A master of online games

Chapter 165 Election 18 Warriors Competition 4

"Hey, how did you find me?" Nie Fan was very happy when he saw half of the song and said with a smile.

"You stinky, who will deliberately look for you? I've been there all the time, but I just turned my head and found that you were not far away, so I came to have a look!" Half of the song is like a dream.

"Haha, Sister Meng, you don't need to explain. We all know." The madman laughed.

"You know nothing!" Ban Ge Ruomeng rolled his eyes and said, "Why don't you cheer for your little swallow quickly!"

Everyone was stunned and found that the situation in Xiao Yaner's video was a little bad.

Leng Yue's sword in her hand is extremely fast, and her body is as sensitive as a fish in water, clinging to Xiao Yaner, making Xiao Yaner unable to release spells.

Finally, Xiao Yaner's teleportation cooling time arrived, and then quickly teleported to the farthest distance from the cold moon, and then the staff pointed to the cold moon, and a black light shot out.

However, Leng Yue dodged on one side and then stabbed Xiao Yaner.

Although Xiao Yaner was not confused, her face was calm. She quickly stepped back a few steps and waved the staff, so a series of fireballs fell from the air and hit the cold moon. Then the staff waved again, and a three-meter-wide fire road burned three meters in front of her.

Leng Yue hurriedly stopped to avoid the end of rushing into the flames, and then dodged several fireballs falling from the sky.

At this time, Xiao Yaner's other spell had been released again. A black round ball quickly flew one meter in front of Leng Yue's body, and then exploded, shooting countless rays of light. Leng Yue flashed, blocked it with her hand, and her arm was shot, and her health dropped nearly 600 points.

Leng Yue found that if she did not approach Xiao Yaner again, she was likely to lose the game, so she ignored it and rushed to Xiao Yaner at full speed.

"Longfeng Chengxiang!" Xiao Yaner also used her best skills. The staff waved repeatedly, and runes appeared out of thin air. Then a fire dragon and a phoenix broke out of the air in an instant over her head, roared and appeared on the stage wrapped around each other, and then rushed to the cold moon.

At the same time, Xiao Yaner was waving her staff again and didn't know what spell to release.

And Leng Yue also saw Xiao Yaner's movements. She tightened her heart and swallowed a red pill directly, filled her health points, and then rushed straight over to meet a fire dragon and a fire phoenix.


With a loud noise, the fire dragon and phoenix instantly hit Leng Yue. Leng Yue frowned and jumped out of the flames, and a sharp sword in her hand stabbed Xiao Yaner.

Xiao Yaner was shocked, retreated repeatedly, added a state to herself, and then stood still as fate.


The tip of Lengyue's sword was instantly bounced back two centimeters in front of Xiao Yaner. This is the state skill Xiao Yaner has just added. There is a 5% chance of rebounding to the physical attack and 50% of the damage to the enemy.

Xiao Yaner was happy in an instant, waved her staff, and a small purple thunderbolt instantly hit the cold moon, taking away the last more than 200 health points of the cold moon.

Leng Yue's unwilling eyes disappeared on the stage.

The winner is Xiao Yaner, and there are cheers under the stage. Of course, there are also voices of regret for Leng Yue.

Xiao Yaner breathed a sigh of relief and was sent off the stage.

"Swallow is powerful and domineering!" This is a madman, the first to praise Xiao Yaner.

"The girl is really awesome. Even the famous iceberg beauty has been pked by you!" Quiet just got off the stage and won the game.

"Looking at you being so happy, you must have won!" Xiao Yaner replied with a smile.

Nie Fan was waiting to speak, but the fat man's voice came from behind: "Yo, did the swallow win? And the opponent is the iceberg beauty of the temple?

Nie Fan had an inexplicable sadness in his heart, but he was really happy for Xiao Yaner.

He quietly looked at the fat man and said, "Yes, unlike you, it takes a long time to make a waste wood!"

The fat man actually deliberately teased the man just now, so he was later than Xiao Yaner, so when he heard the quiet words, he quickly explained.

At this time, Bange Ruomeng secretly said to Nie Fan, "You should be sad if you lose the beauty, right?"

Nie Fan sweated and whispered, "Don't talk nonsense, be careful that I hang you!"

"Yo, I haven't seen you steal my lines for a few days?" Ban Ge Ruomeng glanced at Nie Fan and said, "Ok, I won't talk to you anymore. It's time for me to go on stage again."

After saying that, he turned around and wanted to leave.

"Have you also participated in the competition?" Nie Fan asked.

"Nonsense!" Half of the song Ruomeng turned around and rolled his eyes.

"Good luck!"

"This is also nonsense!"

Nie Fan was speechless.

"What, your dream lover has left?" He asked with a quiet smile, and the others also looked at Nie Fan with a smile.

Nie Fan looked disgled and said, "What a dream lover, don't talk nonsense!"

"Is that the lover?" The fat man smiled obscenely.

"Get out of here and watch the game. Xiaoyu is still fighting!" After a pause, Nie Fan continued, "It was said that Xiao Yaner's suspense was the greatest, but now it seems that Xiaoyu has met a dark horse. The two of them have fought for so long without winning or losing, and they are both assassins!"

So everyone's eyes gathered on the only remaining video.

Just as Nie Fan was secretly happy, the fat man stared at the video and said, "Don't think this can attract all our eyes to this video. We are also very concerned about your love life, so you guys hurry up and take action when it's time to take action, otherwise the girls now are more popular. If she is robbed one day You boy will regret it!"

Everyone else stared at the video, but their heads clicked and said 'um' one after another.

Nie Fan is speechless.

In the picture, Xiao Yu is fighting with a man who is also an assassin, as well as a series of moves, skills and other things that can be fought. Sparks are splashed and the movements are gorgeous, making the cheers of the stage endless, while Nie Fan and others are holding a heart.

"Who is this person? Why haven't you seen him before? So awesome!" The madman couldn't help sighing.

"It should be a newcomer. Like me, they are the best among the newcomers!" Duan Xiaoyu didn't forget to boast.

"Cut!" The madman doesn't think so.

In the picture, the two continued to fight, and the body method and operation seemed to be inseparable. Finally, Xiao Yu relied on the small advantage of the equipment and took more than ten minutes to cut his opponent to death.

And Nie Fan and others under the stage have all finished more than two games. Nie Fan is the fastest and has left the stage again, so he has one more than everyone else.

As soon as Nie Fan got off the stage, Xiao Yu got off the stage. Nie Fan sighed because he didn't see his solution.

"Don't sigh. The ending was a tragic victory, and I almost died. We ended the battle one by one. It's nothing**." Xiao Yu smiled bitterly and frowned again, "And I always have a feeling that I have seen that person before, and I'm a little familiar!"

Everyone is puzzled and familiar? Who would that be?