Online game: God and Demon War

Chapter 129 The First Meeting of the Blood Killing League and the Temples

The cyan figure gradually slowed down until it completely stopped and suspended in the air. It turned out to be a huge cyan roc.

"Why stop?" The person on Dapeng's back asked.

"There is someone fighting monsters in front of us, and they are our acquaintances." Dapeng said.

"Acquaintance?" Several people on Dapeng's back stood up one after another and squinted into the distance.

After a long time, a person smiled and said, "The temples, hey, they are indeed acquaintances."

Another person said dissatisfiedly, "What does the low-key little witch mean? Call us to come and call the people of the temples. Don't you know that we are enemies? Or are you ready to reap the benefits of fishermen?

These people are the blood killing night moon and others called by Chang Heng.

Dapeng pondered, shook his head and said, "It's impossible. The king of the gods was hung up once by a low-key little witch, and the hatred is no smaller than ours. Let's contact him first.

Dapeng shuttled through the clouds at an extremely fast speed. The people in the temples focused all their attention on the purple magic cow and did not notice the acquaintances coming from afar.

Open the trading system and enter a line of information. The gods and demons did not give the remote transmission system, and there was no possibility of chatting at a certain distance. After full exploration by players, they finally found loopholes in the trading system.

Chang Heng's message came back quickly, and the blood killed Yeyue's body trembled and changed into a human shape. He took several players to the place designated by Chang Heng.

"Is it just like this? Aren't you afraid of ambush?" Chang Heng said with a smile, and at the same time glanced at the people behind Ye Yue, and sighed slightly from the bottom of his heart.

Blood kills the crazy knife, blood kills the moon shadow, blood kills hopeless, blood kills a flower, blood kills Xiaoming, blood kills big mouth. Although they all wear the same grimace masks and are of different races, Chang Heng still recognizes their identity from the decoration they are used to.

The blood-killing mad knife is used to embroider a blood knife on the clothes. In front of the blood-killing moon shadow's chest is a crescent moon, and a plum blossom is inserted between the temples...

The six people, all of whom are blood-killing alliance, used to be good friends, but now they can only sigh when they see each other.

"That must also have enough strength to keep us." Bloody Night Moon's answer is quite proud.

"To put it simply, not long after I sent you a message, the king of the gods came. Now they are dealing with the only remaining demon baby demon cow in the purple magic cow clan. After killing it, the whole purple magic cow clan will have no more resistance." Seeing the question in Yeyue's eyes, Chang Heng briefly explained the matter.

"They are quite smart." The bloody knife snorted.

"It's true. It's time to pay." Chang Heng said.

"Aren't you afraid that we will kill you? You are still on our mission list." Blood Killing Moon Shadow looked at Chang Heng curiously.

Blood Killing Yueying is one of the few female players in the Blood Killing Alliance, and her charm is not low. When she opened her mouth, Blood Killing Yeyue immediately looked at Chang Heng with murder, as if as long as Chang Heng made a mistake in his words, he would immediately kill him.

"Now your main enemy is the temples, not me. Besides, as you said, you have to have enough strength. Chang Heng said slowly.

"Okay, that's good. I hope you can continue to be so confident next time." The blood-killing mad knife wanted to take action, but the blood-killing Yeyue waved his hand and had to force it back.

As Chang Heng said, their main enemy is the temples. If they fight with Chang Heng and disturb the temples, it is still a question whether they can leave Chang Heng. Blood killing Night Moon is very well understood Chang Heng's means.

"This is your reward." With that, Blood Killing Yeyue put 1,000 yuan into the account given by Chang Heng.

"Very good. You can deal with the next thing by yourself. Goodbye." After making a small profit, Chang Heng was happy in his heart, held his fists, suddenly retreated a few feet, and then turned away.

"Why didn't you leave him?" The blood-killing mad knife is not angry.

"Don't forget that he is just a mission, and the temples are our enemies." The bloody night moon said coldly.

The blood-killing moon shadow looked at the direction of Chang Heng's departure. If she was thinking, no one knew what she was thinking.

"What should I do next?" Bloody asked with a big mouth.

"Of course, it's to help the temples kill monsters." Blood killed a flower and smiled.

"Second brother, there is someone in the distance." The unparalleled arrow god, who was attacking desperately, caught a glimpse of several figures in the corner of his eyes, and his heart moved and said quickly.

"sent a few people to drive them away." Hearing this, the king of the gods said. He was on the rise of fighting. Seeing that he was about to destroy the purple magic cow and harvest a demon baby, he was also very happy.

"You guys, go and drive them away. If you don't leave, kill them." The romantic sword god just glanced at it and designated a few players at will.

"Yes." Several players left the team and always greeted them. The romantic sword god focused heavily on the purple magic cow. After a while, he fled back in panic.

"What's going on?" The windy sword god's face turned cold. These people obviously retreated without contacting the other party and fled before the battle, which was absolutely unacceptable to him.

"Second brother, yes, it's the man of the blood killing alliance." A player stammered.

"Blood Killing Alliance?" The romantic sword god's movements stagnate, and the faces of the kings of the gods instantly became ferocious.

"People from the Blood Killing Alliance? OK, OK, OK." The king of the gods gave up the attack on the purple demon cow, and his ferocious face was full of madness and indescribable cold voice. Blood Killing League, what an old acquaintance and friend. I didn't expect to see it here. Since you have come here, don't let them go."

"Brother, the task is important. Kill the purple magic cow first." Seeing this, the romantic sword god quickly reminded him.

"Wow." Taking a deep breath, the king of the gods nodded. I was impulsive. Attention, everyone, attack with all your strength, and you must take down the purple magic cow first.

The purple magic cow is crumbling and is beaten by the romantic sword god. It is now seriously injured and almost unable to fly. Seeing a few more rounds of attacks, it is about to hang up.

"Yo, it's all the friends of the temples." Bloody Night Moon led the crowd to stroll, stopped not far away, and looked at the players of the temples with a smile.

The romantic sword god's heart tightened, which was obviously a signal to find trouble. He endured his feelings and commanded everyone to speed up the attack on the purple magic cow.

"Roar..." The purple magic cow roared repeatedly, but the general trend was gone. Its demon power consumption was too right, and the injury was so serious that it was unable to return to heaven.

"It doesn't seem to be going well. Do you want us to help?" The blood-killing big mouth cracked the iconic big mouth and laughed.

"Blood Killing League, don't forget how you disbanded at the beginning, and do you still want to make the same mistake now?" In desperation, the romantic sword god could only delay the time with words.

"The romantic sword god, you are looking for death." Hearing this, Yeyue's eyes suddenly turned red. The dissolution of the Blood Killing League has always been a pain in their hearts, and the top ten gangs are the culprits that caused this result.

"Looking for death? Humph, just a few of you?" The king of the gods pulled out his spirit to fight back in his busy schedule. Don't think that the bloody killing of the world and rebuilding the bloody killing alliance can restore your unscrupulous time. Your blood-killing alliance has entered the gods and demons, and all our top gangs have also come in. We can kill you once, and we can kill you for the second time. Get out of here quickly. When we complete the task, you can't leave even if you want to.

"Oh? If you can kill us once, can you kill us a second time? Can't you leave even if you want to?" A sarcastic smile appeared at the corners of the blood-killing moon shadow's mouth.

"Who was killed by us at the beginning and didn't even dare to leave the gang station? Who paid for his life? Who provoked one person and was completely destroyed by others? If our alliance leader would rather take the initiative to delete the number in order to save the matter, we would have disbanded the group of wastes who can be killed? As you said, we could have killed you dozens of times, but now you can't stand up.

If you want to say bickering, it's still a woman. Blood killing Yueying is a word to kill the heart, and almost every word is a sharp knife, fiercely on the heart of the king of the gods.

"Ah, I'm so angry." The king of the gods roared, and his eyes almost dripped. Attention, kill this bitch for me."

"Brother, don't." The romantic sword god was almost crazy. Seeing that he was about to hang up the demon cow, the king of the gods was actually provoked by a few words of blood killing Yueying.