Online game No. 5

Chapter 21 The Resentful Zombie King 2

"Of course, the benefits will not be less than yours." Satan, the zombie king, said, "You can gain a lot of experience and equipment after killing me, and my inner elixir can also be given to you. As long as you help me save Lucifa."

"..." Quiet...

Now I'm not thinking about a lot of experience after killing the zombie king Satan, but imagining what he looked like in his previous life. I guess he must be a strong and kind father...

He has domineering power, but he has a caring heart for children. Such a father... is actually willing to give his life for his son.

"But if you die, how can you know if I will help you?" I asked, I don't want his life at all now.

I don't know if Satan's still ferocious face has a smile. He seems to know that I have promised him. I don't know what magic he uses, and his blood volume is continuing to decline. "He said": "If you promise me and gain my experience, if you don't save Luciffer, my soul will follow you for the rest of your life. I will make you doomed for a lifetime.

I sneered and said, "I won't be threatened, but don't worry, I will help you. And you don't need to destroy yourself. I don't need the benefits you give me. What face do I have to ask for benefits from such a father?

Satan's blood is still falling, "He said": "You'd better kill me. Anyway, I have fallen into such an end. Even if you don't kill me, as time passes, my soul will slowly disappear until I disappear." Satan slowly grasped the madman's black iron spear and slowly stabbed his throat. Now there is only a trace of his blood left, and the little dragon can kill him in a second.

But... I hesitated. In the face of a lot of experience and material benefits, I hesitated, although the black iron spear in my hand still slowly pointed to his throat under his leadership.

What am I doing? He is just an NPC, just a data. Why don't I do it? As long as I take action and experience, a lot of equipment will flow to me.

"One more thing." While pulling the black iron spear with his left hand, he wrote on the ground with his right hand, "After I died, please give me a bloodthirsty sword to Lucifa."

Is this... the father? Even before I died, I still thought about my son. I killed him fiercely! This is his fearless and great fatherly love!

This is respect for an immortal warrior! I clenched the black iron spear in my hand and stabbed it hard. Under his strong indoctrination, the black iron spear successfully pierced his throat.

Blood...still red blood, flying all over the sky.

I'm not in the mood to see how many levels I have risen, and I'm not in the mood to see what equipment he has exploded, but to focus on a posture of falling down.

The still ferocious face seems to me with a sense of relief.

After my black iron spear was pulled out with tears, he... still stood!

The admiration in my heart rolled out, like a sculpture. Although it was ferocious and horrible, it was extremely beautiful. This is an admirable warrior!

I couldn't help kneeling down and towards this NPC, this data! A deep kowtow, and now the respect for him can only be expressed with a kowtow. Now I understand why the ghost was not killed by him. If he wanted to, I'm afraid that even the madman would be killed by him, but he controlled his strength and didn't kill me.

After I kowtowed three times in a row, the body of the zombie king Satan finally fell deeply.

After a long silence, I slowly came back to my senses. The experience of the zombie king Satan made me upgrade to 6 levels in a row, which was not inferior to the dark green dragon at that time. Four things exploded. One is a black ball, with a slight black light, and I feel endless energy flow from it. This is probably Satan's Neidan. Just now, he forced the output of Neidan to cause continuous bleeding, and it was also the Neidan he "promised" to give me.

I didn't take it. I put it into the bag and picked up an aqua blue wand. The long wand was printed with a silver-white gem. After identification: Holy Spirit wand, mental strength +104, increased the effect of the healing spell by 40%, and there is a 10% chance of returning to the best state.

My mind was a little numb. After slowly changing the benevolence, I picked up the third thing.

This is a book that says: Dragon Tooth Gun attacks the enemy with 8 times its own attack power and has a chance to cause a stun effect. Attack multiples and stun success rates depend on the skill level. Knight Dragon Knight Chaos Dragon Knight can be used.

It is still numb to use the skill book for the madman and pick up the last thing.

This sword is a huge red sword, and a crimson stripe in the middle seems to be slowly being absorbed by the sword and the owner of the sword. Bloodthirsty Sword, Grade: Intermediate Artifact Attribute: Because it has not been developed, it is currently unknown task supplies and cannot be used.

Artifact! It is also the most advanced weapon mentioned on the official website, but because the game has only developed sea blue equipment, the attributes of the artifact are still invisible.

After I put away my things, I bowed to Satan and packed everything back.

Back to Tianshen City, I first went to the life skill tutor to learn creation, tailoring and refining. I have already learned the crazy cooking and ghost identification skills.

Then the cowhide, wolf skin, horns, wolf teeth, etc. brought from monsters such as cattle and wolves were all turned into silver equipment. As a result, what made me dissatisfied was that it actually occupied more than 1,000 heavy materials for me, and only successfully built 10 pieces of silver equipment, and all the others failed!

I was secretly dissatisfied and decided that I must first refine an iron furnace or sewing machine next time!

In other words, I put all the silver equipment in my bag into the store to sell, and then the system reminded me that I should go offline. I secretly put 5,000 of the 6000 gold coins on my body into the black market to sell and then went offline.

Since Magic has not yet opened cash exchange, many players are buying gold coins in the "black market", but at present, it seems that rich players like me do not have it, so the exchange ratio is very high. Now the price is 1:2, that is to say, my 5,000 gold coins can be exchanged. 2500RMB, plus transaction fees and so on, I can get 2460RMB.

And I found that as soon as I put gold coins on the black market to sell, the result was that everyone robbed their heads (a little exaggerated), and my bank card quickly increased 2460RMB.

After getting offline, the mobile phone rang quickly. It was Zheng Zhenxi, the little girl, called.

"Hey..." I answered lazily.

"How dare you lie to me, Qiu Cheng?" Zheng Zhenxi said angrily.

"Ah?" I asked puzzledly.

"Didn't you say your name is Gourd? I had a man named Gourd yesterday, and I still chatted with him. Finally, he asked me if I was, or not, if I didn't have a boyfriend to find him! I'm pissed off."

I was confused and meditated for a long time before I understood a general idea. I said helplessly, "I didn't say that my name is gourd. You heard my snoring sound as gourd by yourself. Who can be blamed?"

"Ah..." Zheng Zhenxi seemed to be going crazy and said, "I don't care. How can you compensate me?"

"...I didn't do it. All right, how do you think I can compensate you?" Is this little girl pestering me?

"Hee hee, I want you to go shopping with me, by the way..." Zheng Zhenxi said this and stopped talking.

"By the way, what?" I feel like being fooled.

"We'll talk about it then. Will you go shopping with me?"

"Okay, okay, I know. Why do you want me to go out with you?" I have no choice.

"Hee hee, can you fight? It's safe to have you around. Then we'll see you at the skating rink. Zheng Zhenxi said with a smile.

"..." The reason for me to follow is to use it as a bodyguard.

I had no choice but to take 2,000 yuan from the bank with my bank card, and finally I could grasp the four digits in my hand, and tears filled my eyes filled with excitement.

Controlling my mood, I took a tricycle and drove towards the skating rink. Except for my brother's business, I don't like to fight, so I don't spend so much money on it. At the gate of the skating rink, Zheng Zhenxi was already waiting for me at the door.

What she wears today is still so exposed. Her light red hair is scattered on her shoulders and her ears are wearing love earrings. Her clothes are orange tight vests. Two small red straps are on her shoulders, revealing smooth shoulders. Below are matching tight orange trousers. The whole look, the whole person is S-shaped, peak Ups and downs, real ** people commit crimes.

However, I have been empty and have no interest in women, but... the brother in his lower body still has a natural reaction.

Seeing me coming down from the tricycle, she said dissatisfiedly, "What? It's rare for me to ask you to come out once. You didn't arrive at the first time and came by tricycle."

I was in a cold sweat, "Otherwise, how do you want me to come here?"

"Didn't you call last time?" Zheng Zhenxi stamped his feet and said.

"Please, I even have a problem with eating now. How can it cost me so much? Last time, it was because the cat had something to do. I couldn't help but come here earlier. I have no choice but to say that she is not interested in me...

"Forget it, I'll spare you first this time. If it's later than me next time, you will look good." Zheng Zhenxi threatened.

"..." What? I want me to go out with her, but I still don't like it.