Zero point of online games

Chapter 18 The Taoist temple like a market! Misunderstanding? Next

Chapter 18 Taoism like a market! Misunderstanding? ( Next)

When the female official heard Tianya say that he was going to sleep, she thought he was going to be with her. Suddenly, two blushes rose from their cheeks, and then they were divided into two ways, burning all the way to the ears and all the way to the neck.

In an hour, there was a dripping sound from the East Temple. It turned out that Tianya didn't feel it when he just said it. But as soon as he said it, he realized and had an idea in his mind, "This is going to happen!"

But what made him unreactible was that the female official didn't seem to be angry and seemed to be shy. This made the heart suddenly rise, and the saliva naturally flowed out.

Although this is the case, it not only did not eliminate his vigilance, but also raised his vigilance! It's not easy to get rid of the root of the disease from childhood (accustomed to being cheated like this by women)!

Although his vigilance has increased, he is still a man's natural reaction. So Hala also came to make a guest appearance in a trick of dripping stone!

The female official was full of joy when she saw Tianya flowing because of herself. Because every female officer and player are fixed, once players don't play female officials, they will only be deleted.

If you have good grades, you still have the opportunity to "bring up an old man" or something, but if there are no results, there is only one result - file deletion.

Each of them comes out with at least primary human intelligence (5 to 11 years old), and some of them meet the adult standard (this part refers to intelligence in a certain aspect, and it is random).

And this also causes a complicated relationship between players and female officials. Some have a similar relationship to a couple (not only ♀-♂, but also ♀-♀), some are pure friendship, some are the kind of game NPC and player, and some are similar to enemies (this kind of relationship is recommended that you do this In this way, female officials have the right to block 20% of the content, no matter what kind of information, so they don't know how to die!).

And female officials generally take the initiative to contact players. After all, their achievements come from players' achievements, and the higher the player's achievements, the more rewards they will receive.

"Tianya! You mean you want to rest here for a while? The female official still said to Tianya in that powerful tone.

When Tianya heard this sound again, he woke up from the shutdown state, and Tianya answered directly for his face:

"Yes! Is there anything inconvenient? If so, then there is no need. I'll find my own place and take a break. Huh?"

When the female official heard Tianya's words, the blush on her face also aggravated a little. So that she said to the end of the world in a daze:

"Well! All right! You, you and me, I'll do it!" After saying that, she walked to the side, and her two jade hands kept stirring and playing with the corners of her clothes. She looked very cute!

I laughed when I saw such a lovely side of the female official, "Hahaha! Hahaha!" PS: Shit! You, this is so inhumane! How old are you? Inhumane. Pay attention to the part! In front!)

Hearing Tianya's laughter, the female official accelerated her pace of walking, and her heart jumped like a deer.

This abnormally affects the thinking of the female official, making it impossible for her to think normally at all. The previous sentence was said in this case.

After a while, the two of them came to a room. The door was obviously feminine, and the hall passed in front of them was also feminine.

Until now, Tianya finally understood the reason why the female official was like that!

Tianya really has an impulse to slap himself in the face. I thought, 'The first time, it's not the second time I've seen someone, and I'm going to sleep in someone else's boudoir! Although, without knowing it! Shit! When did I become so obsmbe? Thinking about it, Tianya couldn't help but really slap himself in the face.

Suddenly, a "pop" resounded through the world. The main reason is that it is too quiet here!)

At this time, the female official saw Tianya slapped himself in the face, and she couldn't figure out the situation at all.

So, it was a little strange to tilt her little head and pouted her little mouth (the reason why it was strange was that she was currently only 12 years old) and asked, "Tianya! What's wrong with you? What's the matter?"

Tianya also said awkwardly at this time, "Uh! I'm fine. What can I do? It's okay!"

Ha ha! Up to now, he still thinks that the female official is like a normal adult. So...

Although the female official just looked very cute. However, Tianya is so embarrassed now that he doesn't notice the movements and expressions of the female official at all. Otherwise...

"Oh! Is that right? That's it! Aren't you going to sleep?" The female official suddenly changed the topic.

"Yes! Why don't you sleep! Er, this, I, er, this." Tianya didn't answer when he heard the female official's question, but before he finished speaking, he suddenly remembered that this matter was wrong! But it can't be explained anymore. Because...

At this time, the female official became serious and said, "Oh! I know, then you come in! Hurry up!"

When the female official saw that she didn't want to move at all, she quickly ran to the back of Tianya and pushed him in.

Seeing that the female official finished talking seriously and pushed him into the room (when the female official completed two tasks in Tianya, she drew low-level emotions and low-level mischief respectively, so...), Tianya said with an unbelievable face, "You, you, how can you do this? What the hell are you?"

"Oh! What's wrong with me? I'm fine! I'm fine. It's not your business, is it? Ha ha!" The female official said with a smile on her face and finally laughed.

Tianya knew that he couldn't ask at all when he saw the appearance of the female official. So, I had no choice but to say, "Okay! OK! No, I'm going to bed.

After saying that, Tianya instinctively took a few steps forward. At this time, he suddenly reacted and quickly retreated four or five steps, sweating coldly above his head.

At this time, the female official said to Tianya with some laughter: "What! Don't you come in?"

"No! I still have something important to do, so I'll go first." Tianya said he was about to walk outside, when the door suddenly closed. I almost caught Tianya's nose.

Son of a sudden, Tianya turned around angrily. When he was about to speak, he suddenly saw a picture that made him immortal for the rest of his life.



Tianya's tears couldn't help flowing out of his eyes at this moment, and he couldn't help muttering "Ling'er".

"Wind! Are you all right?" On the opposite side of Tianya, a beautiful woman and Tianya are full of tears and muttering like Tianya.

It turned out that when Tianya was walking out of the hall, a golden light suddenly fell in the female official's boudoir, and a beautiful shadow came out of the golden light.

The first thing after this shadow came out of the golden light was to wave in the direction of Tianya, and then the door of the female official's boudoir closed with a "bang". Everything will be known in the future...

——cheng—— Promise——fen——ge——xian——————————————

The next day, 9 o'clock on October 2nd. Zero point

"Uh-huh!" Tianya made a humk sound in his mouth, and his hands came down from **. Then, Tianya rubbed his temples with a little soreness. Suddenly, Tianya's eyes emitted a ray of light, but Tianya himself did not find it.

At this time, Tianya turned around to look at ** (don't misunderstand that nothing happened last night!) and found that Linger was gone.

He couldn't help shaking his head and wryly, "Ha ha! Yes! Others also have jobs, and it's time for me to complete my task! Alas!" After saying that, I couldn't help sighing.

Tianya sat on ** and lifted up slightly at the corners of his mouth, which showed that he was in a very comfortable mood.

After sitting in ** for a few minutes, Tianya clapped his hands and walked outside the house. He did not find a shadow standing less than two meters behind him. Some things are really strange!

Returning to the temple hall, Tianya said to the female officer with a smile, "Send me back to Yaoshan City!"

The female official said, "Okay! It will be ready soon."

Sure enough, less than two seconds after the female official's words, Tianya was dark in front of him. With a "sw" sound, Tianya returned to the wing of Qingyunzong.

But at this time, his mood became a little depressed. Because there is still an old way outside that needs to be settled, but he really hasn't come up with any suitable solution to this problem now! So, he is very nerve-racking to figure it out now!