The combination of two swords of online games

Chapter 81

After a day, Mo Fan received a letter written to him by Wanneng, which was quite accusing him of destroying the harmony of the guild.

Mo Fan frowned and was about to attack. Another carrier pigeon came, which was a bug.

Mo Fan's anger and said in the letter: Xiaoshang, the internal situation of the guild is becoming more and more unclear. I suspect that the comeback of the guild is also a conspiracy.

Mo Fan was shocked and replied to a letter: Now there are three guilds outside, and there is a conspiracy to make a comeback inside, and the situation is very unfavorable.

The bug also quickly came back and said: In fact, I think this conspiracy should be omnipotent.

Mo Fan frowned and thought for a moment, and replied: According to your intention, is there anything else to make a comeback? Still, sending a comeback signal is not omnipotent at all!

The bugs over there are in Suzhou City. At this time, they were looking down at Suzhou City at the top of a tower. They saw a bustling flow of people. From time to time, some people came in and came out, showing a different flow of people.

The bug took a deep breath and returned a pigeon: I think so, because the thunder has completely become another team, not only mixed fish and dragons, but also without a free old man.

Mo Fan replied: There is no old man! This... I'm more than 50% sure now. The omnipotence is not me. What about the gods and demons?

The bug said: The gods and demons have been secretly investigating for a long time. He found a strange phenomenon, that is, all the news is transmitted by water. Except after the first announcement of his comeback, he has never seen omnipotent.

Mo Fan took a deep breath and felt that this matter was not simple. Is it necessary for us to doubt water?

Mo Fan was lost in thought, and there was no more information from the bugs there.

Qing Yuan looked at Mo Fan first being angry, then thinking, then turning into surprise, and then meditating. After thinking about it, he knew that Mo Fan was in trouble.

"What's wrong? Prince, are you thinking about how to manipulate the slave family at night? The prince is really H!" Qingyuan gently grabbed Mo Fan's arm and leaned over. There seemed to be a joking smile on the corners of his mouth.

Mo Fan was shocked by Qingyuan and then said, "There is a big problem in our guild. The president may be fake."

Qing Yuan said an andly, "How can a slave woman care about your man's affairs? The slave family just wants to make your son happy at night. Don't ask about anything else."

Mo Fan smiled bitterly and said, "When are you still playing tricks on me?"

Qing Yuan said, "I don't care about your business. You can do whatever you want. The slave family will not stop or refuse, especially that kind of thing." After saying that, he giggled again.

Mo Fan coughed softly and said, "Well, let's go."

Qingyuan nodded, and the two jumped up and galloped on the official road.

And over there, the bug sighed slightly, and the god-shou appeared behind him at some point: "God bless will also sigh. It's really rare."

"Here you are." The bug didn't look back and said, "How's it going?"

Shishen curled his lips and said, "That Wuji is really difficult to deal with, but don't worry, he won't appear on the battlefield. What is the second goal? God bless you?"

Bugs looked worriedly at the obvious increase in the flow of people in Suzhou City several times and said, "Next goal, water."

He was slightly stunned, hesitated for a moment, and said, "I understand."

He turned around as if he was going to hide in the darkness behind him, but he heard the bug say, "Wait a minute."

He turned around doubtfully and asked, "What's wrong?"

The bug turned around and looked uneasy and said, "Is it right for us to do this?"

He took a breath and said, "I love this guild. I don't care who is in the position of president, and I don't care how many dirty and shameless things are done." After saying that, he disappeared into the darkness.

The bug turned around, and there seemed to be a slight moisture in his eyes.

Mo Fan said to Qingyuan as he galloped, "I feel that insects and gods are plotting something. I have been concealed the most important news."

"The most important news? The slave family doesn't understand.

"I think the bug confirmed one thing before me, so I took the corresponding action."

"What will that be?"

"I don't know about this, but from the perspective of the recent omnipotent behavior, it is estimated that omnipotent is not me. What I know is absolutely a person who focuses on brotherly feelings. Maybe he does not have the temperament of a leader, but his virtue is absolutely convincing, which is why our guild is so high. Cohesive."

"Is omnipotent your president?"

"Yes, omnipotent is our president, but now the vice president has been passing on the message, but he doesn't show up, and the newcomers recruited by the guild are not omnipotent at all, I understand! This is a complete scam, and everything may be dangerous."

Mo Fan turned to think: Shit, if there is a behind-the-scenes black hand in this matter, according to the script of the behind-the-scenes black hand, first make several leaders doubt, and then feel that omnipotence is not really omnipotent. Bugs will definitely target the water, because she may be a behind-the-scenes manipulator. If not, it must also be Related personnel.

It's so poisonous. There is no omnipotence. Water and water are the pillars of our guild. If insects are impulsive, or if they kill gods quickly, it will be too late.

The goal of the behind-the-scenes black hands is not omnipotent, not the freedom alliance, is it water? At present, the intelligence is not complete and cannot beconclusive. In short, let's stop the joint attack of the three major guilds.

Mo Fan's thoughts flew away, and various hypotheses poured into his mind. He was worried for a moment, and his speed accelerated a little.

Qingyuan didn't know what Mo Fan was thinking. Seeing that he suddenly accelerated, he quickly followed up, and the two rushed to the post station.

At this time, in another place.

"How's it going?"

"It's going according to our plot, don't worry."

"Good, everything goes according to plan. What else do you have?"

"Young master, I don't understand why the elders arrange this kind of thing as an experience."

"This is not something you can know, nor is it something I can know now."

"It's the young master."

"Call Yuqing to come here."


"Yuqing has met the young master."

"Yuqing, you are the strongest killer around me. I want you to kill someone."

"Who is it?"

"I want you to get rid of the three legends of the Freedom League."

"The profiteer hasn't surfaced yet. I don't have relevant information."

There seemed to be a few murmurs in the darkness, and the man said, "Well, I want you to get rid of God's blessings and divine punishment after they get rid of the water. As for the profiteers, they are just a businessman. It is expected that they won't destroy too much plot. Go."


In the dark, there is no sound...