The combination of two swords of online games

Chapter 344

"Is this?" Murong Ziyi stopped and looked up. She saw a huge ice cave standing in front of them.

"Is this what they call a fox hole?" Mo Fan looked at the huge ice cave and then said, "This doesn't look like a fox hole at all."

Murong Ziyi turned out the map and said, "Sir, this is the map given by Mr. Wen."

Mo Fan looked at the ice cave. The two stood at the mouth of the cave, as if they were insignificant ants and said, "Anyway, let's go first."

The two were bold and entered the ice cave without hesitation. The light in the cave was okay, but the light became darker and darker. Although it was not that they could not see their fingers, it was much darker than the night outside. After all, today is a bright and starry night.

Murong Ziyi can't see the road ahead at this moment. Mo Fan exercised a pair of night vision in the ancient tomb, and the darkness here could not block his sight.

"Sir, I don't think they will take this road. After all, if there is no light here, I don't think they will take risks to catch a fox." Murong Ziyi said, saying that she had stopped, because she could no longer see the road ahead.

Mo Fan nodded and said, "You have a point, but I found something interesting." After saying that, he went to a place and took something out of his arms, and then only saw a flash of fire. Suddenly, there was a light in the hole.

Murong Ziyi narrowed her eyes slightly. When she adapted to the sudden light, she looked around carefully. She saw a row of torches on the wall of the cave. She approached and looked carefully and found that there were some small organs between the torch and the torch. Mo Fan lit a torch. Through these small organs, the torch of the whole cave wall lit up. Get up.

Mo Fan looked at the torch carefully, then paid attention to the small organs, and called Murong Ziyi over: "Ziyi, come here."

Murong Ziyi hurried in the direction of Mo Fan.

When Murong Ziyi approached, Mo Fan pointed to a trace behind the torch and said, "Look here, what does it look like?"

Murong Ziyi came over and took a look. This trace was a scratch on the wall of the cave, deep and shallow, and said, "This trace should not be formed soon."

Mo Fan nodded and said, "Then you can look here again." Mo Fan pointed to the burning torch.

Murong Ziyi narrowed her eyes again, looked at it for a while, and couldn't help but be surprised, "Son, there was a fight here just now?"

"Well, that's right. The cloth on the torch has been cut off. It's a good hand with a sword." Mo Fan looked at the scratch and said, "This is very likely to be Yu Yi's handwriting. It seems that Yu Yi must have gone through this cave."

Murong Ziyi said, "Since Brother Yu is taking this road, it is necessary for us to go on."

Mo Fan nodded, and the two did not say much, so they used light skills and swept forward. Now the fire is bright, so there is no need to slow down in the dark, and Yu Yi puts out his sword here, that is to say, when they meet the enemy, Yu Yi's kung fu, both of them are very convinced, but in the unlikely event that they find it early and share less Heart.

After a while, the two found that their feet began to tilt and slowly extend downwards. It was actually a hole. As they flew by, they began to communicate.

"It seems that this is not an ordinary fox hole." Mo Fan said.

Murongzi's head a little bit: "This hole is really big. We have been walking for a long time, and we have no idea."

"We have found a great place." Mo Fan looked around, and the passing torch was connected into a line. He said to himself, "This road is really long."

"Father!" Suddenly, Murong Ziyi exclaimed. Mo Fan turned his head and saw a huge ice gate standing in front of them. The huge appearance was even bigger than the previous hole.

The two quickly stopped. Unexpectedly, their feet slipped and they stood unsteadily. Seeing that they were about to fall, they twisted their posture and stopped, but they did not fall down.

The two looked down. Unconsciously, they walked to an ice surface. Murong Ziyi patted her chest and said, "It's so close."

Mo Fan nodded admiringly. Just now, Murong Ziyi's reaction was a little slower than her own, which showed how good her quality was.

"It's over." Mo Fan looked back. There was no torch on the wall one foot away from the ice gate, and the light from the torch could shine just right, but the light of the torch was very dim here. Coupled with the huge ice gate, a heavy sense of oppression came towards him.

"What a big door." Murong Ziyi sighed.

Mo Fan approached and touched the ice door. His tentacles were cold, but it was a touch of ice. He said, "It seems that there is a huge secret hidden in this cave."

Murong Ziyi looked at the ice door and saw that it was tightly stitched and could not be opened at all. She said, "I haven't seen Brother Yu all the way. Did he enter this ice gate?"

Mo Fan walked around, knocked east and touched west. Every time, he knocked three times, and then changed places and groped over little by little. After about a quarter of an hour, he opened his mouth and said, "There should be a space behind this ice gate."

"Of course. There is no space behind the door. That's called a wall, not a door." Murong Ziyi said.

Mo Fan smiled and said, "However, this door can only be pushed hard without mechanism."

"Ah?" Murong Ziyi was stunned.

"That is to say, we can only retreat from this door. I just checked that this ice door should be a whole piece of thick ice, and there can't be any mechanism."

"Ah?" Murong Ziyi looked at the thick door, and the sense of oppression suddenly became huge. She turned her head and looked at Mo Fan with aggrieved face: "How can this door be pushed open!"

Mo Fan said, "You don't have to think about it in the past. Now if you and I work together, we should be able to open a seam."

"A seam?"

"Well, such a big piece of ice is calculated by tons. If you push it hard, you can only push it away when I run out of internal strength." Mo Fan patted the ice door.

Murong Ziyi took a breath and said, "Then listen to the prince."

Mo Fan nodded, but said to his heart: Let's see the strength she can exert now.

The two of them said to do it, one side door, one, two and three worked hard together.

The huge ice door was pushed open and slowly opened a crack...

Murong Ziyi exhaled, but Mo Fan was calm and couldn't help but feel calculated. At this time, Mo Fan said, "Ziyi, your talent really surprised me too much. Now you can use 100% of your internal strength. You are simply not a beginner!"

Murong Ziyi was stunned, and then her cheeks turned red and said, "The prince is laughing again!"

Mo Fan looked with admiration and relief, but he didn't say much. He turned his head and began to look around.
