Online game No. 5

Chapter 75 Robbering

"Taoist priest!" Weixin was the first to come to his senses. Without saying a word, he directly issued an order. This guy did have the potential to be a boss.

With Weixin's order, all the Taoist priests released their sealing skills one after another. As the saying goes, no matter how bad your strength is, if you try a few more times, you will succeed once.

The mental strength and hit rate of these Taoist priests are not as crazy as those, but if there are more people, there will always be a success. In addition, the spiritual power of the volcano monster is not high.

With the sealing skills of a series of Taoist priests, the volcanic monster was finally sealed. Weixin looked overjoyed and hurriedly shouted to the back, "The magician, please attack!"

I saw a series of magical crazy effects on the volcanic monster, and its qi and blood plummeted. However, even if these Taoists sealed the volcanic monster, due to the gap between level and spiritual power, the volcanic monster was unblocked very fast. When it still had 6% of its blood, he had already unblocked it.

And I'm ready to act.

Weixin also seemed to notice my action in the distance, but he didn't care. He believed that his people could kill the volcano before I took action.

"One more round, another round of this boss will die!" Weixin shouted at the magicians behind him.

"Cooling, it needs cooling time!"

"No, the wind is coming!"

Several magicians shouted anxiously.

"Don't worry, everyone, don't panic. We are determined to take this boss. You are ready to release magic. I'll block the wind!" Wei Xin gritted her teeth fiercely and shouted.

Oh, this boy is still bold. Does a man want to come and stop me? Does this mean that there is a 99% chance of dying? And... Brother, the little master has five characters, two mythical beasts summoning beasts, can you stop it?

Looking at Weixin rushing towards me, I snorted coldly. Half of the characters went to the left and half to the right, and ran towards the volcano monster in two separate ways.

The madman's dragon tooth gun split directly at him. I thought he would attack the madman to fight back, but I didn't expect that he let the madman hit the ground with a shot, and then hills rose on the ground, and the gentleman and fanatic rushed to my other side.

Judging from this momentum, I know that Weixin's skill is not very powerful, but it has successfully blocked my way.

At this moment, a group of magicians on the other side of Weixin have released their magic and quickly bombarded the volcano monster. The joy that blocked me unconsciously smiled, a smile with a sense of success. As long as this round, the volcano monster will die.

However, the next thing made his smile suddenly stiffen.

All magic works on the volcanic monster, but only 3% of the qi and blood of the volcanic monster are deducted. Weixin couldn't believe it at all and shouted, "Who else hasn't released magic?"

The magicians were also anxious, and one of them shouted, "It's not that someone is lazy, but our damage has been reduced!"

Weixin frowned and said in disbelief, "What's going on?" After saying that, Wei Xin looked at the volcano monster in astonishment, "Does this boss still have a dying increase?"

The death-by increase means that the boss will suddenly become stronger than usual before death.

It is not unreasonable for Wei Xin to have such doubts, because no matter how bad this group of magicians are, they can kill more than 5% of their qi and blood every time, but this time it is only 3%. He recalls carefully and doesn't remember that several magicians have died. The volcanic monsters have never killed their magicians. I haven't had a fight with them either. There must be no problem with the amount of firepower, but there is something wrong with the quality of firepower.

I sneered and said, "It's not a death-ending increase, it's my skill."

That's right. It was at the right time that I applied highly toxic dispersion to the group of people brought by Weixin. The highly toxic dispersion of Toxic 10 is not covered, which directly reduces their attributes by half or even more.

Poison dispersion is a very good skill, with a very wide range and fast casting speed. Unfortunately, the effect is not very good. If you use the previous advanced poison dispersion, the effect is much worse than other curse skills, but now this only shortcoming has also been made up for by highly poison dispersion.

My poison scattered directly to the group of people without affecting the volcanic monster. If it affects the volcano monster, he will suffer more damage, which is meaningless.

However, this poison dispersion can make the fantasy grasp the starting point, as long as it passes over the volcanic monster.

After the volcano monster carried their attack, I did not hesitate to use my poison again, acting on the volcano monster, and benevolence decisively released good and evil retribution and advanced holy words to the gentleman. The release speed of good and evil and advanced sacred words was extremely fast, and a ghost entangled and threw it directly at the volcano monster.

The ferocious ghost head rose on the volcano monster, breaking a large amount of qi and blood from the volcano monster, and saw that there was still a trace of almost invisible blood left on the volcano monster.

It's not dead! This is beyond my expectation. I originally wanted the gentleman to kill him directly. As for hatred, there is a greater chance that it is the highest hatred for the player who kills this monster.

Although it's only a relatively high probability, I can't guarantee that this monster is mine, but I can't help it at this moment, but I didn't expect that even my last gamble would not let me succeed. After the gentleman's blow, the volcanic monster will definitely die after being attacked by their group of magicians.

"Haha! That's great. It's really helpful. Kill it!" Weixin laughed and shouted.

The magicians on their side were also extremely happy and hurriedly began to release magic.

I was stunned and quickly came to my senses without any hesitation. The ghost darts flew out endlessly.

The volcano monster roared before he died, and an axe hit the front madman directly. In this way, the gentleman's blow successfully pulled back the hatred value of the volcano monster. Because I'm in a team, it's not surprising that the volcano monster vents hatred on the madman.

It's not a big deal for a madman to be stabbed. Under the continuous treatment of benevolence, he will soon recover.

After the volcanic monster split the madman, the ghost darts are already close at hand. Sure enough, the ghost is still faster!

Those people's original happy mood suddenly tightened and prayed silently in their hearts that they must avoid it!

But... the agility attribute of ghosts is so high, how can you dodge it?

A series of small numbers emerged, and the volcanic monster finally rushed to the ground. The whole body turned into a few red rocks, splashed up, and then suddenly hit the ground, gradually turning red to gray, and finally the same as the earth.

While the rock splashed, the system also prompted me: "Congratulations, you have received 5,000 gold coins, 5,000 experience and 5,000 gang contributions. Well, this experience is really pitiful, but there are a lot of gold coins. This gang's contribution... It's so cool, it's really a lot!

Just as I checked the task, Weixin's voice came to my ears: "Quick! Surround the explosive things and pick them up as soon as time passes!"

Weixin's words quickly brought me back to my senses. I immediately noticed that I was still fighting!

Three things fell to the ground, and I didn't have time to see what it was, because after Weixin's words, everyone has quickly wanted to surround what I burst out and won't let me get close.

But...attention, you are still under the influence of your brother's poison, just because you still want to stop me?

A petrified array was released. Although most of them are magicians, under the effect of highly poisonous dispersion, their spiritual power is still not as good as fantasies. In a petrochemical array, almost all people have been petrified.

At the same time, the gentleman's undead array has been released, and now the gentleman, who eats male tonic, is their nightmare. At the same time, the madman went up to resist Weixin who was chasing me. This guy was not affected by the poison dispersion because he was already chasing me behind. He was a more dangerous enemy.

But the magician level he brought is only level 30 or 40. No matter how many people there are, they can't stop the group attack of gentlemen.

After being poisoned and dispersed, their state was greatly reduced. In addition to the first group of blood injury, the gentleman's ten ghosts can send one to four players to see Brother Yan Luo.

"This is a pervert. Play ball! Who said that the magic injury is the first magician in the game, pulling the wind, and it is several times better than him!"

"Farm, pulling wind is the first Taoist priest, such a cheap curse skill, and such a range sealing skill with such a high hit rate. Is he the biological son of GM? GM treats him so well?"