Online game No. 5

Chapter 14 Out of the limelight

Now my online time is 48 hours, that is to say, I have been online for 16 hours in real life, and it took an average of 12 hours per task. Although I can't wait to get to level 20, I have broken my schedule and quickly went offline. Today, I will contact you. "Transforming life", that is, Qian Shiduo, but he is not online. I guess there is something delayed.

When I went offline, it was 21 p.m. and I was about to go to bed when suddenly a phone rang in my second-hand mobile phone.

I opened it and found that it was the cat who was born and died after I dropped out of school.

"Hey, what's wrong with the cat?" I asked, when I met A Mao, he was already a gangster. I met him in an Internet cafe. Although as his identity, he can only be regarded as a social gangster, it is not undesirable. At least he is still very good to me. If there is his food, there is what I eat. At that time, I didn't starve to death with his help, but I knew that I shouldn't be too close to him. After all, he was a gangster.

He seemed to know the situation, didn't force me, and rarely called me, but we still maintained a good relationship.

But why did he call me today?

With doubt, I listened.

"Hey, Ah Cheng, are you free? There is something wrong with me." The cat's voice on the phone was very eager.

"Hm, where are you from? What's going on?" My expression was very steady, because I had been psychologically prepared for a long time. A cat came to me, and it was nothing more than meeting a character he couldn't solve. Nevertheless, I still have to ask the reason. Even if the cat and I have a good relationship, if the cat is wrong first, I will never help him.

"There are 10 people in the skating rink, and we only have 5 people here. Damn, this group of scum actually want to flirt with my wife and her sister. The cat scolded.

After listening, I still answered plainly, "Give me two minutes."

After listening to the reason, I have nothing to worry about. My ability, which has not been exerted for a long time, is finally going to be unearthed. Since the cat is the first, there is no reason for me not to help him.

Take out the 100-yuan banknote that has been treasured for a long time, which is used to save my life, but now there are 2,000 gold coins in "Fantasy", that is, 200 RMB, and I can use it at ease. I will never neglect my brother's accident, and I will definitely be there as soon as possible.

I took a taxi and urged the driver to go straight to the skating rink despite the danger of speeding.

At this time, the two couple had gone outside the skating rink, and the cat took the lead in yelling and scolding each other.

When I arrived, the cat ignored me and still pointed at the other party's head and scolded. The head was probably angry and had no power to fight back when he was scolded by the cat. Only then did I find that the cat's scolding skills had reached the point of fire and purity.

The four people behind the cat saw me and smiled at me. I knew them.

The thin one is called Guo Hao, the stronger one is Zhou Qiang, and the medium-eight Ma Fei has a scar on his face called Wu Kun. Behind the four people, there is obviously a pair of women who are similar in appearance but obviously different.

The one who is more mature and wears a flat skirt is probably the cat's wife. So with a pair of bright big eyes, Chu Chu holding his wife pitifully is probably his wife's sister. The two dressed very sexy, thin and thick. No wonder they provoked others to flirt.

Look at the head opposite. He is a bald head and tall. At my 1.8 height, it is estimated that it is only as high as his shoulders.

At this time, the bald head blushed angrily. I guess it will explode the next moment. The cat is really. Obviously, it can't beat others. Why do you continue to scold? Don't you want to fight?

Finally, the bald man got angry and strode up and punched the cat in the face.

The cat is about to resist, and I have grabbed the bald man's wrist.

"Fuck, who the hell are you? Are you impatient to live?" The bald man originally thought I was just a theaterist, but he didn't expect to take action. He caught his fist and scolded angrily.

I didn't want to be serious with him, but at this time, I changed my attention. I looked at my bald head coldly and said, "Clean your mouth."

"I fuck your mother..." Before the bald head finished speaking, I kicked him on his lower abdomen, and then kicked him away with another foot.

Well, such a trick, I still want to play with me. When I was wandering around, I often fought. In order to win, I did not hesitate to participate in the training of a martial arts school with only the remaining money. I suffered a lot in it. I was afraid when I think about it, that place is not for people. But hard work pays off. Now, a person with such strength as a bald head can at least choose three. This is still a conservative estimate.

"I'll hack him to death!" The bald head shouted to the little brothers behind him.

Suddenly, a sword appeared in my little brother's hand.

Hmm, draw a knife.

I can't help laughing.

A cat also showed a knife about 1 meter long.

I walked up, and the five people behind followed me.

He walked to the bald man with a knife and said, "Knife, do you dare to cut me? Come on, cut it here. Remember, you can see blood with a knife. I made a very ferociously put a fork into my heart, which meant that he would stab here.

The bald hand, which was originally a little trembling, scolded angrily after being provoked by me several times, "Don't you dare to be an old man!" After saying that, the watermelon knife stabbed straight towards my heart.

"Hmm." I sneered. Will I be so stupid that I let you cut it?

I dodged, dodged the watermelon knife, grabbed the bald wrist, and said, "When I became a boss, I only took the watermelon knife. Are you ashamed? Like us, take the machete directly. I pointed to the cat and said, "When I cut people with a knife, you were still changing diapers!" After saying that, my hand turned and drove the bald hand, and his watermelon knife cut directly to his left hand.

I was still kind and controlled the force, but his watermelon knife only cut a little bit of the skin of his left hand.

But anyone can see that with a little force, he will always have only one hand.

I turned my palm and twisted his wrist. Due to the pain, his watermelon knife fell directly to the ground. Then I hit my knee and pat my stomach. As a result, he was kicked by me and couldn't stand up.

I picked up the watermelon knife on the ground and said, "Cat, tell me."

I mean to let A Mao deal with them. After all, he is the boss. If I show too much, I don't know if his wife will dislike him. After all, in my heart, the love in the mixed society is fragile and unspeakable.

I thought the cat would teach them a good lesson. Although I didn't want to see it, it was what I expected.

But I didn't expect that the cat just said coldly, "Get out of here."

Hearing this, it seemed that they knew how powerful I was. Those little brothers had begun to move and planned to run away.

Unexpectedly, the bald head scolded, "FUCK, what are you afraid of? There are so many of us!"

The old bald head still didn't give up. I smiled helplessly. It seemed that I was going to be rough again. As soon as my wrist turned over, the watermelon knife flew out of my hand. The bald head was still lying on the ground when I kicked me, and the watermelon knife stopped straight in front of him about a meter away.

As long as I put a little effort just now, he can shuttle to ancient characters such as the maiden. ( In fact, this official is quite popular)

Seeing my power, my little brother, who dared not run away, has slipped away.

I said again, "Why don't you get out of here? Don't let our boss go back on his word. At that time, we will show your man's majestic posture on the street and expect to receive a lot of exhibition fees. Then after a day of showing, we will say goodbye to the man.

"You..." The bald seven orifices pointed at me, but I couldn't say anything.

"You remember it for me!" The bald man finally spit out this sentence and ran away angrily.

I laughed later and said, "I have a bad memory. You have to remind me more..."

Looking at the bald head going far away, Cat and other six people gathered around.

"Acheng, thank you very much." With that, the cat touched a hundred dollars and handed it to me.

I frowned, pushed away the cat's hand holding the money and said, "I didn't help you for this."

A cat nodded and said, "I know, but I know you have some difficulties in life."

I shook my head again and said, "I will accept this thing if you give it to me at ordinary times, but if you give it to me after I help you, I don't want it. It seems that I helped you for money.

Seeing that I was persistent, the cat no longer insisted on giving me money. She took a cigarette and handed it to me.

I have never smoked, but at this time, the cat gave me a cigarette, and I will never refuse, which is impolite.

But when I took the cigarette, I absolutely didn't smoke it, but threw it away at the end of the meeting. The cat also knew that I was like this and didn't blame me.

At this time, A Mao seemed to remember something and pulled his wife and said, "Acheng, this is my wife, and her name is Zheng Pei."

I nodded and said, "Good sister-in-law."

Zheng Pei smiled at me and said, "Hello."

At this time, Zheng Pei also pulled her sister and said, "Hello, this is my sister, my name is Zheng..."

Before Zheng Pei finished speaking, her sister answered, "My name is Zheng Zhenxi. Hello." After saying that, he stretched out a jade hand.

I reflexively stretched out my hand and shook hands with her and said, "I, you can just call me Cheng."

"I heard my brother-in-law say that your name is Qiu Cheng. You are so awesome. The dead head who hit all of a sudden has nothing to say." With that, Zheng Zhenxi pinched my chest muscles in my chest.

"True night, don't be so rude." Zheng Pei hurriedly grabbed Zheng Zhenxi and said.

Zheng Zhenxi spit out her tongue at me and acted coquettishly to her sister.

My God, is this really an 18-year-old girl? It's no different from 7 or 8 years old.

I sighed in my heart.

After parting with you, I returned home. It's past 21 o'clock now. I only took off my boxer underwear and was about to go to bed. Suddenly, the phone rang. I turned on my mobile phone impatiently. It was an unfamiliar number.

"Hey." I said feebly.

"Hi, Ah Cheng, do you know who I am?" There was a mischievous sound on the phone.

Although my mobile phone is very poor and the voice will change in the mobile phone conversation, I know who it is without thinking about it.

"Is it Zheng Zhenxi?" I asked.

"It's so smart. You got it right." Zheng Zhenxi said, "In order to reward you, let me tell you, I'm ready to go to bed now, and I only wear it... hehe."

Wow, what on earth does she want to do? Thinking of that scene, my nose is bleeding wildly. Please, I think everyone is like a perish. I'm sorry, I'm not interested in You.

"I'm sleepy." I said impatiently.

"I'm not sleepy." Zheng Zhenxi answered righteously.

"..." Why can't this guy understand human language? Can't she hear that I don't want to talk to her?