Online game: God and Demon War

Chapter 284 Land

The establishment of six reincarnations has a far greater impact on the world of the wilderness than players think.

Many lonely wild ghosts were attracted to the land of reincarnation by the power of the six paths of reincarnation, especially some old ghosts who had died for many years were about to become ghosts and immortals with their profound skills. This place of reincarnation suddenly rushed in. They also realized the importance of the place of reincarnation and began to compete for control over reincarnation.

This reincarnation is transformed by the ancestral and witches, and naturally it will not be controlled by others. With the order of the remaining eleven ancestral witches, several great witches led by Yi later sent clans to clean up the land of reincarnation.

After receiving the news, Chang Heng quickly gave up fighting with foreign players and turned to Hou Yi to receive the task. Compared with gaining some rights in the land of reincarnation, it is much better than killing a few foreign players. Once Chang Heng is in charge of a reincarnation, some people who don't like him want to enter the reincarnation, and they can give him some stumblings or something. Kill people without blood.

The place of reincarnation is in an independent space, except for large. Manpower can forcibly break into the outside. Generally, only the soul is attracted by the power of reincarnation and unconsciously enters it. Chang Heng, along with a group of people, was jointly opened by several great witches and sent them into it. As soon as he entered it, he was attacked and killed by some evil spirits.

These evil spirits, including demons and witches, are mostly warriors who died in the First Lich War, and a small number of them are old ghosts whose souls have not dissipated due to various reasons. They realize the importance of the land of reincarnation. After entering the land of reincarnation, they do not enter reincarnation at the first time, but rely on The deep power resisted the attraction of the power of reincarnation, and while colluding with each other, they began to compete for control of the land of reincarnation.

Because of the long time to become ghosts, these old ghosts have a lot of experience in practicing ghosts, and one of them can devouring other ghosts to enhance their skills. They fight with each other in the land of reincarnation and constantly devour some ghosts attracted by the power of reincarnation. The more ghosts they swallow, the stronger their strength. Gradually, several extremely powerful ghost kings appeared, each commanding one side and establishing one power in the land of reincarnation.

Chang Heng's clan has a total of 300 people who entered the land of reincarnation this time. They are all witches and fairy-level strength. The moment they entered the land of reincarnation, they were attacked by the enemy, but these enemies were some low-cultivated ghosts and were destroyed by them. But as the news spread, some ghost kings began to send their own subordinates to encircle and suppress them.

The strength of the 300 witches can easily destroy all the gangs in any country, but the power of these ghost kings in the land of reincarnation should not be underestimated, especially by devouring ghosts. The longer they go by, the stronger their strength will be. Gradually, some Ghost immortals appeared one after another, and the union of all the ghost king forces in the whole reincarnation land actually resisted Chang Heng's attack.

"This time we are here to clean up the place of reincarnation and control the reincarnation in our hands. Don't worry, we need to build a base first." Chang Heng said.

comes from some powerful witches, but strong strength does not mean that the brain is easy to use. The system is still very humane and gives them different intelligence. After listening to Chang Heng's words, these witch bosses agreed, so they built a small tribe in a place in the land of reincarnation as an outpost for the witches to attack here.

300 powerful witches, except for all forces in the land of reincarnation, no force has the ability to destroy them. Self-preservation is more than enough, but it is not smooth to the outside world. The land of reincarnation is full of gloomy atmosphere and is a paradise for ghosts, and for Chang Heng, it suppresses some of their power. And the longer it takes, the more ghosts are attracted by the power of reincarnation, the greater the strength of the ghost kings, and the more difficult it is to clean up.

"Don't worry, let's clean it up one by one." In the face of some witches who wanted to fight to the death with the ghost kings, Chang Heng had no choice but to persuade them. As long as all the ghost kings are not united, they can clear all the ghost kings. It only takes time. But if the ghost kings are really forced to fight head-on with them as they said, it is estimated that the witches are much more likely to fail.

According to Chang Heng's strategy, they will fight one by one. These ghost kings will not unite unless they have to, which gives them a chance. No ghost king has more than 300 ghost-level masters. Even if the ghost king's strength reaches the real ghost king level, that is, the demon king witch level, he can't resist the simultaneous attack of more than 300 witch masters. As long as it is gradually encroaching on the past, one day the whole land of reincarnation will be taken away.

The witches are all good at charging and falling into battle, and they were given powerful wizards by the great witches before they came, which was a hundred times stronger than the magic weapons refined by these ghost kings themselves. They fought one by one. There were only three or five ghost immortals under the command of those ghost kings, and the most were only a dozen. They could resist the impact of 300 wolves and tiger-like witches. In one day, more than a dozen ghost kings were destroyed, and no less than half a hundred ghosts were captured or killed. When the news came out, the whole land of reincarnation was shocked.

As the saying goes, war is the best way to make a fortune. Attack powerful forces and make more money. These ghost kings are all old ghosts. Which of them has no collection and destroyed the territory of more than a dozen ghost kings. Even if Chang Heng gets only 1% of what they have, it adds up to more than what he got in the First Lich War. Finally, Chang Heng roughly calculated that even the refining materials of the green light of the five-color divine light were collected, and what was missing was chaos.

In the past, chaotic gas was nothing more than a star in the sky for Chang Heng. Now Chang Heng also has immortal strength. Not to mention that he can break the void and enter the chaotic zone, he also has the ability to walk in chaos. As long as he can spend time into chaos, he can get chaotic gas, and then the second five-color divine light can also be refined.

When Changheng attacked the ghost kings and forced the ghost king to unite to protect himself, the army of the demon clan finally came. As soon as they come, there are 500 demons, and there are tens of thousands of little demons under their command. Five hundred demon immortals attacked Chang Heng as soon as they entered the land of reincarnation. Fortunately, Chang Heng was alert. They were on guard in time and were not served by the demon clan.

The addition of the demon clan made the land of reincarnation more chaotic, and Chang Heng found that there were some foreign players in the demon clan. Originally, in accordance with the principle of peace and doing nothing in the early stage, although they were born randomly when they entered the game, they also separated players from various countries. Chinese players occupy the middle of the wilderness and are surrounded by foreign players. Therefore, in general, Chinese players know something early, and there is more interaction with the game NPC, and there are many fewer foreign players. It's just that now they appear here, indicating that the whole game will be completely chaotic with the beginning of the national war.

During this period, Changheng fought several times with those foreign demon-level players. Each had its own victory or defeat. Chang Heng's personal strength was stronger than them, but there were five people, and Chang Heng suffered losses, so the situation was deadlocked until the witch witches got the news and sent a second wave of troops for Stop.

The strength of this wave of witches is even stronger. Led by a big witch, 500 masters of witches appeared in the land of reincarnation, shaking the whole land of reincarnation. How powerful a big witch is. Except for the demon clan sending several demon saints, no one can stop him in the land of reincarnation. With the action of the great witch, it took less than a day to completely clean up the whole place of reincarnation. The demons withdrew in panic. Those ghost kings who were willing to surrender were left and all those who were unwilling to surrender were killed. The whole place of reincarnation was the territory of the witch clan.

After cleaning up the land of reincarnation, Chang Heng immediately suggested that the land of reincarnation be renamed hell, establish ten halls of hell, 18 floors of hell, etc. The great witch immediately agreed and reported to the ancestral witch to make Changheng the first hall of the ten halls of hell.