Online game No. 5

Chapter 12 Continue the training task 1

An hour passed quickly, and a white light flashed in front of my eyes, and two figures appeared.

A boy about 1.5, 1.6 meters tall and a girl about 1.8 meters tall appeared in front of me at the same time.

The two said at the same time, "Good master."

I nodded and smiled, "Don't be so polite. Do you know how to do it?"

Xiao Shuanger nodded and said, "Yes, the main book has already told us."

Does this guy "main book" work quite diligently? Maybe it's because I'm his first bucket of gold! ( 0.1% of the money earned by each store every day should be handed over to him)

I told them the price of each item. In fact, it's okay not to say it. They can see the price displayed on the counter. The reason why I'm doing this is to communicate with them. Although they are NPCs, there will also have different personalities. Since I am in the game, I have to treat NPCs well. They are like real people.

As a result, in the communication, I actually hired a pair of siblings by chance. Xiao Kongming was Xiao Shuang'er's younger brother.

This is much easier. At least I don't have to worry that the two NPCs will suddenly fight in the store and affect the reputation of the store, although I know it is unlikely.

However, since the two were originally siblings and had less lovesickness, I have done a good thing invisibly, but I don't know if the system will punish me for hiring child labor.

Let the two prepare and start business. Although Xiao Shuanger's mathematics is better than Xiaokongming, her dexterity is also relatively high. This is not available in the information. Based on my experience, I found it, so let her be responsible for sorting out the store, cleaning, receiving guests and so on, and Xiaokongming came to calculate the money and collect money, although he The computing power is not very good, but at least the abacus can still be used.

However, although they are NPCs, they are real people in the game. Will they be hungry? With this question, I asked Xiao Kongming, who was sorting out the shopkeeper's table, "Xiao Kongming, do you eat?"

"What?" Xiaokongming was stunned and looked at me puzzledly, as if the answer to this question was yes.

I suddenly realized and asked in another way, "Have you eaten yet?"

Xiao Kongming said "Oh" and said, "Well, when I came here just now, the 'main book' invited me and my sister to have a big meal."

Damn, even these two guys have to eat. GM is really good at black money, and he won't let go of every detail that can make money.

I had no choice but to transfer 5% of the funds in the store to Xiaokongming, and then 5% to Xiao Shuanger. I said to Xiaokongming, "In the future, I will take the money from the store for your meals. I have transferred 5% of the money in the store to you and 5% to your sister."

Xiao Kongming nodded gratefully and said, "Thank you, master."

I nodded and said, "You can start the opening after you adjust it."

After saying that, I returned to the lounge, then teleported directly from the lounge to the back door, sneaked out of the store and returned to Tianshen City.

Originally, my shopkeeper let others know that it was not a big deal, but when I thought of the expression when others found that a store was actually five people opening, I decided to hide my identity. Otherwise, I don't know if anyone would scold me for opening a plug-in. Although there is no plug-in, the Chamber of Commerce system accurately said only A player can open a store, but they can't open it together.

At the moment I came out, a loud crowd came. I think Xiao Kongming had opened the door, and those players who wanted silver equipment had flocked to it. I thought, then I could hear the scolding.

"Damn, damn it, it's so expensive that it costs 9.9 silver coins!"

Sure enough, if it has directly doubled tenfold, someone will definitely be dissatisfied, but I don't care. If I have money to buy goods, I don't have money to flash people. I'm not worried that these equipment won't be sold, and I'm afraid that they will be out of stock too soon.

I also had two gold coins on my body to learn building skills, sewing, medicine refining and cooking skills for five people. Because of the 10% discount, I only spent 4 silver coins, and the rest of the money was taken to buy blue medicine and red medicine. I took the gentleman as the captain and went to the mage.

The mage master is completely different from the warrior master, wearing a lifelong white magic robe. If the warrior master gives people the feeling of being arrogant, then the feeling of the mage master is unfathomable.

"Is it another young man to challenge? For me, young man, although this task has a lot of experience, it is very difficult and can only be completed by one person. A lot of people have died yesterday. Are you sure you want to accept the task? Let's put our own life first."

I laughed a few times. There is not much threat to this task for me. Even if the boss is a powerful pervert, I have dealt with it. There should be no big problem.


"It's really bold." The mage praised, "In that case, I will give you a piece of equipment." After saying that, he handed out a ring.

I was stunned. The sword given by the warrior master should be the staff. It seems that the equipment to be given is the NPC's own will, but the ring is always better than the sword, and the gentleman's staff is definitely better than the master! Besides, I don't have a ring so far.

After receiving the ring, the attribute is: magic recovery speed +2% space +20. This magic recovery speed +2% can be completely ignored and has little effect, but this space +20 is good, because there will be a lot of silver equipment in the training mission. With 20 more space, you can also pick up 20 pieces of equipment, that is, 20 gold coins.

"Are you ready? We can start to enter the mage training ground.

I nodded and said, "It's time to start."

With a sound of "Hugh", I was surrounded by a white light. In the blink of an eye, I was no longer in Tianshen City.

The place where I am is just a large floating rock. The light behind is a transmission array, and the fire below is soaring to the sky. I looked down curiously and almost breathless on the spot. It was magma!

I only saw a mass of sparks from time to time. What's going on? Is this the training ground for the mage?

There is only a narrow path in front of me. Although I'm afraid, I'm a man after all. How can I be stumped by such a small thing? I'm settled down. I walked in front of the second-resistant madman. I also thought about letting the meat shield benevolence walk in front, but if I meet the enemy, it's not easy to change positions in such a narrow place. .

The madman, holding a long gun, looks like a captain, leads the four people (actually myself) to move slowly.

while the ghost looks left and right. His title of stealing gods is not false. His eyesight is estimated to be more than twice as good as the other four characters, so that I can see if anything has happened in front of him.

After walking for a while, he found several small fireball-like things flying from the front three sides with ghostly eyesight.

It's getting closer and closer. No, it's not a fireball, but many red birds flying towards us.

Fire, red bird, rosefinch!

I was shocked that the boss here was actually a rosefinch following the illusion god!

At this moment, I also understand that the training beast killed by the warrior must also be an ultra-advanced mythical beast. What I killed is only his replica and weakened version. As for how many times the ability has been reduced, who knows? I guess it's 0.1% of his original strength.

Thinking of the warrior's training beast, it is estimated that the rosefinch here will not be very perverted.

Sure enough, the name of the slowly flying bird is also "training guard", which confirms my idea more.

Just fighting here is very dangerous. If you are not careful, you will be in danger of falling, so I must be careful.

Before they flew over, I quickly added auxiliary skills to everyone with kindness and entered the combat state.

Soon a large group of "training guards" rushed towards me and pecked at the madman, resulting in 9 drops of blood.

Haha, it seems that these guys are worse than the warrior's "training guards" attack power. I can't help but be overjoyed. The ghost began to serve with a flying knife, and from time to time a flying dragon explorer. Gentlemen also keep releasing magic bullets, and fantasy is the curse of cursing, because in the future, you need to fight the curse, and I can practice it now, and benevolence is naturally a healing skill.

As for the madman, I dare not use the return to cutback. I'm afraid that I will accidentally turn down by myself, so I have to pick them one by one with a dragon thorn. However, the attack power of the dragon thorn is much higher than that of the return, even if the level of the return cutback is one level higher than that of the dragon thorn.

Under the auxiliary art of benevolence and the curse of fanaticism, the strength of the two sides is very different. Under the attack of the gentleman's super magic attack power and the level of 4 magic bullets, basically two magic bullets can destroy 6 "training guards", and the madman can also kill a "training guard" with three dragon stabs. Ghost Charm... The flying knife is fast and the attack is weak. I don't know how many times he killed a "training guard", but it is certain that when the madman killed two "training guards", he had already flew to death and used a flying dragon to explore the cloud.

What hurts me most is that all the equipment and money from these "training guards" have fallen into the magma. That's heartbreaking.

Unfortunately, the ghost dragon detective can more or less steal some silver equipment that has been identified, but the number is not large. It is estimated that it has something to do with the level of the flying dragon detective.

I don't know how long it has been, and the "training guards" have stopped flying over, leaving only a few defeated soldiers in front of me, which were quickly solved by me.

The result checked the record and rose from 0% of level 12 to 80% of level 13. After looking at the experience, the experience at level 12 is slightly less than that of level 13. It can be seen that this training task is based on your level, that is to say, no matter what level you are, this training The task will definitely upgrade you to two levels.

This relationship is good. In this way, as long as I finish the training task of 5 numbers, I can directly run to level 20 and start transferring.

It's a pity that the thief can't do the training task, because there is no thief master, but I just don't know now.

There are also more than 200 silver equipment in the burden, all of which are of ordinary quality. They were stolen by the ghost dragon detectives. All the equipment dropped by the "training guard" has entered the magma, and some of them are inevitably green equipment. It really hurts me to see it. GM, what kind of broken scene did you set!?

Raise yourself to the best state and get ready to challenge the boss!