The combination of two swords of online games

Chapter 521

"Puff!" The omnipotent tea sitting in the position of president of the guild sprayed out: "What?"

It turned out that when I received the online report, Wanneng was very nervous. This gentleman's sword was originally an important figure in the Jiuli group of their guild, but he withdrew from Jiuli and also withdrew from the guild for his own reasons. At that time, he was shocked. No matter who was at the peak of the past, Whether by the alliance or the current liberal alliance, he is a key figure.

In the past, he was a generation of profiteers. He was a crazy idol of life players and game businessmen. His unparalleled business mind made the guild rich and strong quickly. After having a solid economic foundation, the free alliance came out and suppressed the three major guilds at that time. Without Mo Fan, there would be no glory of the liberal alliance at that time.

Now, he is not only one of the two strange people in the world, symbolizing the peak of Jianghu force, and two guild wars. For the first time, the free alliance relied on his strange plot to obtain the best interests of the guild war at that time. The second time, although the Presbyterian came up with a divine calculation, this man sat in the enemy's hinterland and still affected the situation. Everything was moving in the direction of his budget. This initiative was also gloomy. Yu Zhi is also known as the first wise man in the world. Almost all famous think tanks have suffered losses under his hands. Whether it is the ghost master, the white dragon king who is also two strange people, or the smiling fan at the top of the Hanxiang Pavilion think tank, all of them have been in his hands. Without him, there would be no current biography. Strange guild.

However, after the second guild war, he refused to return to the guild, which shocked the upper level of the guild, and even when recruiting freely, some things happened.

It is such a crucial person, a generation of strange people who affected the situation in the world. A few years after his disappearance, he appeared in the capital, the key place of the Freedom Alliance, and it was the female Zhuge lady Jianyue who could compare with him. This situation, even those who went out of their own guild had to pay attention to it.

So he sent people to quietly stare at their every move. Naturally, he would not doubt Mo Fan's character. After all, after all, even if he has less contact at ordinary times, omnipotent has absolute trust in him.

However, there is a lady sword next to him. Although the Freedom Alliance and Xinyuxuan have always been iron allies, this lady sword controls the overall situation of Xinyuxuan, and people are capricious. They may do something. In the absence of Mo Fan, bugs may not be able to withstand this girl.

The momentum of Xin Yuxuan has overshadowed the Rose League of the first women's guild and become a real and righteous force.

This lady sword represents Xin Yuxuan. No matter how good the relationship is, it is still a potential factor that can threaten the free alliance. It is still necessary to be vigilant.

And this vigilance, even Mo Fan, with the gentleman's sword, should also be vigilant. These two people have been tied together since they became famous. Now Mo Fan may be instigated to do something by this girl.

According to the gossip in the relationship circle, Mo Fan seems to have always been accommodating to Miss Yue, and the relationship between the two is unclear...

beware! Beware!

This is not a universal disregard for the friendship of the past years. If it is a bug, it may be more thorough. I'm afraid I'll have to ask someone to ask.

After all, the free alliance has a great business now. In this era when games are fully linked to money, the free alliance is undoubtedly a rich family and a large enterprise.

The problem of hundreds of thousands of people eating, how can we not be careful?

However, the news that came back was that the lady's sword took Mo Fan to the brothel!

What's going on!

Is there any conspiracy?

Anyway, this is too awkward!


can't complain!

This is completely taken by my girlfriend to the brothel!

After spouting tea, a series of ideas emerged in the omnipotent mind, and then he found that he was a little envious.

After reading a few words that he could not betray his wife, he ordered to continue to stare at the two.

He told the bug that he probably couldn't figure it out and just wait and see what happens.

And in another place, in the rudder of Jiuli.

The bug also sprayed a mouthful of tea, directly spraying the opposite god.

"What are you doing!" He frowned and was obviously very unhappy.

The bug bowed his forehead and didn't say anything. He just showed the letter to the god.

Then the cold god-sling, his eyes widened.

"I'll go, Lady Sword takes Xiaofan to the brothel!"

The bug nodded repeatedly and didn't raise its head. It was really... powerless to complain.

What's going on!

"They have been missing for so long, and as soon as they come out, they run to the brothel... Bugs, why do some inappropriate scenes and guesses appear in my mind?"

Shishen looked at the letter and was completely incoherent.

But the bug just nodded and didn't say anything at all.

I don't know how long later, the bug suddenly laughed, and the corners of his eyes were already holding out tears.

"I feel like we've been fooled again." The bug laughed and said.

Kishi also smiled and said, "It's wrong for us first. It's so suspicious. This face is to hit itself."

"Yes, I was hit hard in the face."

The bug shook his head helplessly.

"God-sling, have we also begun to be snobbish?" The bug suddenly looked up, looked at him and said.

He was stunned, and his eyes were obviously confused for a while.

"Ah, it's snobbish." He sank his face and said.

"If Xiaoshang finds out, we will laugh to death." The bug said again.

"Ah, for sure, use his poker face."

Shen said, put down the letter and looked at the bug.

The bug smiled, took a deep breath and said, "But after laughing, he was very happy. We are still like that to reassure him."

"Hmm." He nodded his head.

"No... But I can't do it anymore. I laughed to death. I was taken to the brothel by a charming girl. Ah ha ha ha, it hit me and laughed." After a moment of seriousness, the bug got out of control again and laughed.

God-stricide also rarely smiled and said, "We know this matter, and we don't know what kind of expression that guy looks like."

"Well, I really want to see what his poker face can become, ah ha ha, I can't, I can't." The bug laughed out of breath.

"You... stop laughing, I want to laugh too." Looking at the bug, the god-deer suddenly fluttered and forced himself to resist.

A look of laughter.

Then, two long laughs resounded through the sky.

Suddenly, the congregation of Jiuli's rudder looked at the source of laughter one by one, and a thought flashed in their hearts: Not good! The boss and the boss of the god-sling group have drawn 1!