Online game: God and Demon War

Chapter 223 The Beginning of the Auction

Proudly showing off his new windbreaker, Chang Heng suddenly found that there was something wrong around him. When people looked at him, they looked more like monkeys than idols. Then he hummed, raised his legs and stepped on the back of the lion and whispered in its ear, "This is a thick-earth tribe, a thick-earth tribe. You know how powerful it is. If you don't want to die, be my mount obediently, otherwise, hum."

The lion spirit even nodded and dared not say anything more. Thick-earth tribe, that is one of the six major tribes. It is a big tribe that can work against the eight demon clans. There are countless masters in it. Any few of them can crush it like crushing ants.

After receiving the response from the lion spirit, Chang Heng remembered the formula and collected the fairy rope. This thing is much more valuable than a lion. If it is seen by the people of the thick-earth tribe, it is a forced purchase.

Riding the lion spirit, he swaggered into the thick-earth tribe in the envious eyes of the players. The guard at the door didn't care about Chang Heng, a member of the Zhu Rong clan, but just took a few more glances at the lion spirit of the demon baby period. He was curious that a witch could take a demon infant lion as a mount, but he was just curious.

Entering the thick-earth tribe and finding a secluded place, Chang Heng whispered a few words to the lion essence so that it would not run around to avoid killing himself, and began to make summons. The first is to make the bones of the spirit bird and remove all the bones of the spirit bird from the place where the bones of the spirit bird cannot be used. Each spirit bird only leaves a bone with a short finger thickness, which is the raw material for making summons. The skeleton was repeatedly calcutered with flame, waiting for the impurities inside to be exhausted and reduced by nearly half of the volume, which can be regarded as a success.

The production steps of each bone symbol are basically the same, but the method is different. On this bone smaller than the finger, Chang Heng depicted the array that the summoner should have, recorded the array, the flight array, and the tracking array. The recording array is used to record information, the flight array is used to fly, and the tracking array is used to find the target.

Among the three arrays, tracking the array is the most cumbersome, which took Chang Heng a lot of effort to destroy four bones in a row before the final portrayal is successful. The small bones emit a faint red light, and the smoke cloud on it flows with fire aura. In the fire aura, a small turtle with a probe is looking around, which is a recorded image left by Chang Heng.

Brand his own breath on it, Chang Heng handed the bone charm to the little turtle and let it try it in the distance. The little turtle flew more than 100 feet away from Changheng with interest, waved its claws to hit the summoner, and saw a firelight of Huawei, and instantly appeared in front of Chang Heng. Chang Heng reached out and took it, and the image inside appeared directly in his mind, which was very clear.

"Very good." Chang Heng is very satisfied with this.

This is just a first-level summoner, with a flight distance of about 100,000 miles. According to the bone symbol, the highest level of summoner can fly millions of miles in an instant, up to tens of millions of miles away. However, if that kind of bone charm can be made, Chang Heng will doubt who will still use it. Everyone will pass on the book for thousands of miles. Who will still spend a lot of money on this?

With the first successful product, Chang Heng was very interested and made all the skeletons of the Qingling bird at hand into summoners. It took more than two days to remove the time to eat and sleep offline during this period. Finally, all the skeletons of the Qinglingbird were made into summoners, with a total of more than 300.

Chang Heng hunted and killed a large number of Qingling birds, among which there were the most cultivation in the foundation period, the less demon elixir period, and only one in the demon infant period. The quality of the refined bone charms is roughly the same, divided into three grades. The first level is naturally a bone charm refined from the skeleton of the Qingling bird of the demon baby period. The communication distance can reach millions of miles, and the flight speed is ten times that of ordinary witch players, with full flight, only one; the second level is made of the skeleton of the Qingling bird of the demon elixir period, with a communication distance of 500,000 miles, flying The speed is only three times that of ordinary power witch players, with a total of more than 50. The rest is the third grade, which is refined from the skeleton of the Qingling bird cultivated during the foundation period. The communication distance is only 100,000 miles, and the flight speed is comparable to that of ordinary witch players.

Of course, these are estimates. Even if each bone charm is refined by the same person, the efficacy and power are different, which cannot be demanding.

Leave the first and second-level summoner. Chang Heng wanted to leave a message for Tiandao League. He just opened the trading website, thought about it, and then closed it.

He always supplies goods to others, and he doesn't do much. Although Chang Heng doesn't want to be the largest commercial organization in the whole service like the Tiandao League, he doesn't want to just become a source of materials for other organizations. And if you want to be bigger, you must have a stable base.

All gangs, no matter how big or small, basically have their own gang trading numbers. People are always watching and report as soon as there is news. Chang Heng does not have this ability. If he wants to do it, he must find another way.

Chang Heng thought of the auction.

Such a message appeared on the trading website: the low-key auction was held in the Flying Bear Tribe on April 18, the first year of the game day, with a total of 300 summons. The following is the specific information of the summons.

As soon as this news came out, the trading website was suddenly crowded. Most of them left messages below about the price and whether it could be traded privately. To put it bluntly, the summoner is not valuable, but only in a rare one. Think about it at present, everyone is just using people to spread words, and occasionally there are those who can fly swords to pass on books, but there are only a few. If you can buy a bunch of summons for others, whisper when you have nothing to do, and watch the summons fly all over the sky, how romantic it is.

"Low-key brother, did you make this summoner?" Soon someone found Chang Heng's head and looked at this message with the sign of the Heavenly Alliance, which was obviously left by the instructions of the troubled years.

Chang Heng didn't go back to him, just cleaned up and prepared to go back to the Flying Bear Tribe. It is April 17 of the Great Wilderness Era, and the auction will not start until tomorrow. As for why Chang Heng chose the Flying Bear tribe, his own tribe is always safer than the foreign tribe, at least psychological security. System currency, in-system transactions, etc. must appear after the emergence of the human race. Everyone is not used to this, but they have no choice but to wait.

Leared the lion spirit out of the thick earth tribe. As soon as the lion spirit opened his mouth, Chang Heng turned around and smiled coldly at it, immediately closed his mouth and followed Chang Heng like a kitten. It has never been able to understand the fact that Chang Heng took it down with a yellow wind. The more incomprehensible it is, the more afraid it is that if he is a little careless and then tied up with a fairy rope, it will not be so easy to loosen up.

Following Chang Heng with his head down, the lion cursed carefully and secretly. When the opportunity comes, he will bite off your head and let you bully your lion like this.