Online game: God and Demon War

Chapter 061 Sun Tribe [Second Update]

The sound of fighting came to his ears. Chang Heng shook his head vigorously, tried to wake himself up, and then looked around. At this glance, Chang Heng was shocked.

The endless plain is full of countless soldiers. These soldiers, riding green cattle, white tigers, black bears and other mounts, wearing simple armor and holding various weapons in their hands, are roaring crazily. Every warrior emits various lights such as cyan, yellow and green, which are connected together, like a huge totem, covering all the warriors together.

Over the warrior, there is a team of countless flying beasts, covering the sky and the sun. On the back of each flying beast, there are one or two soldiers. Some of these warriors carry strong bows with one height on their backs, strong bows with thumb thickness, and some carrying more than a dozen bone or stone javelins. The javelins are faintly blue light flashing, which is obviously full of poison.

Beard of the flight team, there are hundreds of elders with crutches and coughing as if they are about to go to the ground. These elders are also shining with various colors, either wind winding, or lightning flashing, or the waves of water. They hold the crutches tightly in their hands and look solemnly, and there is no bottom. The soldiers were fanatical and stared ahead.

In addition, there are some people floating in the air with various types of magic weapons under their feet. These people are no different from human beings. They are tall, short, fat and thin, but some have horns on their heads, some have a long tail behind their back, and some are covered with black scales on their faces. Obviously, they are rare demons in Changheng. At this time, these demons pointed forward in the air, and from time to time, various lights shot out of their hands and flew into the air and disappeared.

In the other direction, in front of these witch demons, there are countless witch warriors standing neatly and solemnly. These witch warriors, wearing unified armor and holding unified weapons in their hands, emitting unified red flames, are also a unified black beast with horns and wings on horse heads.

At this time, these witch warriors, who were unified in almost everything, sat quietly on the mount. Contrary to the other party, they did not say a word. They held the weapon in their hands and stared at the front. Their sharp eyes seemed to pierce the sky. An unspeakable killing gradually spread, and the other party's shouts gradually decreased and eventually disappeared. No, the whole battlefield can be heard.

At this moment, a big flag rose slowly. On the flag, in a sea of fire, a golden sun half covered the sea of fire, emitting hundreds of millions of light. It seems to be rising and falling.

Hundreds of elders also appeared above the back of the team, looking seriously at the number of soldiers here several times more than them. There was no fear in their faces, but only the unconcealed frenzy under a serious expression.

A bronze chariot slowly emerged from the golden sun. This bronze chariot is simple and vicissitudes, carved with countless flames and sun patterns, although simple but luxurious. Six cyan dragons pulled in front of them, and countless clouds rolled away at their feet, changing into various appearances from time to time.

On the bronze chariot, under a flower cover composed of countless feathers of different colors, he is a middle-aged witch man. He is tall and burly, with a square face, wearing a simple animal skin robe, holding a cart in his left hand and a bronze sword in his right hand, raising it high and splitting forward.

"Sun tribe, protect the people, kill."

"Protect the people and kill them."

Move like a mountain, move like a landslide. Under the banner of the Golden Sun, hundreds of thousands of witch warriors shouted at the same time and raised their weapons high, like a flood that collapsed the embankment, and like an erupting volcano, rushing their horses forward.

"Kill and destroy the Sun Tribe."

At the same time, several bronze chariots appeared on the other side, but some small people used some cultivated horses, cattle and other things to pull the cart, which was not as good as the six dragons here. After these bronze chariots appeared, they were far away from the bronze chariots under the Golden Sun and issued an order to attack.

A big war broke out in front of Changheng's eyes. As many as a million soldiers galloped on the battlefield, raised their weapons in their hands and stabbed at each other fiercely. In the rear, the elders of each clan desperately issued various spells to increase the strength of their own soldiers, and gave the other soldiers weakness and long-range attacks. The elders of the two clans began to compete.

The golden sun flag is only the power of unified flame, while the other side has all kinds of water, soil and wind. Obviously, multiple tribes are gathered together to besiege this tribe.

With the power of a tribe, he fought against several tribes at the same time, and dared to take the initiative to attack. Thinking of this, Chang Heng was secretly surprised by the strength of this sun tribe.

The battle process did not take long. Chang Heng turned around. The bronze chariot rising from the banner of the golden sun was smashed together. After the proud man on the chariot was torn apart, the surrounding scene changed, and Chang Heng was in a tribe.

The tribe was bleak, and the surrounding buildings built of bluestone were completely destroyed. The wolf-like alien soldiers rushed into the tribe. When they met those old and weak women and children, they were cut off with a knife. The ground was full of blood and corpses trampled into mud by barbarians.

In the corner of the tribe, an altar with a diameter of 50 feet is surrounded by soldiers of all ethnic groups. On the altar, a statue of Zhu Rong's with flames stood. Next to the statue, an old man trembled and his face was wrinkled, as if he had only one breath left. Looking at the miserable scene around him, he sighed and closed his eyes.

"In the name of my wish Rongyang, I summon the ancestors and witches to come to save your descendants."

With a roar, Zhu Rong's statue slowly opened his eyes, and a hot fire appeared out of thin air. Without saying a word from the nearest alien soldiers, they were burned to ashes by this fire.

"In the name of Xilai, I summoned the ancestral witch to come..."

"In the name of my strong and good power, summon the ancestral witch to come..."

"In the name of Wu Boxi, I summoned the ancestral witch to come..."


At the same time, spells calling the power of ancestral witches sounded one after another throughout the altar. Although there was no altar, these alien elders, relying on the advantages of special magic weapons and numbers, summoned the virtual shadows of their respective ancestral witches to fight against Zhu Rong.

The cyan wind, blue water, purple thunder, and yellow soil appeared at the same time, suppressing the flames rising to the sky.

The slaughter outside continued, the screams before the death of the clan came to his ears, and the old man quietly shed tears.

"Alas..." A sigh sounded, and the sun tribe witch under Zhu Rong's statue put his hands together. Behind him, Zhu Rong's statue suddenly made a few clicks, and a more fierce flame spewed out from it.

The whole world was dark. I don't know how long it took. Chang Heng's eyes gradually brightened, and his teeth almost fell out. The old man with his back was full of wrinkles looked at Chang Heng quietly and asked, "Have you seen it?"

nodded silently, Chang Heng looked at the old man in front of him and sighed in his heart. It can be seen that this old man is the old man of the Sun Tribe, Zhu Rong, but I don't know how he appeared in front of him, and what happened to those scenes just now.

"Yes, I am Zhu Rongyang, the sinner of the Sun Tribe. You don't have to wonder that what you see really happened. The old man sighed.

Chang Heng was silent, and Zhu Rong said to himself, "At the beginning, my Sun Tribe was the largest tribe within 10,000 miles, with 30,000 witch and ghost warriors."

30,000 witchland warriors? Chang Heng's shock at this time can no longer be expressed in words. What does the Witchland represent? If it is changed to the demon clan, it will reach the divine period and immediately face the realm of natural disaster. The most powerful witch elders of the Xiongling tribe and the Heifeng tribe are just witches under the realm of witches and ghosts, so the power of the Sun tribe can be imagined.

"The so-called greed of people is not enough. We are not satisfied with our powerful power. We want to build a huge altar to sacrifice twelve ancestral witches at the same time in order to give us more power. At my suggestion, we oppressed the tribes and asked them to contribute a lot of materials to build this altar.

"The construction of the altar is not smooth, because the sacrifice of twelve ancestral witches at the same time does not mean that the altar is big enough, and many of these problems still need to be solved. Moreover, there were too many materials needed to build this altar. Gradually, the tribes could not supply it, so they were severely beaten by us.

Finally, the tribes could not stand our oppression and joined hands to resist our rule. Next, you saw it all."

Zhu Rongzhiyang explained the cause and effect in a few short sentences, and then raised his regretful eyes and looked at Chang Heng.

"Yes, I've seen it, but what does this have to do with me?" Chang Heng said cautiously.

"It didn't matter before, but now it does." Zhu Rongzhiyang stared at Chang Heng. I need you to help my family."

"Do you still have people to survive?" Chang Heng was very surprised and immediately felt that his tone was not good. He quickly changed his words and said, "Didn't those tribes kill them all?"

"Of course, they had to kill them all, but in the end, I used the altar to smash the space at the cost of destroying the ancestral and witch statues, and took some people to escape from the tribe. In order to avoid their pursuit, my people have been hiding in a place and dare not come forward. Now they need your help.

"Well, my strength is low, how can I afford such a heavy responsibility?" Chang Heng refused. It's enough to have a tribal war. He doesn't want to participate in this kind of tribal war.

"Promise me, I'll give you unexpected benefits. If you don't promise, die." Zhu Rongzhiyang. Instead of persuading Chang Heng at all, he simply gave Chang Heng a choice.

"Do I have a third choice?" Chang Heng smiled bitterly.

"Well, let's accept the altar inheritance first." Zhu Rongzhi nodded, as fast as lightning, pointing to Chang Heng's eyebrows.