Online game: God and Demon War

Chapter 094 There are guests

Green mountains and green water, white clouds drifting, and mountain wind blowing gently.

It took nearly a month to finally build a low-key village.

A neat and simple building, a flat and wide training ground, a ten-mile long and eight-mile high, a 30-foot-high wall made of pure bluestone, and a hidden and dense array in all directions around the sky and underground. This is simply not a village, but a fortress.

These arrays are the most basic and common types. Some strengthen defense, some external attacks, and some have hallucinations. Although they are relatively low-level, there are a large number of them. Even if an organization such as the Xiongling tribe rushes over, they will be disgraced without cracking the array.

If the array in his hand is very limited, he can't wait to arrange every space here.

In fact, Zhouer copied several arrays from the Hanhai Shenzhou to teach Chang Heng, but with Chang Heng's current strength, it can't be arranged at all, and it takes a lot of materials to arrange the array. Now Chang Heng doesn't have so many materials to consume.

Such a large amount of engineering, if it were not for the witches, it would be a small accomplishment, not to mention a month, it would be difficult to build in a year.

Sitting on the top of a building and looking at the training ground below, more than 20,000 children practiced hard, and Chang Heng smiled at the corners of his mouth.

The hands under the night rushed out from one side, and Xiong Heng's prohibition of imprisoning their witch power automatically disappeared as early as half a month ago. The hard practice of the hands under the night in this half month also reached the later stage of the witchcraft realm.

"What are you thinking about? Smile with a smile." Under the night, he took out a green gourd and handed it to Chang Heng, which contained a gourd of monkey wine he stole from the monkey's nest somewhere.

In order to steal these monkey wine, his hands were chased and killed by the monkey king for more than 100,000 miles at night, and it was difficult to get rid of its pursuit.

He raised his neck and took a sip, and the mellow and sweet taste filled the whole chest, making Chang Heng's long indifferent mood seem to be sunny. Chang Chang breathed a breath of wine and said, "I'm thinking about whether to continue to play games or take them here to develop."

"Are you crazy?" Under the night, his hand looked at Chang Heng in surprise, and even stretched out his hand and shook it in front of his eyes.

"Do you know who I am?"

Chang Heng impatiently slapped his hand under the night and said, "You're just crazy."

"Brother, I didn't expect that your boss in the killer world would have such chivalrous tenderness?" His hand at night smiled, and then glanced at the children on the training ground and sighed.

"I also like this group of children. However, no matter what, it can't hide the fact that they are just a set of data.

Chang Heng shook his hand and smashed the wine gourd: "Can you stop being so rational?"

He hurriedly grabbed the wine gourd and took a sip into his mouth. He narrowed his eyes and said, "Brother, don't blame me for not reminding you. This is just a game."

Chang Heng smiled, shook his head and said silently.

patting his buttocks, Chang Heng stood up and sacrificed the yellow wind gourd. A yellow wind wrapped around him and flew to the sky.

"What are you going to do?" His hand looked up and shouted at night.

"Go to the Xiongling tribe to have a look."


The Xiongling tribe was in a mess. After the fire burned, it once destroyed the Heifeng tribe, leaving only broken walls and ruins.

The bluestones are scorched and black, breaking and collapsing, and you can faintly see what the stone house once looked like.

More than 20 days later, thin buds have grown on the streets originally paved with bluestones. A clump of green grass poked out its head with difficulty and peeped at the dilapidating place. Presumably in half a month, it will be covered with green and will never be remembered again, except for those children who are practicing hard.

Several barbarian beasts hid under the ruins to rest. When they saw Chang Heng coming over with the yellow wind gourd, they screamed a few times and quickly fled to the wild mountains and forests outside. Chang Heng circled in the air a few times, and then fell at the altar.

The former towering Zhu Rong statue has completely collapsed and broken into hundreds of gravel, large and small. Zhu Rong's head fell to the ground and looked at the blue sky.

With a slight sigh in his heart, Chang Heng pressed his hands on Zhu Rong's head. At the same time, his consciousness mobilized the altar, and a slight fluctuation came from Zhu Rong's statue in the altar. The only red light on Zhu Rong's head flashed and then turned into powder.

Seeing that his idea came true, Chang Heng was secretly excited. He made it in the same way and touched all the remaining pieces of the statue and absorbed a lot of energy.

The divine consciousness was restrained, and I saw a slight red light on the statue of Zhu Rong in the altar in the sea of knowledge. A faint flame force flowed out of it and rushed into Changheng's body. However, in an instant, Chang Heng was pushed from the late stage of the Wuwu realm to the peak, and he was only a little short of advancing to the Wujing.

"The power of Wujing." Chang Heng clenched his fist.

Every time you advance, you have to look for a tribe, rely on their altar to get the recognition of the power of ancestral witches, and at the same time get the practice of skills. This is also the most fundamental reason for the altar in the tribe.

"If you want to develop a low-key village into a low-key tribe, you must build an altar."

Chang Heng thought of tens of thousands of children in the low-key village and had an idea in his mind.

Searched in the ruins of the Xiongling tribe, and the Fengling tribe did not leave him anything. Looking at the situation, it seems that the Fire Valley tribe also sent people to deal with the afterth.

"Let's go."

Chang Heng took a look at the Xiongling tribe. The joy and laughter of the 100,000 people in the past are still faintly heard, but now they are annihilated in the wild jungle.

Just as Changheng traveled to and from the Xiongling tribe, the low-key village ushered in a group of uninvited guests.

"Brother, there is a village here."

A group of more than 100 players, each with injuries, including witches and demons, emerged from the mountain forest and appeared in the east of the low-key village.

"Is this called a village?"

Seeing the 30-foot-high wall in front of them, a group of players were secretly shocked.

The demons are basically all caves. The witches live in tribes and are such a big wilderness. This is the first time they have seen such a building.


They were immediately sure that this must be built by players. And it is definitely a masterpiece of a gang, but I don't know which one it is and whether it is the name of the top ten.

"Low-key village."

Some players saw the four big words like silver hooks and iron paintings on the wall and read them in a stiff tone. How dare you keep a low profile with such a wall?

Several children in charge of the lookout immediately issued an alarm. At this time, Chang Heng was not there. Zhu Rongman took people out to hunt, and only the hands under the night were in charge of the village.

Hearing the news, his hands under the night immediately rushed to the wall and looked at the players below whose height, hair and skin color were obviously different from their own.

Finally, I met foreign players.