Online game: God and Demon War

Chapter 132 The Picture of déjà vu

Since he promised the other party and received the benefits in advance, Chang Heng had to consider how to complete what he promised.

Chang Heng has never thought of regretting. First, keeping promises is his long-standing persistence, that is, this persistence has achieved the original blood killing of the world. Second, he has made vows. Although vows in reality are not as good as bullshit, vows in the game are vows. If you break them, you have to pay the due price.

So Chang Heng walked out and thought hard about how to get rid of all these people.

But he didn't need to think about it. These people all stopped quarreling and scolding, but because Chang Heng appeared, they all saw him.

"It's so bold to go in and touch things while we are PK. It seems that we are all used." Blood killing Yeyue's mouth appeared with a murderous intention.

"Low-key little witch, it's you!" The pupil of the king of the gods shrank and couldn't help lifting the hammer.

"Who is this? How did he come down from Qingyun Peak? Is he the master of the Purple Magic Bull Clan?" Some people don't know him and easily regard him as a master of the purple magic cow.

When Chang Heng found that everyone's eyes were focused on him, he couldn't help smiling awkwardly and showing a seemingly pure smile.

"Hum, everyone." Chang Heng asked hello and found that there was nothing to say, so he had to stop.

"Low-key little witch, you are really calculating. You not only sell money, but also use us to pester the temples and go to search for things by yourself." The sound of blood killing the night moon is full of chill.

The romantic sword god seemed to understand what the blood killed Yeyue pointed out, and looked at Chang Heng even more unpleasantly: "It turns out that you sold their news."

The two were just entangled with Chang Heng about taking advantage of the relationship of being used, and other later demon witch players shouted.

"Who is he? It's not a purple magic cow, but a player. He took all the good things in the purple magic cow clan. Don't let him go.

The people present are excited. These people have a variety of different organizations, some of which are powerful and some of which are small. If they stand up, it is difficult not to be taken advantage of by others. Now all the good things of the Purple Magic Bull clan are on Chang Heng. As long as you catch Chang Heng, you can get everything.


It's better to start first. There was only a short moment of calm in the field, and it was immediately broken. Some players took action brazenly, and a spear flew towards Chang Heng.

Chang Heng only had time to push away the spear and found that all kinds of attacks arrived in all directions at the same time. He couldn't help screaming, and the armor he had just got suddenly appeared on his body.

This armor was named Purple Demon by Chang Heng. It looks like the purple demon of the purple magic cow. It is set on Chang Heng's body and stands up like a purple magic cow. The hard armor makes all the surrounding ice, wind and fire thunder. All kinds of gorgeous spells bloom on the armor like fireworks, but it does not cause any damage to it. .

Chang Heng just shook his body slightly and shook away all these seemingly powerful spell attacks. Looking at this ferocious armor, he was overjoyed.

"Good things, you can really calculate." Seeing this set of armor, the blood killing alliance and the people in the temples looked a little ugly. According to the thoughts of the players of the temples, this set of armor should be what they got, and they killed Yeyue and others, believing that Chang Heng would not have been able to get this set of armor if he and others had not restrained the temples.

"Since the low-key brother got this set of armor, it's also luck. Don't envy me. However, the so-called meeting has a share. The low-key brother won't let us come here for nothing, will he? The romantic sword god smiled and suddenly said.

Hearing this, all the players were ** for a while, and even the blood killed Yeyue. They stared at Chang Heng and wanted to see something from him.

For the ability of the romantic sword god, Chang Heng knows that this person can rank second in the temples with a plan, which shows his strength. Although Chang Heng is not stupid, he is not the opponent of the romantic sword god, so he does not pester him in words.

"Guys, I have all the good things. If you want to get them, it's up to your ability."

For Chang Heng's generous admission, all the players were stunned. With that quick reaction, they immediately asked, "What skills do you think?"

"Naturally, it's a real ability." Chang Heng laughed and suddenly burst into flames. When the firelight dissipated, people had left the same place and rushed to the distance.

"Would you like to go?" Several players prided themselves that their speed was not slow. As soon as Chang Heng left, he flew up in place and stayed behind Chang Heng.

"Chasing." Other players showed no weakness, and each showed their ability to follow closely behind.

In an instant, only the blood-killing alliance and the people of the temples were left in place. Bloody Night Moon and the King of the Gods looked at each other, and both of them smiled coldly.

"Why don't you chase it?" The king of the gods asked.

"You didn't chase it. How dare we go?" Bloody night moon said.

The two's eyes collided in the void, and sparks appeared faintly, and then looked in the direction of Qingyun Peak at the same time. For Chang Heng's behavior, they instinctively felt a conspiracy and put themselves in their shoes. If they got the things of the purple magic cow, they would go away secretly. How could they leave swagger and let everyone find it?

So they all looked at the hole out of Chang Heng, thinking about what would be inside, so that Chang Heng would not hesitate to be chased and killed to lead everyone away.

At this moment, a roar came from inside, and a tauren came out from the inside and looked this way from afar, with his eyes clear.

On the ground, countless calves rose and fell one after another, and more than 2,000 calves in the foundation period of the gas refining period were arranged in array, aimed at this side.

"Let's go, the purple magic cow in the demon baby period." Bloody Night Moon shouted and left first.

"Let's go." The king of the gods said at the same time, strode to the distance.

The two left in the same direction, both of which were the direction of Chang Heng's escape.

East and West, Chang Heng ran around in no direction, followed by a large group of people. Among the twelve witch clans, except for the Dijiang family, who is naturally able to control the space and the Tianwu clan is good at controlling the wind, the speed of the other ten clans is similar, but the running methods are different.

Chang Heng used this escape method, which is a very famous "flying fire meteor formula" in the Zhu Rong family. When he becomes a flame and shoots forward, he becomes a real meteor. It is not only extremely fast, but also has an unparalleled impact, which can destroy everything in front of him.

Now Changheng's strength is limited, and it can only change into a firelight and fly quickly in the air. Behind him, players of all ethnic groups are chasing after him.

The players of Gongshi use the escape method like the flying fire meteor formula, called the "flying flow straight down formula", and the whole person is also turned into a ball of water light, flying away in the air; the players of the Houtu clan use the "earth earth formula", the whole person integrates into the underground, with the earth At the trend, its speed is not much slower than Changheng...

Wwitches are like this, not to mention demons. The fastest is the Dapeng clan. Although the current Dapeng is an ordinary Xiaopeng bird, which does not have the demeanor of 90,000 miles, it also belongs to the fastest clan among the demon clan. The rest of the races, the cattle and the monkeys, also have their own escape methods, but their speed is slow to the front line, and it is getting farther and farther away.

These magic skills are in the inheritance of their respective races, some are blood inheritance, and some are obtained when they are promoted, so many players try their best to obtain the blood of special races.

Chang Heng ran all the way and looked back from time to time. These players' escape method opened his eyes. Compared with previous games, gods and demons are indeed rich and colorful, but correspondingly, the requirements for the main brain have improved a lot.

"The person in front of you stopped the witch. He has treasures on him." With the player who couldn't catch up, Chang Heng was about to get out of his sight and shouted in a hurry.

The players I met along the way were all seen as lively, thinking that Chang Heng had offended an organization and was hunted down. Now when I heard this sentence, I immediately had a different mind and stopped Chang Heng's way forward without trace.

"Daw." Chang Heng immediately changed his direction and ran in the other direction.

One pass is ten to one hundred, and everyone behind them knows that Chang Heng has a heavy treasure, so they spontaneously organized and chased and intercepted him to get a piece of the pie.

The wisdom of the masses is infinite. Chang Heng could have escaped. After all the people he met along the way participated in the pursuit, Chang Heng found that he seemed to be really incapable.

In front, several people are waiting, and various magic weapons are on the edge of attack. In the rear, countless people can't help attacking while running with all their strength. On the left and right sides, many people gathered in the middle, and even fought when they were far away from Changheng because of their location. As for the sky, there are more dense figures flying around, and all kinds of light flashing from time to time. Some attack Changheng, and some fall randomly somewhere, which is attacking competitors.

The sky and the earth, in all directions, are really a trap, and there is no leakage. Chang Heng was embarrassed to find that no matter where he went, he would encounter a wall, a wall composed of players.

"This picture is so familiar." In danger, Chang Heng not only did not despair, but let out a faint sigh.