Online game No. 5

Chapter 35 Jail Rob 2

After killing the head of the prison, Luci Faliso's move was fatal, ending the lives of other jailers three or five times. Sure enough, he is a 12-grade guy, awesome!

It's a pity that I can't form a team with Lucifa, otherwise the experience of these guys will more or less upgrade me to several levels.

"Go!" Lucifa grabbed me and ran to the door.

Just as we saw a glimmer of light at the door, a figure slowly came over in the light. My intuition tells me that this character is not simple.

Sure enough, when Lucifa saw this man, he slowly stopped and clenched the bloodthirsty sword in his hand.

With the dim light, the man's appearance gradually became clear. He was a young man in a literary shirt, but with a trace of cold air.

"South...Gong...Shadow..." Lucifa spit out these three words word by word, which really stunned me. Nangongying, is that what Satan said to frame them? No wonder there was strong anger in Lucifa's words.

" Lucifa! How dare you escape from prison! It's simply a rebellion!" Nangong Ying shouted.

"Hmm." Lucifa snorted coldly and said, "You came just in time. Let me kill you directly and avenge my family!"

"With you..." Before Nangong Ying finished his words, Lucifa had rushed straight over.

"Four curtains of doomsday! Opening, breaking the sky!" Lucifa shouted loudly, and there was a black light on his right fist, and a punch hit Nangong Ying.

Lucifa jumped back and then shouted, "Prelude, meteor!" Lucifa turned into three remnants and hurried towards Nangongying in an instant. No one was seen. Hearing a few attacks, Nangong Ying flew directly out.

"The end, the last moon!" With a sw, Luciph turned into a black gas, surrounding the Nangong shadow in mid-air. The black gas dissipated. What appeared in front of me was that Lucipher kicked on Nangong Ying's chest, and the other foot was against his knee, and the whole body floated in mid-air.

The next moment, Nangong Ying spit out a mouthful of blood and was shot out. At the same time, Lucifa also fell to the ground steadily.

While landing, a black ball has been moved from Lucifer's palm and slowly became bigger.

"Close, doomsday." This time, Lucifa did not drink as loudly as before, but whispered.

While Nangong Ying landed, the black ball in Lucifa's hand had been thrown out.

"Once after another..." The black ball touched the sound of Nangong Shadow, making a harsh sound every second.

"Boom!" After several consecutive thorns, the black ball burst out in an instant, and Nangong Shadow was blown up from the ground to the air again.

At the same time, Lucifa continued to run under the shadow of Nangong, cut the bloodthirsty sword to his chest in an instant, and the blood suddenly splashed out. Then he inserted the bloodthirsty sword straight to the ground and shouted, "Blood pillar!"

Lucifa's splashed blood immediately became alive and ready to move. When the Nangong shadow was about to fall to the ground, a bright red column of blood burst out from the ground and rose to the sky.

"Boom!" Nangong Ying was blown away again. Lucifa pulled out his bloodthirsty sword, jumped up, and then shouted at Nangong Ying: "Cut it with a knife!" Lucifa raised the bloodthirsty sword, cut down the knife, and immediately cut out a stream of flying blood.

And Lucifer's blood loss just now slowly recovered with his attack. After splitting, Lucifer shouted again: "Blood explosion!" Holding Nangong Ying in one hand and bloodthirsty sword in the other hand, he has stabbed towards Nangong Ying.

The bloodthirsty sword passed through Nangong Ying's body, and Lucifa also let go and slowly fell.

"Boom!" Just as Lucifa landed, the whole body of Nangongying in the air exploded, emitting bright red blood fog.

"Wang..." A few flying sounds, the bloodthirsty sword seemed to be spiritual, spinning back to Lucifer's hand.

Nangongying was blown aside, and the blood volume has dropped to 0.

I was shocked that Nangong Ying's grade was 11, which was only 1 difference from Lucifa. He was killed by Lucifa without any power to fight back. It seems that this is the power of the bloodthirsty sword, the intermediate artifact!

Looking at me, I want to know what the attributes of the bloodthirsty sword are, and why the damn system has not been updated! It pissed me out.

After killing Nangong Ying, Lucifa took my hand and ran away in the opposite direction from Modu to the prison.

As I ran, I said eagerly, "Where are you going? It's in the wrong direction!"

Lucifa said, "I know that outside the door is the magic capital. It's dangerous for us to go out and will be attacked by the soldiers in the city. I know there is a secret.

We ran to the westernmost part of the prison, and a wall blocked our way. Lucifa skillfully touched the wall and encountered a stone that was slightly different from the public. A stone door slowly appeared in front of us.

In front of the stone gate, it says: A pair of couplets: drinking white hair at a young age is the vicissitudes of life

The reason why it is said to be a couplet is that it is just an upper couplet, not a couplet.

"It seems that a secret code is needed. Do you know what the next couplet is?" I asked.

Lucifa pushed me away and said, "I don't know."

"Well..." Before I finished speaking, Lucifer's bloodthirsty sword had been raised and cut off with a sword.

With a "bang", the whole stone door was smoothly cut down by Lucifer's bloodthirsty sword without a trace of roughness.

I sighed in my heart that it's not the same if there is an artifact.

When we ran out, I found that we had come to the west of the Magic City.

This is also a big forest, which is a good place to hide for us.

We ran in the forest for a long time before we found a secret place to sit down and rest.

"Wow, thank you." Lucifa took a breath and said.

I shook my head and smiled, "You're welcome."

"This sword..." Lucifa looked at the bloodthirsty sword in his hand and said.

"Your father gave it to me."

Lucifa smiled and said, "I know."

"..." If Lucifa looked painful, I would be relieved, but he passed by with a smile, which showed that the pain in his heart could no longer be vented by pain.

"And I also know that you destroyed my father's soul..." Lucifa still smiled.

"I..." I was about to speak, but it turned out that I didn't have anything to say at this moment.

"Don't be nervous, I won't blame you." Lucifa still said with a smile.

"I'm sorry..." At this moment, all I can say is these three words.

I said I wouldn't blame you. If you don't kill him, he will also die. It's just a matter of time. Lucifa looked at the blue sky and continued, "If it weren't for you, maybe he would really die."

Looking at Lucifa's appearance, it can be seen how much he loved his father and son so much. I began to wonder what kind of person the man named Huan Tianxiang could make Lucifa resist his father and force their whole family to a dead end.

But I didn't ask at this time, because I didn't want to disturb Lucifa's moment of meditation.

At the same time, my other four characters and dragons also came here and made a slight sound.

Lucifa said keenly, "Someone!"

I hurriedly said, "Don't be nervous. They are all my friends."

Lucifa was relieved and nodded.

After Xiaolong came over, I asked again, "What are you going to do next?"

Lucifa pondered for a while and said, "Find Xiang and kill the dog thief of the demon emperor!"

I was stunned: "Xiang? Is it Huan Tianxiang?

Lucifa was stunned and said, "Do you also know him? Do you know where he is?

I shook my head and said, "No, I learned it from your father."

Lucifa said disappointedly, "So it is."

After a while, Lucie said, "I don't have anything good for you. Just teach you a skill to repay your kindness to me." With that, Lucie took out a book from his pocket and handed it to me.

Judging from his behavior just now, Lucifa is a bold and righteous person. If he is too polite to him, it will seem that I am hypocritical, so I didn't refuse. I reached out and took it and said, "Are you ready to leave?"

Lucifa nodded and said, "Find Xiang earlier, and I can take revenge earlier."

After saying that, Lucifa turned around and left.

At this time, a prompt sound came from the system: "Ding, congratulations to the player for completing the resentful Zombie King mission, gaining 500,000 experience, gaining 50,000 reputation, and increasing favorability with Lucifa. Activate the hidden plot character, Huan Tianxiang.

I picked up the skill Lucifa gave me. At a glance, my good boy was Lucifa's most important move just now: the blood column.

Blood column: Reduce your blood volume by 50%, form a blood column, and attack enemies in the sky and underground within a certain range. The damage is related to the attack power and blood volume. You need to level 120, and any profession can learn.

50% blood, what kind of blood is. If I haven't seen Lucifa's battle just now, I must think this skill is very rubbish, but after watching Lucifa's battle just now, I feel how awesome this skill is. It's too strong to directly attack a person on the ground to the sky! But if I want to use it, should I also prepare a blood sucking skill? I don't know if there is such a skill, ah... If only the bloodthirsty sword were mine. It is not only aggressive, but also can suck blood. The blood column needs to be level 120, but I'm still far behind. Save it first.

Looking at Lucifa's distant figure, the madman took off his 95 gold coins and had no armor, so that no one recognized me. We returned to Modu and made a big deal here. I don't want to stay here. Although others don't know, I will still be guilty, so I hired a high-end carriage with 2,000 gold coins and prepared to go back to Tianshen City.

This black-hearted thief is too cheap. It only needs 500 gold coins from Tianshen City to Xuanwu City. I think it's a lot. This guy actually quadrupled directly!