Online game: God and Demon War

Chapter 269 Storage Space

The talent magic power of Tongtian rat is to be able to enter and exit some arrays at will. Looking at the starlight in front of him, although he has never seen this array, Tongtian rat did not care at all. With a sarcastic smile on his face, he stepped out step by step.

The scene in front of him changed, and the flying rat appeared in a vast starry sky. There is nothing around, nothing lonely, only the twinkling stars are running.

"I didn't go out." Tongtian rat's fear rose a little, but he didn't pay attention to it. He shouted in a low voice, and his wings suddenly flashed behind him. It appeared from time to time in the void and couldn't help flying in all directions.

Standing in the small star array covering the sky and watching the rat rush, Chang Heng was a little nervous. After all, it is still unknown whether this method can trap it. If you can't get trapped, you have to retreat as soon as possible to avoid being targeted by the rat.

However, as time passed, Chang Heng's heart gradually calmed down. Although the rat is unscrupully, part of the formation is invalid for it, but it can never break out and can only be helplessly angry, and it feels that the prohibition arranged at the gate of the cave is being cracked.

"I swear that if you touch my children, even if you go to heaven and earth, I will kill you." The rat looked up to the sky and roared.

"That also requires you to come out alive." Chang Heng was fierce in his heart and swallowed a few herbs to treat the injury. According to the control method passed down from the animal bone, he entered several mana into the array to control the formation. The array controlled by someone is by no means different from that controlled by no one to control the automatic operation. With the control of Changheng, the power of the array suddenly rose by a few steps, and some attack arrays lit up slightly, opening the skin of the rat, and could no longer rush like just now.

"Let's go in and have a look." Temporarily trapped by the Tongtian rat, Chang Heng immediately left the small star array and ran to the cave of the Tongtian rat. According to the agreement, except for the blood of the Rat, everything else belongs to Chang Heng. Some arrays are watched by two people at the same time, but who knows how the archaeological expert is? If he is greedy and says that there is nothing in it, it is not impossible.

The cave of the rat is not big, and the entrance is only more than ten feet in diameter. It is winding inside, but it is not wet. There is a night pearl on the wall of the cave every distance. It seems that using the night pearl as a light source is a must-have for every monster in the cave. Along the way, Chang Heng found many traces left by archaeologists, and even saw some blood stains in some places. It was not easy for archaeologists to come. After all, this rat is a mythical beast in the distraction period, and it is good at cracking arrays. Naturally, it also has an understanding of some arrays, and it is also appropriate to arrange some arrays in your own cave. If there were no archaeologists to crack it in front of him, how could Chang Heng enter it so casually?

After a series of hundreds of feet, suddenly a squeaky sound sounded in front of him. Chang Heng's energy trembled and finally reached the lowest end. When he dodged in, he saw the archaeologists shrinking awkwardly in a corner, just facing each other.

The wind brought by Chang Heng breaking through the air shocked the archaeologists and then rejoiced: "Is that the rat trapped? OK, help me quickly. Let's each of these two guys and make a quick decision.

With that, the archaeological expert shook his hand and made a big green net, wrapped a small flying rat in it and killed it.

Chang Heng's eyes swept quickly, and he didn't care to talk to the archaeologists. He opened his mouth and sprayed out a mouthful of yellow smoke. He turned around in the air and went straight to the remaining little sky rat.

The little rat saw that his brother was covered with a net and was ready to help. A cold yellow dragon-like thing suddenly came and suddenly screamed, and a little silver light spewed out of his mouth and hit Huanglong. The silver light penetrated deeply into the yellow dragon's body. The yellow dragon only paused slightly and still rushed to the little Tong Tian rat as if nothing had happened.

Although he was born with the strength of the demon elixir period, the two small rats did not have much experience in fighting with people. One was trapped in the net and struggled, and the other saw that his silver light was ineffective, and immediately panicked and couldn't help dodge the attack of yellow smoke.

"Is it so simple? Archaeological expert, what did you encounter just now? Seeing that the two small rats were in trouble and almost captured, Chang Heng couldn't help asking the archaeological experts.

"Damn, it looks simple now. You didn't see it just now. The two guys are amazing, and I almost didn't fall here. Be careful, it's not that simple." Archaeological experts are full of resentment.

People like archaeologists are forced to be embarrassed by the little sky rat. Chang Heng is not a person who is careless to the enemy. Naturally, he will be cautious. Sure enough, when it was almost sprayed by yellow smoke several times, the little rat screamed a few times, and its body suddenly blurred. From time to time, the yellow smoke brushed its body, which actually had no effect on it at all. The one who was netted by archaeologists with a big net also broke out of the net after a burst of blur, and a paw almost blossomed on the archaeologist's face.

"See, these guys are so shameless that they use this virtual and real method to avoid attacks. If I hadn't had the corresponding skills, I would have taken them down long ago. The archaeologist gritted his teeth and said.

"It doesn't matter. I have a way to deal with them." Chang Heng shook his body. Although his appearance was still Zhu Rong's, the witch power in his body had been operated according to the method of the Dijiang family. He shouted loudly, shot two rays of light in his eyes, broke through the void, and directly hit a small rat.

With a scream, two thumb-thick blood holes appeared on the little sky rat, which suddenly broke away from the virtual and real state and screamed in the air. The blood hole is transparent before and after, and a large amount of blood spewed out of the blood hole.

"The way to enter the void." The archaeologist was shocked and quickly thought about how to change this method with Chang Heng.

"Isn't your yin and yang void also related to the void? Is there no way to deal with them?" Chang Heng is also a little strange.

"Don't mention it, you also know that yin and yang void escape is only stolen by me. How can I learn it completely? I haven't learned those methods of attack at all. Well, if it hadn't been for the same player who did something bad, I wouldn't have been found out. I would have finished stealing my learning. Sooner or later, I will go back to find him to settle accounts. The archaeologist said angrily.

"Don't talk about anything else. Hurry up. I don't know how long the little star array can trap the rat." Chang Heng urged. Shi Heng and Xuan Qing behind him rushed to the injured little Tongtian rat at the same time, and he quickly searched in the Tongtian rat cave to find the treasure stored by Tongtian rat.

"Don't worry, as long as it can't come out for a while, it means that the array can trap it. If it wants to come out, it must take a lot of time to crack the array. This time is enough for us to use." Archaeological experts are not impatient.

The little flying rat against the enemy by archaeological experts was also injured by Chang Heng's void attack. The two little flying mice were in trouble and barked anxiously, trying to summon their mother back to rescue. The archaeologist laughed, and many magic weapons appeared in his hands from time to time. The role of these magic weapons made Chang Heng amazed, and the little stial rat was even more busy.

The two little mice are the demon elixir period. If it is not a little special, they are not any opponent here at all. Chang Heng ignored them and searched in the Tongtian Rat Cave, but he couldn't find any treasure at all.

"How can there be no good thing at all? Even any powerful monster should be a little precious." Chang Heng was dissatisfied and cursed.

"Don't look here. You can carefully understand the void around you. The Rat may build a storage space by itself and hide all the treasures there." Archaeological experts warned.

When he patted his head, Chang Heng suddenly realized. Yes, Tongtian rat is proficient in these and naturally uses them in all aspects. For the law of void, there is no race that can be more proficient than the Dijiang family. He closed his eyes, poked out his spiritual knowledge, scanned inch by inch in the cave, and finally found a slight spatial fluctuation in one place.

"Here." Chang Heng opened his eyes, Wu Li surged, and two rays of light suddenly shot out of his eyes, hitting the spatial fluctuation point he found. The space fluctuated for a while, and then slowly opened, and a channel half a foot long and half afoot wide appeared.

"Ah, save some for me. You can't be greedy." Seeing this, the archaeologists shouted.

Chang Heng smiled and said, "Didn't you say that everything here belongs to me except the blood of the rat?"

"Did I say that? Did I really say that? The archaeologist's face is incredible. How could I say such an idiot? You must have heard it wrong.

"Oh? So you mean that I even misheard that you need to pass through the blood of the rat? Chang Heng sneered.

The archaeologist shrugged his shoulders: "It's just a joke. Why are you so serious?" When I get the blood of the Rat, I don't want anything to get. You don't think I'm really such an idiot, do you?

Chang Heng sneered and watched Shi Heng and Xuan Qing work together to take down a small flying rat, and ordered the two of them to guard the hole and raise their legs to walk to the storage space.

This space is not large, at most half the size of a house. There are some messy things stored in it, including herbs, minerals, some broken weapons and armor, etc. I don't know where the Rat got it.