Online game No. 5

Chapter 30 Try PK 2

"Kid, why does this old man only help you build it, not help me build it? Is it a matter of money?" "Killing God" asked strangely.

"Hmm." After the "killing god" finished speaking, Ou Yezi snorted coldly. I think it was because they stained Ou Yezi's sword casting level with money. Such a master, even if he is willing to help you, if you give him money, he doesn't want to help you.

If he asks me kindly, I may also show mercy to him a few words. Of course, it's not to tell him the reason, but to point him.

But... talk to me like this? You treat me as a vegetarian!

I snorted coldly and said, "It's a matter of appearance."

Xiaolong muttered, "It hit the nail on the head."

"Fuck, are you fucking kidding me? There are three people here. There is only one of you, and there is another child who is smelly. Your life is in my hands. Do you understand?" "Killing God" said angrily. How could he imagine that such a game, a "minor" like Xiaolong, could come into the game?

"I can single-handedly pick your group, boy." I said indifferently that the last word "child" is a little like a "thief", which is even more ironic.

"Abandoned him!" "Killing God" said angrily.

While he was talking, the madman's black iron spear had split directly towards the "dead and whip the corpse" next to me, passed directly across his shoulder and made a big cut on his chest. Of course, this was in the game. The wound recovered quickly, but the blood volume was still buckled.

The madman's black iron spear is a weapon under Master Ou Yezi. The defense of the mechanical warrior is not high. When he was stabbed by the madman, he lost a lot of blood. At the same time, the humanoid dragon rushed to the side of "dead and whipped the corpse", and the two fleshy fists quickly hit the "whipped after death". The body of the corpse was only two punches. This "death and whip the corpse" had no time to replenish blood, so it died under the fist of Xiaolong.

And the "killing god" and the mage next to him called "powerless" looked at our companions who abused them and were actually dumbfounded. It took a long time to react and said, "Fool, how dare you open a plug-in!" I want to report to GM.

"There is a bear in you! Can this game also be a plug-in? After listening to it, I couldn't help cursing. This little brother's imagination was so rich.

"What do you drive! I'll kill you!" "Killing God" set up the huge sword in his hand and split it at me. It seems that he is a swordsman among the warriors, and he is a swordsman of the sword flow. ( Swordsman is divided into single sword flow and double sword flow)

But not to mention that the equipment is better than him, the level is higher than him, and Xiaolong is a good assistant. My profession alone is a hidden profession of warriors. Although there are many people in this profession, at least some are better than him. Coupled with my skills, he can't compare with me at any point. I turned around and then picked it up. Be good and fly.

Seeing that the "killing god" was picked up by me and hit the wall, Xiaolong rushed directly, but this "killing god" did not dare to ignore Xiaolong's perverted attack power, and a sword wave waved at Xiaolong.

And the "powerless power" was not daze this time. He only saw him chanting a spell and a fireball condensed in his hand. If I guess well, he was the elemental mage who was transferred to the mage, and he was a fire mage.

The fire mage's attack power is very strong, but without good equipment, the cohesion time is relatively slow. His speed is simply useless for a madman. As the saying goes, the warrior is the nemesis of the mage, which is not wrong at all.

Just as he gathered his strength, the madman stabbed a dragon tooth gun and directly shot the "power boundless" out.

Very good, dizzy!

I smiled secretly and ran directly, with a flat cut and added a dragon thorn, and a low-level skill to chopping. At this moment, the cooling time of the dragon tooth gun has passed, and the dragon tooth gun was released again, and a "critical strike" appeared above my head. "mana boundless" was directly hit the ground by me. With the high attack power of the madman and strong The big black iron spear, because of the mage's ultra-low defense and his failure to open the magic shield, was directly ended by me a few times.

At this time, the "killing god" was also abused to death by the dragon.

After they were all dead, the bodies of the three disappeared, and I knew that they had gone back to the resurrection point. At the same time, the system sent a message: Ding, you killed people in the main city. Ding, because you are in self-defense, you will receive 1% of the punishment for killing in the main city, and 1,000 points of prestige will be deducted.

Damn, it's said that it's self-defense, and you still have to be punished, but the good thing is that it's only 1%, otherwise I will deduct 100,000 points of prestige, as if I don't have so much prestige to deduct him. Now I only have 49300 reputation, which is obtained by killing a lot of monsters. Among them, the most prestigious is the dark green dragon, followed by Satan, who added 40,000 prestige to me. Even if such a powerful monster is found, it is difficult to kill, so reputation is rare.

And I was lucky to find the weapon that fell after the "killing god" died. When I picked it up, it was also a green equipment: the huge sword, 83 increase in attack power, 50 reduction in agility, and 2% increase in critical strike rate.

Awesome! Unexpectedly, it is more powerful than my first black iron spear. Although its agility has been reduced by 50, it has increased the critical strike rate, and the two are even. And this is unstrengthened. If it has been strengthened twice like the black iron spear in my hand, the attack power will definitely no longer be below 120.

However, I don't have so many materials and energy to strengthen it. If one fails, it will be troublesome. Although I can ask Ou Yezi to help me, but... Don't waste my saliva on such a trivial matter. Ou Yezi will not be so kind. Besides, I don't need to strengthen it. Anyway, I'm going to sell it.

The other two are still lucky, and there is a high chance that the equipment will be lost by forced PK, but they have not lost anything except the "killing god" who dropped the giant sword. ( Note: PK points to force PK and competition. As the name implies, it is to play, and there will be no death, let alone equipment and experience. There will only be a temporary blood volume of 0. After the competition, the failed person must go to the hotel to spend 100 gold coins to rest to recover, which is also a sign of their black people. However, competition is different from forced PK. Forced PK does not require the consent of the opponent and starts directly. And the competition requires the consent of the other party)

"Cool, I got another piece of equipment." The three have left, and Ou Yezi once again pretended to be old and disrespectful and smiled.

I smiled and said, "How can there be a good night magic gun made by you?"

Ou Yezi laughed a few times and said, "The night magic gun is not made by me. I just want to help you strengthen it by fulfilling my wish to strengthen the sea blue equipment."

I said, "It's all the same, it's all the same."

After a pause, I said, "Yes, master, what on earth are they looking for for you?"

Ou Yezi snorted coldly and said, "Isn't he trapped by the mortal world and wants a supreme weapon? The world is always like this.

I was stunned. Why am I not like that?

I smiled and said, "Everyone has their own aspirations, and everyone will have different ideals."

Ou Yezi nodded and said, "You're right, boy. Although I don't like it, I have to admit it. By the way, for the sake of your willingness to believe me and dedicate a sea blue equipment to me to experiment, I will give you something. With that, Ou Yezi took out a book from his waist and said, "This is my experience. If you are interested, you can read it."

I'm overjoyed, Ou Yezi's weapon manufacturing book!

As a result, I almost fainted, and the effect was to increase the success rate by 1%.

What did I think! The master's weapon manufacturing book has to increase the success rate by 50%. Does this old guy still hide private goods?

Seeing that I looked at myself with disappointment, Ou Yezi said, "What? Do you think it doesn't work well?

I said quickly, "No, no, no. I'm so touched."

Ou Yezi smiled brightly and said, "Don't hide it. You can see it from the expression on your face."

I lowered my head awkwardly and said shyly, "I just..."

Before I finished speaking, Ou Yezi said solemnly, "Kid, don't want to climb to the sky in one step. You can reach the highest peak if you get any secrets or weapons at once and be instructed by some master. Remember, although I don't guarantee what other things will be, no matter what adventure you encounter, if you want to reach the master level, you can only come out step by step and hit it out one by one. This is my advice."

I was stunned. Listening to Ou Yezi's words, it was really hard to believe that this was what the game NPC said. I felt that he was a real old man, a down-to-earth old man.

I nodded heavily. This sentence benefited me for the rest of my life. In my heart, this sentence is more useful than those books that increase the success rate by 50%.