Online game: God and Demon War

Chapter 205 Making Bone Symbol

The main material for making bone symbols is the bones of barbarian beasts. There are not many bones that can be used to make bone charms on a barbarian beast. It is not that the larger it is, the more bones it can use. There is a mountain-sized body, but there is no one that can be used to make bone charms, and there are also those that are as small as hamsters, but all the bones under the body can be used. After getting the method of making bone charms, Chang Heng couldn't wait to take out a barbarian bone and began to try to make bone charms.

On the way to the Xuanshui tribe, Chang Heng began to learn to make some low-level bone charms and successfully made a rocket charm, which was also a little experience.

The first thing to make a bone charm is to choose the material. Chang Heng chooses the skeleton of a flying-winged rat. This mouse looks like a bat, but it has complete limbs and wings, which can spit out a toxic mucus to hurt people. What they can use to make bone charms is the pair of wings that look like bat wings.

Select the bones, and then adjust the bones. Roast the bone with a flame to make it soft, then adjust its shape as needed, wait for the attachment, put it aside and wait until it cools down.

The third step is to characterization the rune. The characterization rune is to depict the formula that needs to issue spells on the bone. It is stored on the bone in an array situation. When it is waiting for use, it can only be activated and can be used immediately. Depicting runes is the most difficult and critical step in making bone runes. As long as the runes are portrayed, the production of bone runes can be regarded as a preliminary completion.

After depicting the runes, even if the whole bone rune is initially completed, it can be sent to each soldier after some modulation and deletion in the later stage. When they are needed, gorgeous sparks will burst out in the air.

The third step restricts most people from becoming bone charm makers. Only after the inheritance of the ancestors and witches and something contained in the body can the runes be successfully portrayed on the animal bones. Without this inheritance, even if there is a method, it cannot be done.

Changheng made a fire talisman, which is relatively advanced in the primary bone charm. Once it is issued, a fire lao will appear at the designated place, which is specially used for trapping people.

The rune that needs to be depicted on the fire talisman is a fire array that can attract the power of the surrounding flames to form a fire bunker. This array is not too difficult. As long as it is not an obvious mistake, it can be completed, but according to the degree of perfection, there is a difference between the strength and weakness when attracting the power of the surrounding flames. Some can trap a wild elephant, while others can't even trap an ordinary wolf.

There are special tools for characterating runes, which can also be directly depicted on bones with spiritual knowledge, but the consumption is much greater. Without special tools, Chang Heng can only use spiritual knowledge. After consuming two-thirds of spiritual knowledge, the fire charm was finally successfully made.

On the wing-shaped bone charm, there is a miniature fire firmly, with rough lines, shining light on it, and some places are still damaged. Looking at the bone charm in his hand, Chang Heng was slightly satisfied. Although it was not very perfect, he also indicated that he could make a bone charm.

"Come on, try the power." Chang Heng took out the little black turtle, crushed the newly completed fire charm, and hit the little black turtle.

P, a spark bloomed around the little turtle, and a fire prison with a length, width and height appeared, trapping the little turtle in the middle. Each side of the fire prison is composed of nine thick columns of fire, and the top is the top of ninety-eight flame columns, which can be said to be unbreakable.

The little turtle was sleeping in the middle and suddenly found that the surrounding temperature was something wrong. He opened his eyes and looked carefully. Suddenly, his limbs moved, dripping out of the gap of the fire prison, climbed back into Changheng's arms and buried his head and continued to sleep.

Chang Heng was dumbfounded. Is this okay?

After carefully studying the runes of the fire talisman again, Chang Heng finally found that the fire talisman is only effective for large barbarians, and has little effect on enemies that are small in size or can change at will.

Chang Heng was studying, and he listened to the bang. The fire burst, and the scattered flames fell into the surrounding crowd, causing a lot of abuse. After calculating the time, only half an hour passed, half less than half of the normal time that the fire cell could maintain a quarter of an hour.

"It's okay. It's the first time to make bone charms. It's much easier next time." Comforting himself like this, Chang Heng spent nearly a quarter of an hour to make a second fire charm. The light of this fire talisman flows, and the thickness of the lines that make up the fire talisman is roughly the same, which is much finer than the previous one.

"sleepy." Chang Heng crushed the fire prison and threw it out. One was about the same size as just now, but obviously a beautiful fire prison appeared in the place just now. Compared with the first fire, this fire cell is more detailed and looks more pleasing to the eye. Chang Heng calculated the time. This time, the fire prison lasted more than half a quarter of an hour, but it was still a small distance away from a quarter of an hour.

"One more."

Chang Heng is addicted to making bone charms. Anyway, there are a large number of barbarian beast bones in his pocket that can be used to practice his hands. He just sits there and can't help making bone charms. One fire after another appeared out of thin air and burst after a period of time. Gradually, these prisons persisted for a quarter of an hour, and some even slightly exceeded.

If you are numb when making fire charms, Chang Heng should make other bone charms. The fire dragon charm can release a fire dragon bone charm, meteor charm, which can release a fireball like a flying meteor to attack the enemy. The fire crow charm can release a vivid fire crow to assist in the attack...

Chang Heng was very happy to make bone charms here, and all the players around him were dumbfounded. For the first time, I found that someone threw the bone charm as a fireworks, and it was actually made by himself.

"There are people who make their own bone charms." The news spread quickly, and some gangs were keenly aware of the strength of it.

"Gang, Gang, we are from the White Horse Gang." At this time, Changheng was surrounded by lively players, and some players crowded over from the outside, causing dissatisfaction among many people around him.

"White Horse Gang, is it very powerful? I'm from the evil tiger gang and specializes in eating white horses. Several players came from the other direction and were far away from the White Horse Gang.

"Oh, several people run very fast, but I can't fall behind." Another wave of players crowded over.

In a blink of an eye, it seemed to be discussed. Five or six waves of players came from all directions and squeezed all the players who were watching the lively outside. Those players dared not say anything. With that kind of cleverness, they laughed in a low voice and said, "It's lively. If you want to attract others, you have to fight to get a result.

"What do you do?" Finally, Chang Heng felt something wrong around him and looked up blankly and asked.

"Hehe, hello, I'm from the White Horse Gang. I want to invite you to join our gang. Everything is preferential. What do you think?" The players of the White Horse Gang took the lead and came to Chang Heng and said politely.

"Ah, when is it so polite to recruit people to join the gang? Don't you all fight first? If you win, you will leave. If you lose, you will join the gang. Chang Heng didn't react for a moment and continued to ask.