Online game mustard

Chapter 243 Caught in the Wolf Swarm

Facing the doubtful eyes of the old novice and Xuelian, the middle-aged man said in unskilled language, "Well, in fact, I'm not a human."

Hearing this, the veteran novice and Xuelian touched their weapons together for a while.

Seeing that they were extremely vigilant, the middle-aged man quickly explained, "I didn't mean what you think, but I can't be regarded as a human."

"What do you mean?" The veteran novice asked, but when he asked, the hand on the shield did not let go.

Middle-aged people's eyes look upward, which is an action that most humans only do when they recall, and then he said, "My name is... Night. In your words, it should be the name. I'm a wolf demon with some cultivation.

"If it's just some cultivation, it must not turn into a human appearance, right?" In this game time, veteran novices have really seen human-like monsters. Most of them are monsters that retain the monster's appearance, so he doubts the words of the person in front of him.

"Indeed, you're right." Night did not refute the words of veteran novices, "I was cursed by the elders in the ethnic group with magic because of some things, so I became what I am now."

The mood at night looked a little low, and he then said, "After becoming like this, my body feels so weak that I can't even catch birds and beasts to eat. So I hope you can help me find a way to break the curse.

"What do you think?" Before answering the question of night, the veteran novice first consulted Xuelian's opinion.

"How about what?" Xuelian has been following the team to do tasks and brush FB, so she has never encountered such a situation, so she doesn't know what to do?

The old novice looked at her blankly and explained, "This is a random task, probably the only one. Sometimes it's easy, but the rewards are very ordinary. Sometimes the rewards are super rich, but the difficulty is not easy to complete.

"So that's it. Do you mean to ask me if I can answer it?"

The veteran novice nodded, and Xuelian said, "Take it. Anyway, there is no loss. At most, delete the task if you can't do it."

The veteran novice smiled and said, "Actually, that's what I mean. Since you don't object, we'll take it."

Why do you say that? Because the tasks taken in the team state are shared by the whole team.

Since I understood the meaning of Xuelian, the veteran novice turned his head and said at night, "Your experience is indeed worthy of sympathy, so we decided to help you. But what should we do? We have no clue at all."

Hearing that the veteran novices were willing to help themselves, the night was overjoyed and said, "That's great! Come with me and I'll make it clear to you along the way.

In this way, the veteran novice and Xuelian followed the night outside the Nushui City outside the ruins far away from the town.

The night walked ahead and took the veteran novices to the root of an inconspicuous wall. He turned around and said behind him, "I can only come here. If they see me, I don't think my end will be much better. I'll ask you to do the next thing."

The veteran novice nodded and saw the night fleeing in a hurry, he poked his head to peep at the back of the wall.

If you agree, since it is a nest, there will naturally be guards. The veteran novice paid attention to the distribution of troops. There are not many troops on the outside, but there are many magic wolves on the inside. Obviously, it is not something that the two of them can deal with.

After reading the situation, the veteran novice leaned against the wall to think about whether there was a way to deal with it.

Xuelian leaned over and asked, "How's it going?"

"There are a lot of troops. It seems that we can only try to draw them out in batches and break them one by one." With that, the veteran novice looked at Xuelian.

"What do you think I do?" Xuelian asked puzzled.

"I want to let you get weird. My hands are short and easy to be found. At that time, it will be troublesome to pull more monsters. After saying that, the old novice smiled awkwardly. Obviously, he also felt that it was a little unkind to let the lady do the rough work.

Xuelian looked at his bird and said with a cheerful smile, "I still think why? I'll come here to show you my skills."

After saying that, Xuelian picked up her harp and went out.

The veteran novice was not idle. He looked around for fear that Xuelian would alarm other targets.

Xuelian stood in a good position, with her slender plain hand gently playing with the strings, and the strings gently vibrated and made a few crisp sounds. The veteran novice looked at her back and was stunned for a moment.

A demon wolf guard who was yawning was hit on the head by a note and suddenly lost sleepiness. He turned his head and found that Xuelian was making a second attack on him.

"" He seemed to be warning his partner, and then the two wolves shot like arrows.

She rarely faced the impact of monsters at close range. Xuelian couldn't help but be shocked. Fortunately, when she was in a daze, the veteran novice pulled her behind her as soon as possible.

The knives of the two magic wolves were slammed down, but they were caught on both sides by the old novice and could not hurt him at all.

"Recede." After saying that, the veteran novice retreated while dealing with the attack of the demon wolf. After all, it is too close to the wolf's nest. He did this to not attract the attention of other wolves.

Xuelian has fought a lot of battles, so as soon as he opened his mouth, Xuelian knew what he meant. After pulling away to a certain distance, Xuelian launched an attack.

Soon, with the cooperation of the two, the two wolves fell at the feet of the veteran novice.

"There is no pressure at all." The veteran novice turned his head and smiled, and the two magic wolves seemed to him to be just a warm-up exercise.

Seeing that he was proud, Xuelian couldn't help making fun of him, "I hope you can still say so after it's done."

Thinking of the grand event in the magic wolf's nest just now, the veteran novice couldn't help shivering. Even if things went well, he had to play softly.

Looking at his embarrassment, Xuelian couldn't help laughing and said, "What's wrong? How long do you want to stay here? Let's go.

Old novices keep up quickly. Soon, they killed two more groups of magic wolves and were not embarrassed by the "pressure-free" big words of veteran novices. Xuelian deliberately attracted two more at a time. Fortunately, veteran novices still have some ability to deal with it easily every time.

Just as Xuelian attracted four magic wolves and was about to return, the old novice was stunned. Why? Because he found a team of devil wolf soldiers at the root of the wall on the other side. Shit, there used to be patrols, but this time it's a big game.

"Run!" Hearing the eager shout of the veteran novice, Xuelian immediately ran away. She knew that there must be a difficult situation behind her without looking back.

Although Xuelian's reaction was very timely, the appearance of the magic wolf patrol was completely unexpected, so when the veteran novice found them, they had quietly approached. Therefore, although Xuelian was running away with all her strength, she could still feel that the distance between the wolf and her was slowly shortening.

The veteran novice looked back step by step and found that Xuelian's situation was becoming more and more critical. As a Jiashi, he has only one mind now, that is, to stand up the gun.

He stopped his running body with force under his feet, and then a "meteor fell" into the strange group.

The magic wolf was shocked by him, but soon they reacted, and the weapons in their hands kept greeting the old novices.

Although such a battle is a little scary, veteran novices have seen more terrible battles before, so he is not scared. He just clenched his teeth, and then defended with one hand, and the other hand saw the opportunity to hit it with a shield.

The ancients did not bully me, and their fists were difficult to beat four hands. What's more, with so many hands around here, the old novices didn't know how many attacks they had taken in one minute.

Xuelian couldn't help bursting into tears in her eyes. How she hoped that she would be a mage and have enough firepower and range to attack, so that she could quickly relieve the old novice. However, she is not. She can only rely on the insignificant single attack to continue to output. Seeing that the blood volume of the veteran novice is in crisis, she added a "Glorious Ode" to him in time.

The short soldiers are the most exciting. The pain caused by weapons hitting the body makes the nerves of veteran novices tighten, which also makes his defense the highest efficiency.

The frequent blocks make the magic wolf soldiers a little dumbfounded. This guy is really difficult to gnaw. Why not...

Thinking of this, they turned their heads and saw Xuelian.

Suddenly, I realized that the intensity of the attack was weakening, and the veteran novice immediately noticed something wrong. He looked up and saw several wolf rangers who were planning to kill Xuelian.

The veteran novice opened a few remnants around him and shouted, "Beast, let go of that girl! Let me do it!"

The effect of "group ridicule" is significant. The tourists who originally planned to attack Xuelian seemed to have received a great insult and turned around and killed them back at the same time.

Looking at such a strange scene, although she was still in danger, Xuelian couldn't help laughing.

"Ha ha" fell into the ears of an old novice, like the sound of nature. How touching this beautiful smile is. In order not to let this smile disappear, the veteran novice burst into unprecedented combat power.

Starting with a "fighting star shift", the veteran novice opened the encirclement, and then he hit the corner of the encirclement with another "meteor fall", and then recognized a magic wolf ranger and launched a set of fierce blows.

This time, the veteran novice reflects the conditions necessary for the battle, that is, fast, accurate and fierce. He caught a magic wolf's neck and smashed it on his face with a shield. It was not until he died that the veteran novice threw him at his feet and then stared at the magic wolf next to him.

The magic wolf around was stunned by the behavior of the veteran novice. He wanted to attack it in a group, but accidentally became the target of an old novice. The role of the previous car is huge, so the magic wolves hesitated not to come forward for a while, which gave the old novices a little breather.