, and then hit it, not at all. Consequences - it doesn't seem to need to care about the consequences.

However, at this moment, the smile on Lang Taosha's face froze and then changed into a shocked look.

The word 'MISS' floated on Nie Fan's head!

Nie Fan grinned, which is also the effect of the Sea Shield. There is a 10% chance that MISS will drop all attacks in the first 20 seconds. It's awesome, very powerful, very awesome!

"Are you really completely immune to magic damage?" Langtao couldn't help asking and was stunned on the spot.

"Ha, guess what?" Nie Fan smiled, but his feet were not idle at all and rushed over quickly.

The waves were shocked, quickly retreated, waved their staff, and a column of water hit Nie Fan.

Nie Fan flashed over.

"Renzhu Fireball!"

Lang Taosha suddenly stood down, with a little seriousness on his face, waved his staff and spells in his mouth.

Nie Fan and others dodged away from the fireballs. When he saw the posture of Langtaosha, he knew that the situation was not good. He had to quickly approach Langtaosha. The longer he dragged, the more unfavorable it would be to him.

The pk of warriors and mages is also like this. At the beginning, warriors should avoid the mage's attack as much as possible and get close to the mage. Only when they get close can the warrior hang up the mage. Otherwise, everything is fantasy. On the contrary, the mage is close to everything possible to distance themselves from the warrior, use spell attacks, and drag the warrior to death.

This is an eternal truth.

Of course Nie Fan understands, so he is now very fast, rushing to the waves and sand, holding the Minghuo sword in his hand, looking at the waves and calculating the distance. As long as he rushes to the four meters in front of Langtao sand, he will wave the Minghuo sword.

The attack distance of the ice blade is 3 meters, and now the ice blade has been upgraded to ice, and the attack distance is at least 4 meters.

"Aoyi, blessing geotitis!"

"Damn!" Nie Fan cursed secretly, but the speed did not decrease. Instead, he accelerated the speed, suddenly took two steps, and finally raised the fire sword.

"Iceling, chopping!"

"Boom!" Suddenly, a blazing flame burned on the ground, Nie Fan was completely hit, and his health value decreased.

"Wo, sw!"

He waved the open fire sword six times in a row, as fast as lightning, but Nie Fan's expression was extremely ugly.

At the moment he waved the Minghuo sword, he remembered the skill description of ice messy chopping. At this time, he waved the Minghuo sword six times, and six ice blades appeared to form a huge ice blade, but it was one meter in front of Nie Fan!

This is about to die. The ice blade has become a mess, and the ice blade has become not swept out at the moment when the blade swings, but a huge ice blade composed of six ice blades. This huge ice blade will be swept out, which wastes a lot of time and will be very easy to make masters like Langtao sand. Successfully avoid it.

Nie Fan forgot this, so he made a messy cut at this time.

But it's too late to say anything now. Six random cuts form a giant ice blade and quickly swept towards the waves and sand.

But how could Lang Taosha stand still and suffer this trick? He just stepped back a few steps, and the ice blade automatically dissipated.

Nie Fan was helpless. Speaking of this ice cutting, this ice blade is not as good as the previous ice blade. It is said that the ice blade is also instantaneous, and although this ice cutting is more powerful, it is not suitable for pk. It is definitely very suitable for training.

Nie Fan is obviously in pk now, so this skill is a little useless, only the advantage of gorgeous.

stunned the players around them and praised them.

And the quiet face was black, and he said speechlessly, "What is this guy Nie Fan doing?"

"Haha, evil Qinglong, although your skills are good-looking, they don't seem to be very effective!" Lang Taosha laughed, and the staff in his hand was already waving.

The corners of Nie Fan's mouth changed a little. Careful people or people who know Nie Fan can see that Nie Fan began to be serious.

"I just went to get rid of the fire for you, and the next step is the dinner."

"Oh? Really? Then I want to see it!"

Lang Taosha had a smile on his face, with a look similar to Nie Fan, with a trace of ferociousness in it.

"Oyi, the blessing of the wind blade!"

Wind blade!

As soon as I heard these two words, both the players around and Nie Fan were shocked. This guy actually had three series of spell skills, which no one could have thought of.

An ordinary mage can learn at most two series of spell skills, and one of them can still be obtained by using reputation points to 'steal learning', while Lang Taosha is the first mage with three series of spell skills at the same time.

"I really want to know how long you can be immune!" There is a hint of gloomy in Langtao's smile.

The ground inflammation just now is a skill released by Langtaosha as a temptation. He just wants to see if Nie Fan is still immune to fire damage.

As a result, Nie Fan was still immune, and MISS lost his geoflammation injury.

If it had been someone else, he would have had a headache long ago, and he would no longer have the intention to fight, but Lang Taosha did not believe in this evil. He decided that Nie Fan's invincible state must have a time limit, and it must not be very long.

Undoubtedly, Lang Taosha's guess is correct. Nie Fan now has only more than ten seconds left. After these ten seconds, Nie Fan will no longer be immune to fire damage, and there will be no 10% chance of being immune to any damage.

Once the time of the Ocean Shield is over, Nie Fan only has the additional attributes of the chest armor, and there is a 5% chance that he will be immune to the injury.

The additional attributes of the equipment are generally not very practical, and it is written that there is a 5% chance, but if you are unlucky, the battle will not occur in a few days.

Nie Fan knew this well, so he had no hope for the additional attribute on his chest armor at the beginning.

However, the shield of the sea is different, especially after MISS dropped the water dragon just now, Nie Fan believes more in the shield of the sea, so he must speed up the speed to approach the waves and sand, so that he can kill the waves and sand in one blow.

Nie Fan is confident that when he rushes two meters away from Langtaosha, he will add a 'killing fluctuation'. At the same time, he waved the bright fire sword to give Langtaosha a fatal blow and kill it in a second, even if there is a magic shield in front of Langtaosha!

"Wind Blade!"

As the waves retreated, they waved the staff in their hands. Every time they waved, an invisible wind blade swept towards Nie Fan, and the wind roared.

Nie Fan gritted his teeth and pushed forward bravely with his head, simply not even hiding. Wind blades hit his head, and his good luck was finally exhausted, and red damage numbers floated on his head.





"Ah!" Lang Taosha involuntarily widened his eyes and opened his mouth, because he was proud of it. The cooling time was 1 second, and the attack was 80% of the blessing blade. Unexpectedly, he could only hit Nie Fan less than 500 health points at a time!

Everyone around was stunned. How high is Nie Fan's magic defense?

Magic defense is only added to jewelry, and the explosion rate of jewelry in the early stage is simply devastating, and the jewelry grade in the early stage is generally not high, so the magic defense added is not very high, so that it is almost the world of mages in the early stage. Whether it is team training or killing pk, mages in the early stage are awesome wherever they go. No one dares to provoke. The reason is that everyone's magic defense is too low, and their body and consciousness can't keep up. If they are casually bombarded by the mage a few times, they will be sent back to the city, which is really miserable.

But now, Nie Fan is actually facing the magic attack of the top mage, Lang Taosha, and is not afraid. How can the damage be less than 500?

"Eternal light!"

Nie Fan hooked the corners of his mouth, looked at the waves and sand, and waved the fire sword mercilessly.

Although Nie Fan has a ghost king's finger and the magic thief is high, his health value is too small. However, he lost nearly 2,000 health points after being hit by four small wind blades, so that he only has less than 1,500 health points at this time, which is not enough to play.

So Nie Fan wants to solve the battle as soon as possible. Fortunately, Nie Fan's health of nearly 2,000 points has not been lost. Under his full-speed impact, he has rushed two meters in front of Langtao sand.

So he decisively raised the fire sword and then chopped it fiercely towards the sand.

Eternal light! The advanced level of lightning strikes!

The reason why he used this move, not the strongest skill, death destruction, is that he still doesn't understand the skill of death destruction. If he makes an oolong like the ice mess just now, he will be disgrink and will lose an excellent opportunity. However, he knows the eternal light advanced by lightning strikes, completely It is to increase the speed and attack on the basis, which is definitely the best choice for this attack!