Online game No. 5

Chapter 77 Start the Bounty Mission

So I clicked to confirm. In the gang channel, the news immediately came out: "The madman who pulled the wind has started the bounty task. I hope all gang members will actively participate and contribute to the construction of the gang. Completing the bounty task can not only develop gangs, but also get a lot of experience and gold coins.

After publishing the task, I got one myself. As the master, I should try how difficult this task is first.

"Recently, there is a lack of a 'Huang Lian' in the bounty group. Please go to the pharmacy and buy one."

After taking over the task, the system prompted: "You got 5 silver coins from the gang funds."

Do gang funds automatically give me money? I was stunned for a moment, but soon understood that the money used for this task was spent from gangs.

After running to the pharmacy and spending 5 silver coins to buy a low-level medicine Huang Lian, he quickly ran back to the rudder to hand over the task.

"You got 1 silver coin, 10 experience. Gang funds increased by 8 silver coins.

The first task is really rare. I thought to myself.

But I also know that the more this kind of task appears in rings, the more experience there will be.

received the task again: "Recently, the bounty mercenary was attacked by a cat demon near Xuanwu City. Please kill some cat demons. Cat demon 0/10, current task two.

It seems that there are also tasks to kill monsters. The object of the task should be determined according to the level of the character. Otherwise, the cat demon is still a relatively powerful monster for ordinary novices, and the bounty task should not be difficult. However, the cat demon is only a feather to me, and it only needs to kill ten, which is not worth mentioning at all.

He ran out of Xuanwu City and found a small team of more than 30 players not far from Xuanwu City, struggling to fight against a large group of cat demons. This reminds me of the moment when I fought hard with the cat demon before, and I also wasted a dragon's super roar, which made me feel sad when I think of it. However, the poison dispersion of fanaticism was also obtained at that time, as well as the gentleman's undead array, although it was "exchanged" with my inner elixir.

"Second, come on! Be careful. Lao San, add blood to Lao Si!" In this team fighting with the cat demon, a mechanic shot at the cat demon group while commanding the people in his team.

But the situation seems to be very unsatisfactory. The qi and blood of the warrior carried in front has bottomed out. No matter how the priest behind uses the healing technique, it is still difficult to make up for it. The cat demon behind is still coming up endlessly, and their combat power output is not high, and the fire magician in the rear is very ordinary.

I looked at it casually. There were only four people here, a warrior, a mage, a priest and a mechanic.

There is no Taoist priest. I shook my head secretly and brushed the monster. How could I be without a Taoist priest? As for the scene when I killed the volcano monster just now, I immediately felt that I had an extraordinary position in my team. If it hadn't been for the poisonous dispersion, and if it hadn't been for the crazy poison dispersion, I wouldn't have won so perfectly.

Of course, there is also the crazy petrochemical array. When you try to hit others, you will know the feeling that others can't fight back. It's not a cool word that can be described.

"No, boss, Lao Si can't stand it. Lao San's treatment level is too low. Let's go back to the city first!" The second fire magician shouted anxiously.

"Damn, you said you would go back to the city? Ten minutes of transmission time, you won't know how to die!" The boss was discouraged.

Just as the warrior in front was about to be empty blood, a series of ghost heads suddenly surged over and directly hit the cat demon near the warrior, directly beating the cat demons into residual blood, and then a blue beam of light surged over. The gentleman's ten thousand ghosts patted the door and the dragon's green dragon roared, and a spell group attack plus a physical group attack directly killed a large number of cat demons.

This feels good! Although the experience has only increased a little, I don't have much hope for these strange experiences.

The four people who were still fighting looked at me intently. After a while, the second said, "Damn... We fought so hard that this team fell away in an instant. It's so fucking cool." After a pause, the second brother looked at me carefully and exclaimed, "My God, it's windy."

The name Lafeng seems to have planted fruit in many people's hearts. Pervert, **, swing, invincible, alien, strong and these words are my most perfect titles.

Hearing that the second brother said it was me, the other three also hurried to respect him. There is no reason for the worship of a strong man. Self-absorbed.

"Well, thank you for saving us. Otherwise, we will definitely see the king of the king of the same fall again. The boss hurried over and said respectfully to me.

When I heard the word "other", I couldn't help but sympathize with them. It seems that they have seen the king of the underpass more than once. At this time, there should be a king's demeanor. I naturally waved my hand and said, "You're welcome. You have too few people and the level is too low. It's better not to kill cat demons. In addition, I suggest that you bring a cursed Taoist priest or a sealed Taoist priest. Of course, both are the best.

Really, I would like to suggest that they bring a Taoist priest.

Now my admiration for the profession of Taoist priest is like a continuous river.

Of course, the boss didn't expect that a top player like me would open his mouth to give them advice. Of course, he would not refute it. He nodded quickly and said, "Okay. OK."

After saying that, I shook my hand slightly, turned around and left. It feels like... "I wave my sleeves and don't take away a cloud."

The number of cat demons killed just now is more than a dozen, so I went straight back to the city and ran back to hand in the task.

"You get 2 silver coins and 100 experience. Gang funds increased by 1 gold coin and 6 silver coins.

"Recently, the people of the bounty group want to eat steamed buns, please buy some for them. Baozi 0/10, current task three.

System prompt: "Ding, you get 5 silver coins from gang funds."

It's another task to buy, but I didn't politely accept the 5 silver coins for this task. The low-level cooking like steamed buns can no longer be low-level, which makes me feel too contemptuous for crazy cooking. But since it's for the task, I'll cook ten of them.

There is no need to say about cooking materials. Except for specific props such as highly toxic powder, general drugs and food are only medicinal and dietary.

For example, the foodiness of the beef collected from the bison is 2, and the food required to cook the steamed bun is 10, so 5 beef can cook a steamed bun. In contrast, the food required by the chicken leg is 30, then 15 beef is needed to cook the chicken. Legs (beef cooked chicken legs?).

That is to say, cooking ordinary food does not require specific ingredients, but only needs to be sufficient food.

I have killed monsters so far, have I still got less cooking materials? There are only ten steamed buns, and 100 points of food materials can still be taken out.

And the level of fantasy chefs is also very high. It only takes a few minutes to cook low-level food such as steamed buns.

Submit the task again, and the next tasks are almost as simple as finding people, medicinal materials, materials, and killing monsters, but they all have one thing in common, that is, simple.

And the reward of the task is also quite rich. After the sixth task, there are 2 points of gang contributions for each task, which is 10 points of gang contributions in a round.

And the last reward was also quite rich, which rewarded me with 10 gold coins and 10,000 points of experience. Combined with the fragments of the previous times, I earned a total of 32 gold coins and 5 silver coins. For some low-level players, it is a lot of income.

In the last time, the gang funds not only received 28 gold coins, but also after completion, the gang channel also reminded: "The madman who pulled the wind has completed a round of bounty task, and the bounty mercenary mercenary group rewarded Xuanyuange with 10 gold coins."

After completion, there will be gold coins, that is to say, after the last round is completed, you can get a reward of 38 gold coins. This quantity is quite large.

Finally, I made a statement on the gang channel: "I just tried the bounty mission. It's not difficult and the reward is very good. I earned a total of 32 gold coins and 10,000 points of experience, as well as 10 points of tribute. The reward may be related to the level, but the difference should not be too big. I hope everyone will enthusiastically do the bounty task.