Online game No. 5

Chapter 8 Training Task 1

A good night's dream is full of my dreams in the game. I dream of being powerful in the game, and my sleep and drool are very stylish.

Early the next morning, I ate some bread and hurriedly went online.

The launch is in the same way as yesterday, first logging in to the soul temple as the soul liberator, and then using the soul to return to the throne.

When my consciousness returned to the outside of Tianshen City, I went to the main city.

As expected, there were two guarded NPCs outside the door. After seeing us, they blocked the door with the long gun in their hands and asked, "Who are you?"

I sighed helplessly. Although it is artificial intelligence, it is also a computer after all. It is good for the system to achieve this level, but since yesterday, after entering so many players, doesn't he know who I am?

After taking out five letters of introduction, one of the guards looked carefully before nodding and said, "I know, this is a pass." With that, the guard "transfies" five passes to the leading madman out of thin air. This is too fake... It's still simulated. Why do you have to take it out of your pocket?

I was about to take it, but the guard actually shrank back, laughed a few times, and said, "A cost is 200 copper coins, man, don't you also think about our hard work in making passes?"

Wow, you really think you are ancient. I clearly saw that you were transformed!

However, the principle of playing games is... don't turn against NPC!

But 200 copper coins really hurt me. Although a number only costs 200 copper coins, five numbers are a silver coin! Why don't you say a thousand copper coins? Comrade, you are out of date. A red RMB and 100 yuan. Do you like that? Of course, it's the red RMB. We rich people use that yuan as change. ( Bullshit)

Well, it seems that five numbers are not omnipotent, at least five times the price of the system service.

After reluctantly handing over a silver coin, I got the pass, but it didn't take up the burden, but disappeared directly into my body. I'm not surprised. I don't think it's possible to "extort" a silver coin from us again when I come to the main city in the future.

Finally entered the main city, Tianshen City. It seems that I am lagging behind. Now the streets and alleys in Tianshen City are all players. I can't count the specific number. In short, at a glance, they are all heads. It's so lively. If you don't think of the scene at that time, please imagine tens of millions of players at once. Walking around the city without feeling crowded, and there are countless concepts of buildings around you, you can imagine how big the Tianshen City is.

There is no loss to the main city. It can be said that there are all kinds of pharmacies, weapons stores, grocery stores, tailor shops, bounty task associations... In short, it is dazzling and can't be seen clearly.

The first thing I went to was the life skill master. There were too many white equipment in the burden, and there was also a green black iron spear burst by the BOSS cow. The identification at the NPC appraiser was expensive and cost-effective. Anyway, the ghost identification will be learned sooner or later.

But after I knew the learning cost of identification, I was scared.

The learning cost of an identification technique actually costs a silver coin! I scolded this life skill master for being black-hearted, but he naturally said, "This is because the game has just been developed. In order to take care of the players, the system has a special discount and will be discounted on the third day of the game!"

Black, a silver coin is still discounted, that is to say, after understanding, life skills need 1 gold coin to learn.

Although 1 gold coin is not very large, the life profession is a must for every player. Thousands of 1 gold coins is not a small amount.

I still bought it to endure the pain. Now I only have a few copper coins, but the good thing is that the ghost has finally learned the identification technique.

After the ghost identification, the white equipment appeared in front of me one by one.

Although it is only white equipment, it is much better than new equipment.

Then give the green black iron spear to the ghost identification, and the attributes are actually twice as high as those white weapons: attack +80, strength +10, physique +12.

This is definitely a professional weapon for warriors!

I am ecstatic to equip the madman. Now the madman's attack power is obviously much higher than before. If I go to fight the level 8 cow, I guess two "dragon thorns" will be enough.

The equipment released by the cow seems to be relatively specialized, with only weapons, clothes and necklaces. Although there are many, there are still a lot left after equipping the five characters.

It's not that I haven't thought of selling it to other players, but the equipment released by cattle is relatively frequently. It is estimated that at least one or two pieces will be exploded from level 4 to level 10, and I don't have the best equipment, and it's a waste of time to sell them, so I sold these equipment to NPCs.

NPC's equipment is not ordinary black. At the equipment dealer, if I buy a white equipment, I need 1 silver coin, but I only sell 333 copper coins, that is to say, it is exactly one-third of the original.

After selling five pieces of equipment, there are still ten pieces of white equipment left. If you feel too much, you will not be willing to sell them. Anyway, there are already 1.5 silver coins to spend.

It turns out that I am very lucky, because sometimes tasks require these useless white equipment. Of course, I don't know now.

I went to buy a few bottles of primary potion (red) and a few bottles of primary potion (blue). Of course, it's not to prepare for the professional master mentioned by Qian Shiduo. After all, I can't do it. But I still went to the warrior master to have a look first.

For nothing else, I just want to see the comparison between the Bright Knight and the Dark Knight after the warrior's transfer. Of course, I will try my luck and whether I can take it or not.

Entering the "Professional Association (War)," I saw a warrior with a golden knife and bronze armor standing there, holding the handle behind him, as if he could be pulled out at any time. Seeing my arrival, he just glanced at me and ignored it.

It's really a warrior!

Full of momentum!

I secretly praised in my heart that I can fully feel the arrogance from him now.

I went up and said, "Excuse me..."

Before I finished speaking, the "warrior master" cast his deep eyes at me and said to himself, "Is it another young man who came to challenge? For me) Hey, young man, although this task has a lot of experience, it is very difficult, and it can't be done alone with the help of teammates. Many people have died yesterday. Are you sure you want to accept the task?

What does it mean?

What does he mean? Can I accept this single task?

"Accept." I didn't have much time to think about it, so I immediately accepted it. The more difficult he said, the more curious I became about this task.

After accepting it, I thought that because my body is a soul liberator, the system defaults to one person, and the leader is a madman, that is, a warrior, who will let him find out that my profession is a warrior.

Sneak laugh... Omnipotent super hidden profession.

"If you have the courage, in order to ensure your safety, I will give you a weapon." After saying that, he handed over a long sword.

I was overjoyed and took the sword. Shit! White clothes! The name is the sword!

I knew that GM would not be so kind and give you a green suit. I guess anyone who has received the task will give him a long sword. After all, he has just come out of the new village.

"Are you ready? We can start to enter the warrior training ground.

I (crazy) nodded, a consciousness flew away, and I appeared in a cave.

This cave is very deep, and I am at the mouth of the cave. Why do I know that I am at the mouth of the cave? The reason is that there is a vast field behind me, but there seems to be some boundary and I can't go out.

This cave has been a long time ago, and several tips have grown down on the top, and water droplets slowly drip down the tip.

"Drip." Drops of water droplets in the quiet cave fell on the ground, making a crisp sound, which looked particularly quiet.

But in my opinion, nothing is more dangerous than this.

The crisis hidden in tranquility...

After a while, I heard a running sound from the depths of the cave. I knew that the enemy came, and listening to the footsteps, it was definitely no less than a hundred. Its pace was huge but very neat, like an elite team.

In the face of such a well-trained team, my heart suddenly came to my voice. Before level 10, I was used to dealing with those small animals leisurely, and I was afraid that I would not be able to adapt to the sudden change.

But after a while, I reminded myself that I can't mess up, because I know that if I lose the momentum before the battle, I will lose half.

Fantasy is really realistic. In the rest of the games, even if I stand alone among a group of powerful monsters, although my game genius's technology finally ends with my victory, and I will not panic because of the momentum of the monster. But the momentum of the monster emitted in "Fantasy God" is as real, which makes me shudder.

In order to be fully prepared, I observed the surrounding environment in order to retreat or run off attacks (commonly known as guerrilla warfare). Of course, with the other party's huge army, I can't attack even if I want to run, but it can't be ruled out that after I kill them all, there will be a super perverted BOSS

Ghost's vision is not generally good. After all, his stealing god. When I saw a group of dark figures because there was no light, but there was a white "training guard" below, I was more sure of the existence of BOSS. Who does he guard without a boss? Sure enough, he is the crooked king who graduated from junior high school)

I don't know if it was intentional or unintentional, but I saw a good place, that is, a 3-meter-high rock platform. The height of the monster seen by ghosts is absolutely no more than 1.5 meters.

Let gentlemen, ghosts, benevolence and fantasies other than madmen climb up to the rock platform, and stand in the position of benevolence, fantasy, gentleman and ghost in turn, waiting for the arrival of the enemy.

Because there is no remote attack, the madman can only stand below as a meat shield. Of course, even if the madman can stand below remotely. After all, this is other people's territory. With so many high-rise rocks, it is unreasonable not to climb rocks. It is better for the madman to attract attacks.

Everything is ready, only the east wind. I grabbed the black iron spear in my hand and waited for the "training guard" rushing at full speed.