The combination of two swords of online games

Chapter 564

Xiao Yuening frowned. The pigeon was released three days ago, but there was no response at all. She called offline and didn't answer the phone.

What the hell is going on with Mo Fan?

Is there something wrong?

Xiao Yuening shook her head and directly ruled out this idea. Whether it is reality or the game, there is no one yet, and which force can make Mo Fan have an accident.

The only explanation seems to be the impact of Xiao's last blow on him.

"Miss Xiao." The major made a military salute.

Xiao Yuening returned to the country and said, "I have got the demon refining pot."

The major's face was obviously shocked, and he really did it!

"Notify the old general." Xiao Yuening ignored his shock and said lightly.


The major ran out quickly.

Xiao Yuening looked back at the entrance of the ancient tomb and had been renovated. It seemed that Long Yuan had planned to march for the second time.

However, it is no longer necessary.

After the dragonfly died, she got the demon refining pot. Xiao Yuening originally planned to leave the tomb. When she went out, she found that there was no exit from the tomb. She had no choice but to release a pigeon to Mo Fan. After all, the pigeon is a private chat mode, and she can fly out without an exit.

And Mo Fan disappeared, and there must be other exits here.

So she looked for a day in the ancient tomb, but found nothing. In desperation, she could only go offline and then call Mo Fan. When she went online again, three days had passed. Mo Fan still had no message, but the entrance of the ancient tomb had been repaired.

After all, Longyuan is a national institution. Naturally, it is very efficient to do anything. This entrance is at least a month according to the progress of the general guild, and Longyuan completed it in three days.

Thinking about Mo Fan's disappearance, he saw General Yang running over without demeanor. Seeing Xiao Yuening, he shouted repeatedly, "Shou Xiao, you are indeed a member of the Xiao family. It's so awesome! Such a difficult plot has been broken for you.

At the beginning, when he came back from Ling Feiyu, General Yang still didn't believe much. The leadership knew Ling Feiyu's love for his daughter. From the character of the two girls of the Xiao family, he knew how the father spoiled his daughter.

At first, Ling Feiyu said that he believed the two. Half of General Yang thought that the father loved his daughter too much and blindly believed it. The other half was an excuse that the Xiao family was not easy to take action, and the other half was the mood of a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

But, I really did it, these two people!

The plot of the peerless master was killed in seconds, and the two were actually completed.

Just heard this report, he almost scolded the major for being unrealistic.

However, at this moment, although it seems to be a little embarrassed, it is much easier than them.

In addition to being happy, I am also a little ashamed that the special elite force I am so optimistic about is not as good as two ordinary game players.

Go back, but you have to rectify that group of kids!

General Yang's plan is so full of joy on his face. After all, there is only one Xuanyuan sword left now, and China will be the first to go to the world. What exciting news!

My motherland is about to become the first in the real world!

The blood hidden in your heart is boiling!

National rejuvenation, at this moment, in a game, is about to be realized!

Thinking of this, General Yang, who was full of joy, was actually a little tearful. He remembered that his comrades-in-arms who died in the battlefield died in the battle, the last sentence was these four words.

These are the four most important words he engraved in his life!

"Give me the Haotian Tower." Xiao Yuening said.

Suddenly, General Yang paused and said in astonishment, "What?"

Xiao Yuening did not have any superfluous expression and said, "Treasure, it is the safest place to put it here. There are foreign spies on your side, and I don't trust you."

"What did you say?" General Yang was a little surprised. He obviously didn't expect that Xiao Yuening was worried about himself, and even more worried about the country behind him?

Xiao Yuening nodded and said, "As you think, I don't trust this leadership. Since the Three World War, you have become weaker and weaker. There is no such thing as a world power. Let me always feel that your so-called wealth and strength is self-hypnosis, self-hypnosis of the people, and barely maintain those national honor under self-esteem. In short, you are too weak. I don't trust you to protect the Haotian Tower, as well as the demon refining pot and Shennong Ding.

"Do you know how rebellious your words are?" General Yang raised his eyebrows, but he couldn't hold back his temper.

"Great rebellion? That also has to be worthy of our trust and support. I remember that you haven't decided on the South China Sea and the islands in the East China Sea. A defeated country can bully us. Is it still a powerful country? Now there is a saying that China's territory is not moving, and it is embarrassing to call it China's neighbors. Do you know who said it? Xiao Yuening said with a smile.

"Woth, although your family is huge, you can't say this nonsense." General Yang said seriously.

"Let's not talk about this, let's talk about what's current. Some foreign spies can ask you to withdraw the special forces of the two troops, but rely on us ordinary players. Don't you think I don't need to rely on you?" Xiao Yuening smiled coldly: "Have you soldiers forgotten the national hegemony of "those who violate our China will be killed even if they are far away"? A literati can be a politician, but he can never be a military man. Because politics is soft and military is strong. Whether it should be soft or not, whether it should be strong or not, one day, you will be destroyed.

Before the words fell, Xiao Yuening disappeared in place.

"This girl!" General Yang stamped his feet angrily, paced left and right, "Hey" and went offline angrily.

And in another place, Mo Fan slowly opened his eyes.

It hurts so much!

The whole skeleton is in pain, and the Xuanyuan sword is really extraordinary.

He shrank his left hand, and then he was relieved.

For good, it's still there.

He looked around.

Where am I?

He struggled to sit up, but found that his hand seemed to be pressed by something, and he subconsciously looked at it.


Mo Fan was slightly stunned: "If...yi?"

The mixed-race beauty opened her hazy sleepy eyes and saw Mo Fan, and suddenly smiled: "You're awake!"

"You..." Mo Fan was stunned.

Suddenly, she seemed to realize something. She blushed and let go of her hand and said hesitantly, "I'm on vacation here. You... suddenly fell down and thought you were dead."

Mo Fan also realized that she actually grabbed her hand and looked at some red marks on her arm.

She won't sleep with my hand, will she?

Looking at the mixed-race beauty sitting by her bed with a red face, somehow Mo Fan's face turned red and a little hot.

"You... you've been in a coma for three days. I, I'll get you something to eat."

With that, Yang Ruoyi ran out of the room as if she were running away.

"Three days..."

Mo Fan said to himself, suddenly thinking of something, and his face turned red.