Online game No. 5

Chapter 32 Destroy the Viper Group

For the sake of safety, I added a sacred word to Renai in advance to avoid the need from time to time.

The madman held the black iron spear in his hand and slowly moved towards the snakes under the cover of the trees.

However, what I never expected was that I was too careless to play secretly in other people's territory. You know, they are very clear about every corner of their territory.

Just as I was ready to attack, a green viper suddenly rushed out of the tree next to the ghost at the end of the team, opened its mouth and bit at the ghost.

When the ghost was bitten, I found that there was a fraud behind me and quickly came to my senses. The second attack of the poisonous snake had hit the ghost.

The ghost quickly flew a dart, in the big mouth of the poisonous snake, and then hid sideways. Although Renai was not panicked, he directly added a treatment to the ghost.

Although the ghost's agility was fast, he couldn't avoid it for a moment and was bitten by a poisonous snake again, but this time it was better than last time. It was not bitten directly, only suffered a little skin injury.

was attacked twice by poisonous snakes, and only half of the ghost's blood is left. This is still the reason why Renai has been treated once, and the qi and blood has also changed from bright red to green. Although the poison gas is not as powerful as the Cat Demon King, it is also small and cannot be underestimated.

While the ghost dodged, the gentleman's ghost has attacked the snake. The number next to the blood strip tells me that the snake is a level 48 monster, and according to the amount of blood, the gentleman's four ghosts can kill it.

At the same time, the rest of the poisonous snakes also noticed the abnormal movements here, spit out their tongues outside a few times, and then looked at us.

This time, it was completely exposed. I secretly said that it was not good. From the front, there was a large group of poisonous snakes in front of me, and behind were poisonous snakes that had been buried for a long time. I had a pursuer in front, and there was no way out.

The number of poisonous snakes can be seen at a glance that they are several times more than the cat demon group, and all of them are more powerful than the cat demons. If I fight hard, I will definitely suffer losses. Now I am under siege on all sides, and it is impossible to escape. At this time, only the super roar of the dragon can resolve the situation. Unexpectedly, However, Xiaolong's second super roar was used so quickly, which was used to save his life.

Now I can't allow myself to consider that benevolence stands in front of the most vulnerable ghosts to prevent him from dying. I said to Xiaolong, "Xiaolong, use super roar!"

Although I was a little reluctant, I still hummed and said to myself to these poisonous snakes, "Bad beasts, this is the end of you offending me and let you really die without death!"

But Xiaolong's words broke my pride: "Master, the cooling time hasn't arrived yet."

"..." I looked at Xiaolong with a stunned face and almost called my Buddha. However, I forgot this kind of thing at this time!

"So, what should I do, what should I do?" I said in a hurry.

Xiaolong's right fist started with blue light and said, "Master, don't worry. Xiaolong vows to protect you to the death."

"..." I looked at Xiaolong helplessly. What's the use of protecting him to the death? When you hang up, won't it be me next?

Despite this, I can only be a dead horse as a living horse doctor, as if the difficulties I had encountered before were basically miracles, just like the first time I encountered danger and created a "shrimp" array.

With a glimmer of hope, I decided to fight.

In order to prevent the poisonous snake from hurting the ghost behind, the madman's roar attracted the attention of most of the poisonous snakes in front of him.

However, the effect will also change with the distance. For example, the poisonous snakes followed by ghosts are far away from the madman, so the roar has no effect on those poisonous snakes.

This is troublesome. Although I can use the number 5 group, I have to take care of two numbers at the same time. It's still more troublesome. In the past, I only needed to manage the blood volume of the madman.

With the scream of the little dragon, a huge light ball burst out from the dragon's mouth, which hit the ground heavily and emitted a huge light. The light flashed, and there was no destruction around it, but all the poisonous snakes were more or less bleeding, and they were all dizzy!

I was shocked. Xiaolong didn't say that he would have such a skill at all? Is it his new learning again, or is he deliberately hiding it from me? Regardless of this, these poisonous snakes are already super skills in full seconds. Although it takes more than 500 times to kill them according to this attack power, it can cause all the dizziness.

Seeing these guys dizzy, Xiaolong and I did not hesitate to attack crazily. Even if all of them were stunned for two seconds, these two seconds were very important to us.

With the joint efforts of four people other than the madman, the poisonous snake that attacked the ghost was finally annihilated by me. The rest of the poisonous snakes were far away from the ghost and did not pose much threat for the time being.

And the madman no longer uses a single dragon tooth thorn to kill monsters, but desperately uses the shock of riding. Although the area is not as wide as Xiaolong's move just now, and it can't be 100% dizzy, its attack power is still higher than that of Xiaolong. The madman's feet soared into the air, turned over, and his feet stepped heavily on the ground, making a "drink" roar. Then, the blood volume of the poisonous snakes decreased a little in an instant.

I want to take out the low-grade powder that has been prepared for a long time (only low-level powder is sold in the store), and perform a new skill "poison powder" according to the wind direction. The light green poisonous smoke permeates the air. Because we are teammates, we will not be harmed by the poisonous smoke. I'm lucky. The wind here is only a slight wind, so that the wind will not be too strong to spread the poison gas.

At the same time, in the dense place of snakes, it is served by the gentleman's "undead array". With the gentleman's spiritual power, the first-level "undead array" attacks about 300 enemies one after another, and once the undead array is transported, there is no need to cast spells to maintain it, so I can release the "undead array" again elsewhere, or make Attack with "ghost entanglement".

Each has its own unique tricks to release, but the ghost flying knife is not very helpful to me now. Although the pear flower dart has added 30 points of damage, it is not worth mentioning the damage of more than 100 or even thousands of dragons, madmen and gentlemen.

At this time, the situation is critical, how can I use the ghostly "Dragon Exploring Cloud Hand"? In this case, it's better to use darts and kill a little more.

has been in the snake group for a long time. Everyone has been poisoned, and the gas and blood continues to decline, but the treatment of benevolence can only cure one person, which can't make a big difference at all. I was anxious. I had to start taking red medicine, but the medicine I took is like mud, and there is no improvement.

Although the speed of qi and blood has slowed down, there is no doubt that my qi and blood is still falling. If it goes on like this, I will be poisoned by this group of poisonous snakes sooner or later.

"Xiaolong, release the light ball again just now!" I hurriedly shouted to Xiaolong that the lightball skill just now was really useful!

But Xiaolong reminded in a low voice, "Master, this light of the Dragon God is only available when I swallowed the green dragon stone. It can only be used twice in my life."

"Ah?" I'm surprised that it's so precious. No wonder the scope is so large, but if you don't use it at this moment... the consequences are very serious.

"Use it!" I gritted my teeth and said to Xiaolong.

The dragon nodded and released the photosphere again, and the snakes fell into dizziness again.

Take advantage of his illness and kill him! I took advantage of the dizziness of the snakes, and the skills of the five characters were wildly released, and finally killed a large number of snakes. When the dizziness was lifted, there were only a handful of snakes left.

Not long after, all the snakes had fallen to the ground, and my blood slowly recovered with the help of benevolence.