Online game: God and Demon War

Chapter 230 Breeding

The lion was frightened and accompanied Chang Heng to fall on the swamp demon crocodile. He saw the swamp demon baby escape from the top of his head and turned into a palm-sized mini demon crocodile running and playing in the air. Seeing that such a ferocious and terrible swamp demon crocodile suddenly became such a little beloved mini baby, Lion Heng was shocked and sweated coldly for a moment, and his eyes looking at the little turtle were even more full of fear.

"If you become like this, oh no." Shi Heng dared not continue to think about it.

"Is there any way to take it away?" Chang Heng asked Shi Hengdao. The body of the swamp demon crocodile is really good. With its demon baby, it is enough to resist thousands of powerful witch players.

"Unless this is dismembered." Shi Heng said honestly. There is nothing they can do. Now none of them has such a large storage space to take it away completely.

"What a pity." Chang Heng sighed.

"Master, may I ask how this is done?" Shi Heng couldn't help asking.

Chang Heng took a look at it and explained the role of the Xuanshui flag. Shi Heng took a deep breath and said, "Doesn't that mean that as long as we work hard in the future, we will build an army of monsters?"

Chang Heng nodded: "Although it's not my idea to build an army of monsters, it's true."

Shi Heng suddenly remembered a good idea and said, "Master, why don't we leave it here?"

"Stay here?" Chang Heng was stunned.

"Yes." Shi Heng quickly explained. Master, think about it. Anyway, its demon baby is under control. Unless a master untie it, it will be under your control all your life. We let it continue to stay here and keep improving our strength. When we need it, as long as we shout and have raised our strength to a very high, it will immediately rush out to solve your problems. What a good method. And we can raise every controlled monster like this, and gather it when we need it. What a great potential force.

Chang Heng looked at Shi Heng strangely. Shi Heng touched his face and smiled, "Master, am I wrong?"

Chang Heng said, "Yes, very right. I'm just curious about how you came up with it. Are you really a lion spirit?

According to Shi Heng's idea, all controlled monsters will be kept in this way. Although they will definitely lose a batch during this period, the strength that can survive will be stronger. At that time, if someone sees that they are lonely and easy to bully, they just need to climb up and rush to a group of powerful monsters and beat them around. How cool, how unexpected, how...

Thinking of this, Chang Heng's saliva was about to flow out, and he even said to Shi Heng, "You are really right. It's my blessing to have a mount like you.

Shi Heng's face immediately turned green. Did anyone praise others like this?

Chang Heng immediately ordered the little turtle to give orders to the swamp demon crocodile to return to its original place of residence as soon as possible, where he can practice well, strive to improve his strength, and pay attention to protect himself during this period so as not to be killed. Although Xiao Xuangui didn't know Chang Heng's idea, he meticulously carried out his orders. Soon, the swamp crocodile dragged its heavy body and set up a strong wind to fly to the swamp where it lived.

"Let's go, too. Hurry up and go to the free-range business when the task is completed. After thinking about it for a while, as soon as I waved my hand, a large number of powerful subordinates came to serve me, pounding their waists, rubbing their shoulders, pouring tea, occasionally changing people to warm the bed, and a few thugs specially used to bully men and women. Tut-huh, Chang Heng really can't wait these days.

Looking at Chang Heng, who was stagnant, Shi Heng shook his head and sighed. What evil did you do? You were subdued by such an idiot.

All the way, in addition to meeting the powerful monster of the swamp demon crocodile, they also met many demons and witches on the road, but with the example of the swamp demon crocodile, Lion Heng avoided it early in a long distance. Although it took some more time, safety comes first. Chang Heng has always adhered to this belief.

During this period, Chang Heng slept offline once. When he slept, he had been worried about whether he would encounter a strong monster and clicked himself. After waking up, he hurriedly landed online. As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw a neat queue of people in front of him.

"What's going on?" Chang Heng was a little puzzled.

"Master, you finally woke up." Shi Heng quickly explained to him. These bastards actually want to block the road. Robbery, if it hadn't been for your absence, I wouldn't have dared to do it at will without your order. I would have eaten them all.

After sleeping, Chang Heng, who was in a good mood, also felt that he wanted to make his subordinates feel better, so he came down from Shi Heng's back, waved his hand and said, "You are free."

"Thank you, master." Shi Heng jumped up, opened his mouth, and swallowed one of the players in one bite. Bar groaned a few times and swallowed him. Shi Heng burped and praised, "The witches are still beautiful, but their hearts are a little dark." With that, he secretly glanced at Chang Heng and was relieved to see that Chang Heng didn't pay attention to it.

Originally, they were discussing how this guy who dared to go offline on the back of the mount was so bold. Did he only grab things and leave or grab things first before killing and throwing corpses? I didn't expect that the other party dared to do it first. One was bitten to death by Shi Heng, and the remaining players immediately shouted, but did not do it immediately. Several people changed their formation and formed a simple formation against Shi Heng.

Shi Heng was stunned, and Chang Heng was also stunned. Such a response is not something that a simple gang can do. Chang Heng waved his hand, motioned Shi Heng to suspend the attack, and asked, "Who are you?"

"The Seventh Branch of the Blood League, the Moon League." The leading player said proudly.

The Seventh Branch of the Blood Killing League? Monthly League? Chang Heng was even more surprised and couldn't help asking, "Isn't there only more than 100 people in the blood killing alliance? Where did the alliance come from?"

Seeing that Chang Heng really didn't know what he looked like, the player wanted to make him understand, so that he could make a name for his new alliance, so he said in detail: "The blood killing alliance was originally only 109 people, which was composed of the alliance leader who killed the world and 100 single eight generals. However, after the last disturbance, the alliance leader deleted the number and withdrew from the game. The final result made the alliance leader understand one thing. No matter how powerful a person is, he needs a helper. Everyone in the bloody killing alliance is strong, and there are almost no opponents. Why did the alliance leader who was killed in the end delete his account and the alliance be disbanded? It was because the number of people was too small that the alliance leader decided to expand the alliance and establish a separate alliance in addition to the main alliance. We are only the seventh branch alliance. I heard that more than 30 branch alliances have been established.

"Nonsense." Hearing his words, Chang Heng was furious. The Blood Killing League has always been a valuable and not expensive, and it only takes orders to kill people and does not participate in disputes in the world. Now it has become a gang, which is completely different from his previous route.

Chang Heng's roar scared the other party, and then his face turned red and shouted, "What our alliance leader does is also what you can dictate. If your mount kills our people, you can shed your life to pay for his life.

He hummed, and the original good mood dissipated. Chang Heng said, "It's up to you? Shi Heng, give them all to me.

"Okay, master, don't worry." Hearing Chang Heng's words, Lion Heng smiled happily. He didn't care what Chang Heng had to do with the other party. He shook his body, turned into a human figure, held an iron bar in his hand, and rushed out with a roar.

"Complete transformation? Shit, it's a monster in the baby period. Send a signal to ask for help. The leading player was shocked, but although he was not shocked, he ordered repeatedly. On the one hand, people send signals for help, and on the other hand, they command their men to stabilize the formation and form a unique formation, combining all their forces to form a strength that is not inferior to the demon baby. No matter how Shi Heng attacks, they are blocked by them. Although it is quite difficult, it is indeed blocked.

Chang Heng's face changed slightly. If this is from the Blood Killing League**, then this fake blood killing the world is really terrible. After several attacks failed, Shi Heng couldn't hang on his face. It roared back to its original shape, took a deep breath at the place where they were standing, and suddenly let out a roar.