Online game: God and Demon War

Chapter 042 Night Attack on the Enemy Camp [Fourth Update]

During the public beta, some players were killed and reborn and worked hard to revenge, but a few days later, they were as if they were destined. Every time they felt that they were almost ready to revenge, that person was always stronger than him, but he was killed and started again. Once or twice, the man saw that revenge became more and more desperate, so he deleted the number angrily and vowed never to play games again.

Seeing these players hesitate, an old man opened his dry mouth and smiled, and there was a trace of cunning in his eyes: "There is a collection of refining tips in the tribe. Although it is the most basic, it is also suitable for you to practice. If anyone can bring Tianwu Heixiong's head, I will lend him the refining formula for a few days.

Tianwu Heixiong is the witch old man of the Heifeng tribe.

For a while**, I haven't heard who knows the formula of refining. If you can get a book, even if you can't get it in the future, it's not good to switch to a full-time refiner.

At present, several players expressed their willingness to go. Chang Heng and Mr. Jian looked at each other, smiled and nodded to express their willingness to go. Someone took the lead, and the rest of the players were no longer reserved and nodded.

Naturally, players will not go with NPCs. About 20 players have made an appointment to go online collectively, so they find a place to go offline to solve all practical problems. Chang Heng told Zhu Rongman that he would practice and prepare for the sneak attack at night, and let Zhu Rongman help protect the law, and he would also go offline.

He took off his helmet, exhaled, waved his hand casually, and found that there was no witch power flow in his body. Chang Heng smiled dumbly and found that he had a tendency to fall into the game again. This fall is not addicted, but the game is inseparable from reality. Old-qualified professional players have this problem. After all, if you want to get along well in the game, you must devote yourself to it, and the consequence of doing so is to basically forget the reality.

Opening the stove, Chang Heng stir-fried two small dishes and made some beer. He was full of wine and rice. With a slight drunkenness, Chang Heng went online again.

Zhu Rongman is still loyal to his side. Seeing Zhu Rong's red eyes and the anger hidden under his calm appearance, Chang Heng opened his mouth to say something. Finally, he sighed, stretched out his hand and patted him on the shoulder, and said nothing. What Zhu Rongman needs now is not comfort, but venting. When he vents enough, he will calm down.

I have to say that the intelligence of the main brain of this game actually gives every character a certain amount of intelligence. No wonder the main brain of the game alone has consumed more than ten years of production and slow work.

Soon the sword prince also came online. The two of them, together with other players, waited until dark. When the witch warriors set out, a group of people also took advantage of the night to drive the patrol beasts to fly high and fly in the direction of the Black Wind tribe.

The breeze blew, the shadows of the trees shook, and the mountains and forests outlined gloomy ghosts in the moonlight. There was silence around. The Xiongling tribe and the Heifeng tribe fought for a few days. The strong murderous spirit shocked all the barbarian beasts around them. The roar of the beasts that usually howled at night disappeared. Only a few frightened nightbirds flew out from behind the trees and made a sharp and unpleasant scream.

Chang Heng and others soon came to a height of 10,000 meters above the Heifeng tribe. At this time, the supposedly quiet tribe was brightly lit, and there were bursts of noises. It can be seen that some strong women and some old children are wiping weapons, feeding wild beasts, and crying in a low voice. It was their own man who died in front of them.

The two sides fight, no matter who loses and wins in the end, there will always be sacrifices. It may be good for the development of the tribe, but it is unfortunate for the families in the tribe.

Reaching out to stop everyone's landing, Chang Heng's consciousness swept down and found that the whole black wind was shrouded in several extremely powerful gods. There are one in the four directions of east, west, north and south, and several strands are together in the middle, one of which is extremely strong and horizontal, one point higher than others. These gods joined hands to firmly block the whole Heifeng tribe. As long as they were willing, even a mosquito could tell whether it was a man or a woman.

Chang Heng's face was serious, and Mr. Jian smiled bitterly: "I'm not used to using divine consciousness yet."

Other players showed awkward smiles. Indeed, this is the first game to use divine consciousness. They are not used to it. If Chang Heng hadn't reminded him this time, there would have been no need to wait for them to go in to find the old man's place.

"What should we do?" A player asked.

"Wait for the NPC to go down first and lead them away." Chang Heng looked at the place where the witch warriors were. Obviously, they are also distressed by the tight blockade of each other's consciousness and looking for loopholes.

"If only it could be mixed in." A player said.

Mr. Jian shook his head: "Now that the two sides are fighting, they are extremely wary of people who are not of their own clan. If Tianwu's players can still sneak in, others will attack as soon as they see it, and they won't want to sneak in.

The battle here is not different from other games, as long as you touch it and kill the other party at night. Now they are all masters of flying and earth. As long as their strength is strong enough, a divine spirit can sweep out dozens or hundreds of miles. There is no special protection method. This kind of sneak attack is like a light bulb in the night, which is still bright.

When Changheng was discussing what to do, the witch warriors moved. At the same time, they took out a bone charm and crushed it, and a faint layer of blue light attached to them. At the same time, they rushed down.

"Hmm?" Chang Heng's eyes were surprised and uncertain. Even if he used his consciousness to sweep back and forth in that place, it was blank. If he hadn't seen clearly that these witch warriors still exist, he would have taken it as if there was nothing in that place.

"Daw, this kind of good thing is not even given to us. It seems that it is going to use us as cannon fodder." Some players found the problem and suddenly became extremely ugly.

These witch warriors passed through the place shrouded in divine consciousness and did not cause any fluctuations. I saw them make a turn and fly to the corner of the Black Wind Tribe. That's the one with the strongest consciousness in Changheng's feeling. Obviously, the altar and witches of the Heifeng tribe are all in that place.

"Let's go there and see if we can rush there in the chaos." Some players suggested.

"Wait a minute." Chang Heng waved his hand again to stop everyone's action, looked over one by one, and then said, "I think it's better to discuss how to distribute the trophy first."

Mr. Jian opened his mouth, looked left and right, then closed it and stopped talking. There is only one witch in the Black Wind tribe, and there is only one refining secret. If it succeeds, who will receive this reward?

Although Chang Heng proposed who the task reward should belong to before he started the task, it is a little too stingy, but this is the reality. After playing many games, they have seen less about the uneven distribution of equipment and hatred? In the last game, the conflict between Changheng and the Nalan family came from the issue of equipment distribution.

Chang Heng said such a sentence, all players were silent, and no one dared to say that it belongs to them. Chang Heng swept around, some people looked at him bravely, while some people's eyes flashed and lowered their heads.

"Since everyone has no good idea, I will propose a solution." Chang Heng flicked his finger. This time, it is counted as our team task. No matter who killed Tianwu Heixiong in the end and handed over the task, we must watch the refiner tips for everyone.

Everyone nodded and agreed, and Chang Heng added: "There is no doubt that this assassination will definitely kill people, but I don't know who it is. It can't be said that he is dead, and this task reward will not be his share. I suggest that everyone leave a contact information. If he really dies, then copy the refining formula and give it to him when he is reborn.

"Good." Mr. Jian first agreed, and no one else had any objection, but one of the players hesitated and said, "Who should I contact then?" What if I don't give it to you?"

Chang Heng smiled and pointed to the sword prince with one hand: "This is the sword prince who is the head of the seven sons of the martial arts alliance. There must be people who know him. If you really die unfortunately, just look for him after rebirth."

Mr. Jian smiled bitterly. This low-key little witch is really a good person. However, he was also willing to do something that had only good and no harm. He coughed dryly and cleared his voice. Mr. Jian said, "Since my low-key brother recommended me, I'm not polite. If you are reborn, you can ask me for the refining tips. If you can't find me for a while, you can find any member of the Wulin League to send me a message. As long as I receive the news, I will definitely send him the refinery tips as soon as possible.

"What if he hangs up?" Some players still feel uncomfortable.

"You are all dead, and I won't die." Mr. Jian's recovery period has always been cold, and he swept the player who raised questions coldly. The player suddenly felt a chill, his head shrank, and he dared not speak again.

Solved this most critical problem, Chang Heng nodded, signaling everyone to restrain their breath, and drove the patrol beasts to fly from high altitude to the place where the Xiongling tribal soldiers had sneaked.

There is still silence in the Black Wind tribe, and these players are not in a hurry and wait patiently one by one. Finally, there was a roar below, and a few long roars came, and the whole black wind tribe suddenly exploded.

"Action." Chang Heng shouted in a low voice, and a beast's skull flew out, spitting out a lot of black smoke, wrapping all the players.

"This is my magic weapon. Don't panic." Seeing that some players were shocked by the sudden black smoke and wanted to shout, Chang Heng quickly shouted. Hearing that this is Chang Heng's magic weapon, some players' eyes flashed with strange light, used divine consciousness to sweep it, and found that even divine consciousness was hindered, if they realized something.

The sound of shouting and scolding came from one corner. When I got close, I saw that this was a hillside. The hillside was relatively gentle, and there was an altar ten feet long and wide. The altar is five feet high, and it is full of black soil. In the soil, there stands a statue of eight feet long, eight human faces and ten tails of a tiger, which is exactly the statue of the Tianwu family. Under the statue, an old man sat cross-legged with his skin armor all over his body, his hair was thin and about to fall out. His figure was so strong that he could hardly straighten his waist. Obviously, he is the witch of the Heifeng tribe, Tianwu Hexiong.

A cyan wind swept around Wu Hexiong's body. Every time it rotated, it made a sad roar, like a cyan wind dragon, beating hard at the Xiongling tribal soldiers attacking the altar. At this time, the Xiongling tribal soldiers who had previously sneaked in have surrounded the whole altar and are attacking crazily.

The horn sounded, and the whole Heifeng tribe was shining brightly. Some angry insults came. Obviously, the people of the Heifeng tribe did not expect that the Xiongling tribe would dare to send people to directly attack their altar. The most important thing in a tribe is the altar, which is related to the promotion of soldiers in the tribe. If the altar is destroyed, there will never be any chance of progress, unless another altar is built.

Apart from whether the Black Wind Tribe has the ability to build an altar, the materials spent on building the altar alone can dry up the Black Wind Tribe's family for many years. If the altar is destroyed and the Black Wind tribe wants to rebuild one, it must be prepared to gnaw the bark in the next few decades.

Tianwu Heixiong, as the witch old man of the Black Wind tribe, can even be said to be the first master, and his strength is not ordinary horror. As soon as he waved, a blue light flashed, and two Xiongling tribal warriors spit blood and flew out. They burst before they fell to the ground, and the rotten flesh and bones splashed the soldiers around them.

The soldiers of the Xiongling tribe were fearless and rushed to attack Tianwu Heixiong one by one. At the same time, some took out bone charms and threw them desperately on the altar. Even if they couldn't kill Tianwu Heixiong, they would blow up the altar.

Tianwu Heixiong was immediately in a hurry and did not care about taking action against the soldiers of the Xiongling tribe. He quickly read a few words with his hands. A blue light shot out from his body, forming a cyan light curtain, firmly protecting the whole altar and blocking the attack of the soldiers of the Xiongling tribe outside.

The warriors of the Xiongling tribe attacked desperately, and dozens of witchcraft warriors attacked and smashed them at the same time. During this period, there were also various bone charms, and even a powerful witch would be smashed into mud on the spot. The attack fell on the cyan light curtain, the light curtain trembled violently, Tianwu Heixiong vomited blood, and his face turned pale in an instant.

At this moment, the earth rumbled, and some left-behind black wind tribal soldiers howled and rushed over.