The combination of two swords of online games

Chapter 474

"Dong Dong." A gentle knock on the door sounded in everyone's ears.

There is a situation!

Suddenly, everyone's ears stood up.

"Master, are you asleep?"

Jade protection!

Picture outsider!

This idea suddenly came to everyone's mind.

"Come in." Liu Xu quietly hid his clothes under the table and gently poured a cup of tea.

Prepare for it!

Everyone sighed again.

It's worthy of being the owner of the fog building!

"Squeak." The door was gently pushed open, but it was a handsome person, not Yujinghuai, but someone else.

It's really a jade protector!

The audience was excited.

"Sit down." Liu Xu said.

Yujinghuai did not sit down, but stood and saluted and said, "It's not a big deal this time. I just saw that the lights in the main room were still on, so I came to have a look."

"Sit down, it doesn't matter." Liu Xu took a sip of tea and said.

Yu Jinghuai hesitated for a moment and finally sat down and said, "There will be an important meeting tomorrow. You'd better rest early."

Liu Xu was slightly stunned, smiled and said, "Yu Hufa is too worried. I have my own measure."

"I understand." Yu Jinghuai nodded.

"It happens that I still have some things to think about. Why don't we discuss them together? I read about that area and feel that there are still many problems." Liu Xu said.

Yu Jinghuai said, "Master, please tell me."

Liu Xu poured a cup of tea for Yu Jinghuai. Yu Jinghuai took it, and the two began to discuss, completely ignoring the previous "go to bed early" and so on.

Of course, after Liu Xu poured tea to Yujinghuai, the camera pulled farther and farther, and the sound was inaudible. After all, it was a secret of the guild, but it could not be revealed in full view of the public. It was still very measured.

The lens gradually pulled away, and the main house of the city was silent. Only this place, under the light candlelight, completely forgot the time.

"Oh?" Yang Ruoyi dragged the long ending and said, "How could I come to a conclusion about that place so quickly? It turned out that the landlord and the guardian talked all night and talked about the mystery."

Liu Xu coughed softly and said, "This is a business."

"Oh, yes, yes, it's business." Yang Ruoyi smiled narrowly, saw Liu Xu stamp his feet and said, "I just like to join in the fun."

Looking up again, the picture has changed again.

is also a room, but it seems to be a man's room.

There is no one in the room, but the camera is pulled closer and farther, and the most eye-catching thing is the blue robe folded by the bed.

"Wow!" At this scene, everyone guessed what was going on and howled excitedly one by one.

Yang Ruoyi looked at Liu Xu, but Liu Xu raised her head and didn't notice her eyes at all.

"Squeak." The door of the room was pushed open, and then the footsteps sounded softly.

Next, there is the sound of the file on the table.

"Hmm?" Obviously, the outsider noticed **'s clothes, and it was obviously not the one he put on it.

Then, there was one more person in the camera, and he gently picked up **'s clothes.

Touched it gently and smiled at the corners of his mouth.

Yang Ruoyi looked at it and saw Liu Xu staring at the screen until the person in the painting showed a slight smile. She lowered her head slightly, but she couldn't see the expression.

Back to the picture scroll, he seemed to have found something, gently unfolded the robe, the lens was closer, in the shoulder position, there was a patch on the clothes, the needles were fine, and the sewing man was very attentive.

The person in the painting sat down and faced the camera, not Yu Jinghuai, who is it?

Touching the patch, he frowned slightly, but he didn't know what he was thinking.

At this time, the audience was quiet and seemed to be infected by something. They all looked at the picture scroll silently.

sighed, Yu Jinghuai gently took off his robe and put on the ** patched robe on his body. The camera moved with him and saw him light the oil lamp. There was already a pile of high documents on the table. He wrote ink, opened the documents one by one, and read them carefully.

Outside the painting, Liu Xu looked at the picture scroll and suddenly muttered to himself, "So it's him."

Next door, Yu Jinghuai looked at the picture scroll, lowered his head, and unconsciously glanced at the window next door.

There was silence outside the window. Everyone silently looked at the picture scroll slowly stained with ink color, drowning the oil lamp, blackening the documents and covering the robe.

"Dong Dong." Yu Jinghuai turned around, and the door had been gently pushed open.

"Yang Hufa?" He was a little surprised, but he didn't expect Yang Ruoyi to come to find him.

"I didn't expect that Yu Hufa was still a gentle person." Yang Ruoyi smiled.

Yu Jinghuai smiled and said, "Did Yang Hufa specially come to squeeze under?"

"The landlord will see you. Go there." Yang Ruoyi said.

Yu Jinghuai frowned slightly. At this time, Liu Xu wanted to see him because it was the image in the painting. He said, "I know."

Then, he went out and passed by Yang Ruoyi. Suddenly, he heard a sentence: "Come on!"

He was slightly stunned, but he still didn't stop and went straight to Liu Xu's room.

"Master, are you looking for me?" Yu Jinghuai stood outside the door and said.

Liu Xu suddenly turned around and said, "You, why are you here?"

Yu Jinghuai was stunned and said, "Isn't the thread starter looking for me?"

"I didn't look for you." Liu Xu looked around and said, "What about Ruoyi?"

"It was Yang Hufa who informed me that you have something to do with me." Yu Jinghuai said, "Since the landlord has nothing to do, my subordinates will go back to the room first."

With that, Yujinghuai was about to go back.

"Wait, wait!" Liu Xu spoke in a hurry.

"What's the matter?" Yu Jinghuai's face was calm, but his heart was overwhelming.

"Since you're here, let's sit down and watch a movie together. I, I have something to ask you." Liu Xu said.

Yu Jinghuai tightened his heart and said, "Yes."

Then he walked into Liu Xu's room and sat down at the table in front of her window. Before the wine and vegetables were moved, Liu Xu added another pair of chopsticks.

The two turned their heads to each other.

And Yang Ruoyi next door peeked from the window:

Come on, Xiaoxu!

At this time, the picture scroll slowly opened again.

is another scene.

At the foot of Wudang Mountain, a woman in pink walked slowly. It seemed that she was going to go up the mountain, and looking at her clothes, she should be a disciple of the Emei School.

Suddenly, the pigeon flew over and stopped on her shoulder. She gently took down the letter.

The camera is close, and the woman's appearance is not very outstanding, but there is an unspeakable affinity all over her body, which makes people happy, but she is a person she doesn't know.

"Oh!" After the camera zoomed closer, there were several suddenly enlightened voices.

Back to the painting, the woman in pink read the letter for a while and said to herself, "Sister Wumei is really good. Isn't she just going down the mountain for a period of time? I'm so worried."

There was a faint smile on the corners of her mouth, which was a little relieved.

She put away the letter, then raised her head, wiped the sweat from her forehead, and said, "It takes a lot of effort on this Wudang Mountain."

With that, she stopped and took a short rest.


Go on your way.
