Zero point of online games

Chapter 39 Misty Forest 3

Chapter 39 Misty Forest (3)

Tianya heard the prompt sound from the system again.

"Congratulations to the player team you led to successfully kill the elite crescent black bear and gain a total of 15,000 points of experience. Your contribution value is 98.62%, but due to the opening of the captain mode, you will get 60% of the total experience, and because you get 50% experience bonus from killing monsters at level 5, a total of 13500 experience points.

When Tianya saw that his experience bar had only risen by about 0.3%, he couldn't help smiling bitterly on his face and thought, 'Alas! More than 10,000 experience has only increased by three thousand. It's too difficult to upgrade to the next level! However, the experience value of that Xuantie-level BOSS is really a lot, which has risen by 41%! Thinking of this, he couldn't help laughing.

At this time, the four girls of Xiaoxiao, who had run away, came to Tianya and saw Tianya standing alone in front of the body of the crescent black bear and giggle. Xiaoxiao's four women thought that the black bear had burst into something good. They quickly accelerated their pace and walked to Tianya, but when they came to Tianya, they found that Tianya had nothing on the ground at all, and Tianya had nothing in his hands. The four wondered why Tianya was in a daze.

Xiaoxiao suddenly remembered that what her sister Xiaolan told her about Tianya likes to do something wrong, which is that she was suddenly dumbfounded. Thinking of this, Xiaoxiao stepped on Tianya's feet.

Sensually, Tianya was awakened by the pain from his feet. When Tianya came to his senses, he saw the four girls of Xiaoxiao looking at him one by one. Tianya couldn't help touching his face and said:

"Why do you all look at me with this expression? What's the matter? Is there something on my face?

yueMM said with a smile, "Oh! Nothing! Nothing! Ha ha!"

It's also a headache to see their consistent expressions! At this time, Tianya had to say this:

"Good! Forget it. Anyway, I don't have any loss! But don't bother me if you have anything, you know!"

After saying that, Tianya silently used the collection technique against the bear corpse. This time, another piece of fur plus two bear paws and a few pieces of bear meat, which is also a small harvest!

Tianya fell down to touch the things under the belly of the bear's corpse. This time, Tianya was not so lucky. He just took out a few silver coins from the belly of the bear's body. Tianya straightened up and shook his head in disappointment and put a few silver coins in his hand into his backpack.

"Okay! Let's continue to work. Let's go!"


"Let's talk about the current level and the specific situation of that skill!"

When Tianya asked them about their current situation, Yue MM stood up and said:

"Tianya! What's wrong with you to ask about this?"

Tianya's head almost sank to the ground when he heard Yue MM's reply, thinking, 'What are these?' Why does it become as if I have a conspiracy as soon as I speak! '. Thinking of this, he could only say angrily:

"Month! Now I seriously warn you once not to misinterpret the meaning of what others say, you know? You remember it for me!"

At the beginning, Tianya still spoke in a very kind tone, but when he saw Yue MM's smiling faces, he immediately changed his tone into a serious face and finished speaking.

And Yue MM and others really didn't pay attention to Tianya's words at the beginning, so they laughed and scolded there. But what they didn't expect was that Tianya was really here this time, which scared the four people of Yue MM.

When Tianya saw the four people who were scared by him with dementia, Tianya couldn't help laughing and said, 'Hum! This is the punishment for you all to raise your tails to the sky just now! This also made him feel that his superior breath did not disappear.

"Please, don't do this. Hurry up and tell me the situation so that I can make policies!"

After saying that, Tianya went over and gently touched Xiaoxiao, who was still in a state of surprise. Xiaoxiao seemed to feel the touch of Tianya, and her body trembled gently and her eyes returned to the brilliance of the past. Seeing Tianya standing in front of him, Xiaoxiao asked confusedly:

"What can I do for you? Why are you looking at me with this expression?"

"Let's not talk about anything else, wake up your sisters quickly! Look at their looks!"

Xiaoxiao remembered something when she heard Tianya's words, so she looked at Tianya with an "angry" face and said:

"Why were you so fierce before! Look at you who scared them! Humph!"

After saying that, Xiaoxiao came to the three women of Xingyue and Sun and shook their hands. Soon the eyes of the three women of Xingyue and Sun also regained their luster.

Seeing that all four of them recovered, they came forward and said:

"You guys will always talk about it this time! But it doesn't matter if you don't say it, but don't cry at me when it comes to the distribution of benefits. Will you come first?

What surprised Tianya was that he was the first to stand up this time and say that it was an ice MM who should look more indifferent. Bing MM still said to Tianya with that cold expression:

"Me! Sky Hunting level 19 69%, skill intermediate 35%, large amount is roughly like this!"

After saying that, Bing MM quickly returned to the middle of several women as if she had been frightened by something. It turned out that when Bing MM came out, she saw Tianya looking at her with a surprised face. Although she did not show anything on her face, her eyes were obviously a little confused, and even the last sentence made her a little knot. Although Tianya's eyes were not a wolf's eyes, at least it was an expression of looking at the monster, which made BingMM feel extremely uncomfortable, so she quickly returned to Xiaoxiao's three women as soon as she finished speaking.

At this time, Yue MM came forward and looked at Tianya with an idiotic expression and pushed Tianya with her hand and said in a very jokeful tone:

"Hey! Look again! If you look at it again, the eyeballs are about to fall off. Do you think so? Do you really feel the ice in our house? Do you need to set up a match for you two? Hee!"

Tianya heard that Yue MM joked so much that he originally wanted to say 'No! No! No! I don't have much interest in your Bingbing at present, but I'm very interested in you now. Why don't you follow me? But just as the words were about to slip out of his mouth, Tianya suddenly found that Xiaoxiao was looking at him with a vicious face. Xiaoxiao's eyes seem to be saying that if you dare to answer a word, I will never end with you. Looking at Tianya's heart was so cool, so Tianya had to say this:

"Moon! Don't talk nonsense there. Just talk about your attributes or something like that!"

"Hmm! Coward! All right! I, the monk 19-level 92%, the imperial sword intermediate 26%. That's all right!"

After saying that, Moon MM returned to the women with a disappointed face that the goal had not been achieved. Next, Xiaoxiao came over with a satisfied smile and said:

"Hehe! Brother-in-law! My attribute is level 20 19%, and that skill is only intermediate 2%. By the way, brother-in-law, how did you find this method?"

When Tianya heard Xiaoxiao's question, he wanted to be perfunctory, but when he saw that the three daughters of Xingyue and Sun also wanted to know, he had to be aggrieved. So Tianya said helplessly:

"Okay! Since you all want to know, take me and say a few words! Erhum! Well, it was impossible for me to find this problem in the novice village, but by chance, I ran from the novice village where I was born to the novice village where you were born. So..."

After listening to Tianya how he found this method, Houxing MM asked strangely:

"Tianya! That's not right! Doesn't this skill have no cooling time? But now why is there a few seconds of cooling time? Isn't this a decline in effect?

Tianya said with a smile on the expression that I had known you would ask:

"Hehe! You don't know anything about this! When I saw that this skill suddenly had a cooling time, I also thought that the effect had decreased, but on my later training road, I found that this skill was a gift from heaven! Because I found that the value of the yuan god it needs has not changed at all, and it is still so much! By the way, you haven't reported your attributes yet!"

Hearing such a statement from Tianya, everyone suddenly realized that there was also such a saying on it! Xing MM heard Tianya ask her to report her attributes before she came back from the suddenly enlightened expression and said:

"Me! 96% of ground students at level 18, and 2% of intermediate skills.

After listening to several women's attribute reports, Tianya himself felt good, so he said with a spring breeze:

"Hmm! They are all very good! Now it should be able to rank in the world 1000! But don't be happy too early. You should know that my left hand was only level 10 when he was accepted by me, but he is now level 21, and he is practicing alone, you know? Well, it's time for you to practice some skills to kill monsters. Follow me!"

After saying that, Tianya took the lead in walking forward, and Xiaoxiao's four women also followed Tianya and walked forward.


"Okay! We have arrived at this place, which is also what I accidentally found when I was causing strange things. This is the lowest level of monsters in this fog forest, only level 22-24. There should be no problem for you to kill four people together, but when you kill them smoothly, you have to slowly control the number of people. Lower it to kill! I heard it clearly. What's the matter with me? I'm right around here!"

After saying that, Tianya quickly left here when Xiaoxiao's four girls were still a little confused. Of course, the distance away would not be too far. After all, Tianya still had to ensure the safety of these MMs!

After Tianya walked for almost five minutes, several MMs woke up, so they wanted to bring Tianya back to M, but Tianya watched their every move less than 500 meters away from a few MM, so Tianya took the right of Xiaoxiao's four women. It is temporarily closed. As a result, Xiaoxiao's four women wanted M and he couldn't connect at all, and the four women are now a little confused, so they don't expect to look at it on the map. So the four of them sat on the ground together and didn't know what they were thinking.