Online game mustard

Chapter 224 Resentment

Since the veteran novice came out of Nushui City with Xuelian, no one has seen him again.

And no one could contact him, because after he was killed by Xuelian, he deleted all his friends, just like the world evaporated, and the veteran novice disappeared.

"I'm completely disappointed with the brand. He's still too young." Xuanyuan Chiyou stood at the door of the council hall and said so.

He held the edge of the door in one hand and the first-hand message from the territory in the other. After reading it carefully, Xuanyuan Chiyou turned around and walked back to the conference table in the council hall.

In fact, Xuanyuan Chiyou has secretly formed another mercenary regiment. He doesn't have any selfishness in it without telling everyone. The main reason is that he wants to treat this mercenary regiment as an ambush, and if he uses it well, he will have a surprising effect of victory, just like now.

When the Pluto and those people joined the mercenary regiment before, Xuanyuan Chiyou did not intend to make this team public. After all, he didn't treat newcomers as trusted friends from the beginning. Moreover, the Pluto and the others showed some clues before. In Xuanyuan Chiyou's words, it was that the Pluto was too anxious.

The first show record was that the Pluto was eager to show his ability; after that, he was also a little anxious about the solicitation and infiltration of the regiment members; and in the later battle of the territorial guard battle, his loss was also a little unsatisfactory. After all, the ability he showed before was not so light that he did it at that time. Judging by reckless actions. All kinds of things are like sand in Xuanyuan Chiyou's eyes.

Sitting on a chair and burying his body in a soft bag, Xuanyuan is slightly tired: "Now I'm the leader again, and I have to lead the team. I'm really tired. Fortunately, Xiaoying can also help share the worries, otherwise, I really can't stand it.

After saying that, Xuanyuan Chiyou planned to take a break compared with his eyes, and then went to practice and brush FB.

Speaking of which, Nu Zhan has been a little depressed recently. Didn't he just become the head of the "Xiaoyao Divine Realm" mercenary regiment? What can make his glorious leader depressed?

It's like this. Only two days after the angry and stable life, the veteran novice came to him and said that he wanted him to dissolve the "Happy Divine Realm" mercenary regiment, otherwise he would come to make trouble every day.

As soon as he heard this, he was almost laughed to death. He couldn't help laughing and said viciously, "What? What can you do with your group of soldiers?

"It's not us, it's me!" The veteran novice told a serious joke.

Angu Zhan smiled undisguisedly this time, "You all pose any threat to us when you come here. You are not enough to stuff our teeth alone. Is it possible that you are going to make me laugh to death?"

The old novice didn't reply to his words and turned around and left.

After that, veteran novices have been coming to find faults when they practice.

I don't know what's going on? Old novices, like metatarsal maggots, always find a place for them to practice, and then launch suicide attacks on them. But with the help of an old novice, it is really not lethal at all. So he came to give away his head every time, and he returned to no use every time.

Although veteran novices always come to die again and again, he never brings anything, not even a life recovery potion. Therefore, they are very tired of the death behavior of veteran novices. After all, there are too many times, and it is the kind that can't explode...

Finally, once an old novice cut into the mage team in the back row of the enemy by relying on his blocking ability. After resisting several attacks, he launched a "reverse attack". The sudden and powerful outbreak of veteran novices made their treatment and another mage die on the spot.

His attack finally attracted the attention of Haha Daxian and adjusted the formation distribution and strategic policy to deal with veteran novices. Since then, although the veteran novice has not been successful, he has brought harassment to the team from time to time, which really annoys the anger.

Today, Nu Zhan led the team to prepare to brush the BOSS. If the veteran novice comes back to make trouble again, it will certainly cause some unnecessary trouble. Therefore, he arranged several secret whistles to stalk to prevent uninvited guests - veteran novices.

This old novice always appears like the ghost behind him when he is cold. If he hadn't known that this old novice was a shield, he would have really thought this guy was an assassin.

For good, the veteran novice did not show up today. BOSS's blood volume is not much, and it only takes a short time to take it down, so he was finally relieved. However, he was still worried that the old novice, who was like a ghost, would suddenly appear, so he let a few dark whistles withdraw and devote his combat energy to the battle with the boss, so as not to drag it for too long.

The boss they are facing today is a huge white bear, called Thunder Bear. The white bear is dressed in silver-gray armor, and the gems on the armor flow with different light, which is a good product at first glance. Through the battle with the Thunder Bear, they knew that the boss was not only high in physical defense, but also in magic defense.

Thunder War Bear has fought with their "Happy Divine Realm" for more than 300 rounds, and now he is exhausted and his morale is low. Therefore, the Thunder Bear spent all his mind on the enemies in front of him, and did not find a person standing on the leafy tree not far away, and the man's eyes were observing their every move through the cracks between the leaves.

This man is an old novice who has been angrily prevented for a long time. In fact, he had already received the news that he came to this tree before the boss refreshed. Not to mention that after standing for so long, the legs are not ordinary numb. The veteran novice thought several times that he might not be able to stand down. Fortunately, in the end, he won by willpower, which has persisted until now.

Angrily cut and adjusted the dark whistle back. This is a good time. The veteran novice originally planned to hit the treatment directly with the "Meteor Drop", but now his feet are paralyzed and he really can't do it. So he retreated and sought secondly. First, he jumped off the big tree and used the bushes under the tree to hide his body.

Hearing the "ty" sound behind him, the new pastor of the "Happy Divine Realm" mercenary Regiment "I bought a watch last year" looked back vigilantly and found that there was nothing abnormal before turning to concentrate on blood.

In the bushes, the old novice breathed gently, and then carefully pinched his paralyzed legs that could not stand up.

It was not easy to keep the blood on his legs unimpeded. The veteran novice knows that everything is ready. The script is already available, and it depends on how the actor plays it.

Old novices know that this is a crucial juncture for them to play BOSS. As long as they are careful, they will not expose their goals. So he tiptoped from behind them.

Finally, the "Cousin" has entered the attack range of the veteran novice, but the veteran novice suddenly exerted his strength under his feet, and a "meteor pendant" came out.

After eating this inexplicable slam, "Cousin" panicked for a moment and only had time to let out a shock. The old novice seized the opportunity to bully him, and a set of combos came out, and the whole huge shield danced like a brick in his hand.

After a slap in the face, "Cousin" can no longer distinguish between the southeast and northwest.

Fortunately, the teammates around the "Cousin" rushed to help, which forced the veteran novice to be busy with the fight and unable to kill the "Cousin" under the shield.

Fortunately, the veteran novice is not alone. He has his own good helper.

Where is your good helper? Please look up at the Thunder Bear next to you.

Thunder War Bear saw someone coming to trouble his enemy. In line with the concept that the enemy of the enemy is a good friend, Thunder War Bear's morale suddenly rose a lot.

Angry Zhan was secretly shocked. The old novice behind him didn't know where to kill him at this critical moment, and the thunder bear in front of him didn't know what was like chicken blood and suddenly ran away. As the saying goes, there are strong enemies in the front and chasers behind them.

Never mind, first dispose of the old novice who is easy to kill, and then deal with the boss on this cutting board. Since he made up his mind, Nu Zhan immediately issued an order, "Kill him first, and then take care of the boss."

Although the situation of "Cousin" is not bad, the old novice is still reluctant to chase him and never give him a chance to breathe.

In the face of the concentrated attack of the people in the "free divine realm", the veteran novice is not afraid of danger. He has practiced this situation many times before, which can be regarded as being familiar with. He opened the combination shield, turned his hands up and down, left and left, and opened the attack of all kinds of magic balls and arrows, but his feet were not slow, approaching his "Cousin step by step".

"Cousin" did not dare to be careless, and did not even dare to throw a "sacred blow" to the veteran novice in the gap, just ran for his life.

The veteran novice seized an opportunity, dragged down the "Cousin" with "sarcasm", and caught up with him again.

"Cousin" is not a Jiashi. He was beaten down by the veteran novice for so many times, and his blood volume was in danger. He quickly carried the beating of the veteran novice and brushed his blood volume.

"Ah!" At this moment, there was a terrible scream behind his cousin.

With no "Cousin"'s treatment support, the front is OT.

The veteran novice knew that it was time to retreat, so he gave the Thunder Bear a "you know" look, and then opened the fierce attacks that kept pouring around him again, and then exerted his strength under his feet, and a "meteor drop" distanced the enemy.

Seeing that the old novice was about to run away, everyone caught up with him. You should know that the current "free divine realm" is not a good stubble, but they are all the previous team members who were killed angrily, so they are all ruthless masters.

"Cousin" also followed. The old novice just forced him back to come back to resurrect. How can his face hang without revenge?

Who knows, a huge force came from behind, "Cousin" was suddenly lifted off, and a dog ate shit and fell at the feet of an old novice.

"Didn't you just be photographed to death?" The veteran novice smiled harmlessly and said, "But this is also good. I can do it myself."

Then, my cousin saw a shield hit his face from the top and bottom. The "Cousin"'s feet fluttered, and there was no movement, and he couldn't die any more.