Online game mustard

Chapter 251 Please enter the urn

The city is broken, and the Pluto's mood is indescribable at this time. The veterans' reinforcements have not yet come. If they enter at this time, the place will change hands immediately.

"Kill! It's all my life. Time doesn't wait for me."

In fact, there is no need to greet the Pluto, and his guys also know that it's time to capture this place. It's just that they suddenly stopped after running a few steps. Why is this?

Because they all received a message at this time, "'Tingfeng Mingyue' is declaring war on the station of 'Xiaoyao Divine Realm'. Is it now transmitted to Beidun Village for support?"

"Isn't it? Are these guys playing this at this time? Aren't they going to take this station?" Listening to Feng Mingyue's behavior made the Pluto a little confused. If they come to support now, they may still be able to protect the "Butterfly Valley", but they did not do so, but rushed a long distance to attack the "free divine realm" separated by a village. What are they going to do?

It's just that this information has no deterrent power, but arouses the ferocity of the "free divine realm" people. End the battle quickly and then come back to defense.

Although the Pluto also planned to do so, he still left a hand and first sent a message to Anzhan and asked for support.

When the Pluto also followed into the East Gate, the veteran novices were forced to the corner of the wall by the Pluto's men. The Pluto only glanced at the veteran novices and left a sentence, "Kill, and then follow up, quickly."

Paixi was about to take action when she heard the words, but found two dark shadows jumping high on the wall.

is the right path and the eagle in the world. A "meteor fall" hit the most dense place in the crowd. The eagles in the crowd took the opportunity to kill, and all kinds of screams came one after another.

Hearing a burst of exclamation behind him, the Pluto was about to turn around, only to find that a large wave of ambush suddenly appeared in the alley in front of him.

Until this time, the Pluto finally figured out what was going on. There is really a plan. In fact, they have been lurking in the city for a long time, but they don't defend together. Instead, they first used the old novices as bait to delay the time and lure the enemy deep; then applied for a declaration of war to pave the way for the subsequent strategy; then destroyed our regiment, and then took advantage of the period when they could not enter the battle after their resurrection to attack the "free divine realm", even if they could come to help, it was also What happened after they took the "free divine realm".

What a heavy trick. This plan must have come from Xuanyuan Chiyou. The Pluto beat his chest and stopped his feet, but at this time he was powerless to return to heaven. His guesses are right, but he guessed wrongly that the person who made this plan is the perfect angel. You should know that sometimes women are more than men... You know.

With the addition of the little eagle and the cooperation of the team led by the Perfect Angel, Pluto's plan this time is doomed to go bankrupt.

Fortunately, he is also a man who can afford to let go, so without thinking about it, he ordered the people under his opponent, "How many can you run?"

"Where do you want to go?" After that, several of them blocked the door all of a sudden.

The Pluto laughed angrily, "How many of you?" He was probably stunned. He just blocked the "Happy Divine Realm" at the door with the control of them.

The veteran novice did not answer. He took a step forward and included his teammates behind him into the defense circle.

"Kill!" The Pluto took the lead this time, and the long knife in his hand collided with the shield of the veteran novice.

"Get rid of them quickly, so as not to have more dreams at night. And we are going to help Lao Xuan and others. With the words of the perfect angel, everyone gradually narrowed the encirclement and further encroached on the defense circle of the "free divine realm".

Just as the emperor thought it was the end of the road, an unexpected voice sounded in his ear. Boss, this way, hurry up!"

Following the reputation, the Pluto found several of their " cousins". At the beginning of the siege, they were sent to two other doors by the Pluto because they could not fight close to the front.

The perfect angel didn't want to cook them, but they let them go for fear of frightening the snake. Unexpectedly, this time became a turning point for the Pluto and their surrevive.

The voice of "Cousin" is like the sound of nature in the ears of the Pluto. As long as the dying person has a life-saving straw, he will grasp it tightly, not to mention such a big hemp rope. Hurry up! Break through in their direction!"

Before the Pluto's words fell, his men automatically acted spontaneously. At this time, the orders he issued were futile, and no one would be stupid enough to wait for him to speak before acting.

The slower one was soon beheaded by the people of "Butterfly Valley". The perfect angel held her forehead with one hand and seemed to be quite annoyed by her own mistakes.

The veteran novice also wanted to keep up quickly, but he didn't want his sleeve to be pulled by the over. "Keep up, hurry up!"

Suddenly, the old novice suddenly became enlightened, slapped him on the back of the head, and then followed closely.

The little eagle fell with a knife in the enemy group and took many heads at once. The people of the "free divine realm" fled for their lives one by one, and no one intended to lend a helping hand to the teammates around him who had been killed.

When he chased closely to the north gate, Xiaoying suddenly found that many of the Pluto and many others were crowded at the gate, and he quickly knew what had happened. It turned out that they had taken a detour from the East Gate and blocked in front of them.

Although a few have run away, the cat-and-mouse farce is finally come to an end.

The tired Pluto really didn't plan to run away this time. He thought there was hope, but he was more disappointed. Since we can't run away, let's fight and kill one more.

After the sinking of the boat, the fighting spirit of his team members was aroused instead. Xiaoying looked at it and felt a little hairy, but she chased it too quickly. For a moment, she couldn't stop the car and plunged into the enemy group.

Seeing that many swords were about to be added, the little eagle gritted its teeth and tried to carry it hard, but it did not wait for the enemy's attack. It turned out that a "meteor fall" hit the enemy group.

Of course, Xiaoying will not miss such a good opportunity. He waved his knife to understand a mage beside him, and then a whirlwind cut out of the enemy group.

The people of the "Xiaoyao Divine Realm" are red-eyed. They don't care whether the person around them is a eagle or the right path in the world. Anyway, the guy who catches him will just greet him.

Soon, the perfect angel brought people to follow. In less than half a minute, the battlefield was clean and slippery.

Guo Er came over and said depressedly, "As a result, I still walked a few. I'm unwilling."

"It's not bad, and I'm quite satisfied with this result. Anyway, I just ran a few, and it won't be a big climate. Let's go. After saying that, the perfect angel was ready to leave the stronghold.

"Huh? Where are you going? He was obviously a little confused. After all, what happened just now was relatively urgent, and the perfect angel didn't have time to tell them the beginning and end of the matter.

"...That's it, so we're going to help now, and they must also ask them for help." After saying this, I finally figured out what happened.

"Let's go." The old novice fucks the guy and goes away.

Xiaoying followed and muttered in a low voice, "I really hope it doesn't help."

"Eh?" Just as I wanted to say something, I suddenly understood the meaning of Xiaoying's words and stopped.

In the stronghold of "Happy Divine Realm", Xuanyuan Chiyou came under the city gate and only glanced at it, and he smiled. The time is so good that the people of the "Happy Divine Realm" are being dragged by the perfect angels and can't get rid of it. At this time, there is only one empty city left here.

With just a wave of his hand, a group of Jiashi pushed the siege equipment forward, and took three or two efforts to remove the two sides of the city gates. The army like a wolf and a tiger** goes straight to the yellow dragon.

When I came to the square in the city, I had a few enemies who had just transmitted, but they were all killed on the spot. Until he arrived at the city master's mansion, Xuanyuan Chiyou could not see any decent offensive.

Only one foot stepped into the scope of the city lord's mansion, and Xuanyuan found that it was inappropriate. Many enemies appeared behind them out of thin air, and there was no sign before they appeared.

I just invited the Pluto to the urn, but I didn't expect that I was invited to the urn now. Xuanyuan Chiyou laughed at himself and looked at the enemy who surrounded him.

"Ha ha, I didn't expect it." Hearing this sound, Xuanyuan Chiyou turned his head and saw that it was angrily. He came forward surrounded by a group of men.

"Well done, but I don't understand. Can you explain it?" Xuanyuan Chiyou put on a smiling face. Of course, he didn't expect Angry Zhan to tell him.

The two sides were tense and ready to fight, but at this time, he waved his hand and stopped his men's movements. "No, after all, maybe this move will be useful next time."

"Ha ha, I think so." As soon as Xuanyuan Chiyou finished speaking, he bent his bow and arrow and went straight to shoot angrily.

There was another person who shot at the same time. The man turned into a white shadow and shot out of the crowd, which was half slower than Xuanyuan Chi.

Seeing someone charging towards their own camp, Furzhan's men subconsciously launched an attack on him first, but there were not many attacks that could be hit.

At this time, they thought that the man should be the prodigal son, so they all turned the target of the attack to others. The two sides have played against each other many times, and they are familiar with the lineup of both sides.

Originally, the team before the wrath was forced to be disbanded by the previous "free divine realm", but he was immortal and has been secretly cultivating power. One is to let Longkui and others connect with Haha Daxian and form the "Longyuan Pavilion", and the other is to let the undercover "Xiaoyao Divine Realm". Of course, taking the "free divine realm" is obviously an unexpected joy and is not included in the plan of anger. Later, after the "Xiaoyao Divine Realm" was dispersed, he raised the flag again and formed the current "evil forces".