Online game No. 5

Chapter 38 "One-on-one" Dark

"" Three consecutive applause suddenly appeared from the audience stage in the arena.

I know, it's dark.

With a slight smile on his dark and handsome appearance, he said, "I didn't expect you to have such an achievement alone. It's good."

One person? I thought to myself that pity is still a system. Although it is already artificial intelligence, he probably won't guess that this single task can actually let me pass...

"I passed your test. You should be able to help me." I said.

Unexpectedly, Diablo just shook his head and said, "No, you haven't passed my test yet."

Your mother, do you want to be naughty?

I scolded in my heart, but there were no words.

"Wow." With a sound of blowing in a robe, the darkness came to the arena. As long as you can beat me, I will help you.

"Go to the street!" I couldn't help cursing, "If I win you, why would I ask you to help me?"

Dark just shook his head slightly and said, "Don't worry, I only use a small amount of power."

"It's almost the same." I said proudly, as if I was giving way to him, not him giving way to me.

"Ding, Diab wants to compete with you, do you agree?"

"I agree."

After I agreed, I found that the dark guy who was beaten by a thousand knives was actually a 17-grade guy! This guy is several times better than Lucifa!

If he shows his real ability, I guess I can't even touch the side, and I will be killed directly by him. But since he said to release water, he should not keep his word, right?

To be honest, I'm a little afraid that I can't beat him, but after thinking about Xiaolong, I feel at ease. If I really can't, I ask Xiaolong to let him die with a super roar. Obviously, I forgot that Xiaolong's super roar had no effect on the guy who was 50 levels higher than him, but with Xiaolong's move, it brought me a lot of comfort.

"Magic Shield." Dark guy added a magic shield to himself at the beginning, which is necessary for every mage. After adding the magic shield, Darkness covered himself with shadow guards one after another, and the gods and ghosts help these two skills that add defense and attack power.

I didn't realize until he finished adding the state. The madman didn't need any auxiliary skills to use, and his state was all handed over to benevolence.

At first, it is an oblique split plus dragon thorn, which is the only skill I can connect at present.

Unexpectedly, when my oblique split hit the dark, he actually turned into a skeleton and was directly cut off by me. I was surprised, stand-in!

As a result, it was obvious that Dark appeared directly behind me because of the double, and a black light appeared on the skeleton magic battle about 2.3 meters long in his hand, directly hitting the back of the madman, and the madman was knocked out with a "jumping" sound.

I cursed in my heart. When did the magician hit people with a stick?

Just as I flew out not far, the dark magic wand stretched forward as if there was suction. When I touched the madman, I sucked it over.

Then the dark smashed back, and the madman was directly smashed behind him by the dark and smashed a big pit. What kind of mage is this?

Then the dark turned back, and the ghost quickly hit the madman. Afraid!" With a sound, the attack power was not very high, but it directly flew the madman into the air.

Then, Dark began to gather strength. When the madman was about to land, the ghost in Dark's hand hit the madman again, "Afraid!" With a sound, the attack power is so high that I want to kill.

The madman flew into the air gloriously again. Due to the concentration, the madman flew much higher than last time. The dark jumped up and hit the madman. While the madman landed quickly, the dark magic wand sucked the madman again. I was thrown to the ground like a speed car. , smashed a big hole.

While the dark landed, a black skull was gathered in the palm of his hand, and countless ghosts emerged from the skull and rushed to the madman crazily.

"Boom..." One by one, the ghosts rushed directly into the madman's body, and at the same time, the madman's blood volume also dropped rapidly. Is there any water in this?

As soon as the darkness fell to the ground, the madman had been stunned by the attack just now and could not move. He saw that his hands gathered again and didn't know what else to put to attack me.

At this time, I came to my senses. It's time for me to give back my teeth!

After all, Diablo is a system. He thought there was only one madman, but unfortunately he forgot the other four characters.

Just as the dark gathered, a ghost threw it around.

"Afraid!" With a sound, the gentleman's ghost entanglement directly interrupted the dark combo. At the same time, the ghost darts fell on the dark body like raindrops. The ghost darts could not play much role in the battle, but during PK, they could make the attack the enemy and be restricted.

I sneered in my heart and couldn't help cursing, asking you to swing with me just now! Renai added the sacred words to everyone. After the fantasies dispersed with poison, he also lost the charms with the ghosts. The madman and the gentleman attacked the darkness from both sides. Uni-sided killing!

I saw the dark blood volume plummetically, and it soon changed to 0.

He is not a player. Naturally, he won't say that I play tricks, but the injury improved in an instant, and then said, "I didn't expect that someone could defeat me. It's good."

I blushed by him. If it hadn't been for the relationship between five characters, I would have been directly connected to death by him. A madman is an example. Thinking of this, I praised with joy in my heart: omnipotent super hidden profession.

"Since you lost, should it be in three days..." I said with words.

Dark nodded naturally and said, "Let me think about it."

Damn it, do you still have to think about it after nodding?

"What the hell do you want?" I'm angry. If I don't help, I won't help. With Xiaolong, I will still protect the city!

"I just saw that you also have undead skills." Darkness looked at the gentleman with a treacherous smile.

"Hey, what do you want to do? I don't have that kind of hobby." Looking at the dark and obscene eyes, I got goose bumps all over my body.

Darkly touched the non-existent beard on his chin and said, "You are the first person to defeat me. I can take you as an apprentice and help you become the strongest undead mage. How about it?"

A teacher? Okay, okay, I'm overjoyed. I really can't find a place to break my iron shoes, and it doesn't take much time. But... "Since I defeated you, you should worship me as your teacher."

The dark was stunned and suddenly became furious, and said, "Fude, if you hadn't released the water, could you have done this?" Forget it if you don't worship, I don't care!" With that, the darkness compared me with a middle finger.

"Okay, bye, can't I say goodbye? I was joking just now." I flattered that such a good opportunity should not be missed. However... I just joked a little. He is so angry that the 17-grade guy has no quality at all.

Dark nodded with satisfaction, with a "It's almost" expression on his face and said, "Since you have become my apprentice, the teacher will naturally help you defend the city, but the above stipulates that the teacher can't leave here, so the teacher can only defend a wave of enemies for you."

What he said should be the system. Really, every time I succeed 100%, the system has to stir up the situation, but it's better to defend than nothing.

And what I'm most concerned about now is not this, but... "Master..." I said with a treacherous smile, "Since I'm your apprentice, you have to do some unique skills... Humph?" I still have words in my words.

Dark nodded and said, "Let me think about it."

Fuck, can you stop thinking about it? Every time it makes me happy!

I cursed in my heart.

"Okay, I'll teach you a 'dark sky' first."

"Cut..." I sighed dissatisfiedly.

"What?" He was stunned for a moment.

"I can go directly to the skill instructor to learn the dark sky, although it costs a little money and prestige. You have become my master. Aren't you ashamed to teach so frequently? It is said that Diablo has no specialty, and he is just an ordinary undead mage..." I was dissatisfied.

"Nonsense! Who said I was an ordinary undead mage? Look, I won't waste him!" The dark voice was full of anger.

"Then you can show some meaning." I follow the good way.

"Good!" On his face, "I'm going to show my skills" and said, "Then I'll teach you a trick to 'beat the door'!"

"Ding, the dark will teach you 'wan ghosts pat the door', do you agree?"

Without saying a word, it is natural to agree. Whether it is good or not, one more is better than one less.

Looking at the gentleman's skill bar, the ten thousand ghosts pat the door attribute is like this: ten thousand ghosts pat the door, summon 10 ghosts, and attack the enemy respectively. The attack power is related to spiritual power. Level 10/100.

This can be said to be an enhanced version of magic bullets. In the future, gentlemen will once again embark on the road of upgrading the main force. After opening the undead array, they will directly throw ten thousand ghosts and pat the door. In addition, the gentleman's equipment has increased 40% of the undead attack power, which can be said to be the main force of brushing monsters and killing!