Online game No. 5

Chapter 85 Battle with the Dragon 2

"Boom!" With a sound, I did not dodge. The madman met the fireball directly. The fireball exploded on the madman's body and directly deducted a quarter of the madman's qi and blood.

Half of the fireball made the ghost's blood run bottom, but the madman who rode on the dragon and ate the whole fireball only deducted a quarter of the qi and blood.

Of course, I'm not saying that there are fewer qi and blood buttons, but crazy people are much more secure than ghosts. Such a good effect is still due to the two perverted skills of Dragon Rider and Dragon Rider II. If you are a madman in a normal state, I think you will be beaten bloodless.

resisting the fireball of the gray dragon, the madman's spiral thorn directly spread out, and the whole dark purple was full of the golden disk dragon, forming a spiral, as if the whole gun body was rotating, directly stabbing the gray dragon's chest.

The gray dragon's chest muscles were directly stabbed into a spiral wound by my electric drill-like spiral, and ferocious blood flowed out. This visual impact is really refreshing!

And the damage number also pops up the four-digit damage of "4603". For a high-level monster such as Grey Dragon, the damage that can explode 4000+ is already considerable.

However, soon, the wound in front of the gray dragon was repaired by the system. It seems that this is only a visual effect.

The gray dragon roared and grabbed the madman. At the same time, the thick tail of the red dragon also hit me quickly.

"Papa!" For a while, the fierce attack of the two dragons made me feel an incomparable pain. The madman's blood strip fell like a gliding wing, which only the madman can resist, and even the benevolence known as the meat shield may not work.

A gray dragon is equivalent to a small boss at my level. Two small bosses are added together, but it's really not covered. I can't rush up so recklessly.

I hurriedly asked Xiaolong to retreat a little. Just as I was wondering how to deal with the two, the big man suddenly rushed up from behind me and said to me, "Your Excellency, this red dragon has been handed over to me!"

"You? Can you do it?" To be honest, I really don't dare to believe him. But it was too late to stop it. The big man had already raised his sleeve and punched the red dragon directly.

As a result, only burst out the pathetic "353" of Qi and blood, but the Red Dragon attracted hatred. He suddenly grabbed him and burst out a very terrible four-digit number "9999". This guy's defense is really low and terrible!

However, relatively, this guy's qi and blood volume is still very abnormal. He was deducted 10,000 qi and blood, but he only deducted 1% of his qi and blood volume. Does this guy have 1 million qi and blood?

Sure enough, exercising is different every day... You have to learn from him...

However, even if he has millions of qi and blood, with his attack power, he has to fight until the year of the monkey to kill the red dragon.

Of course, he led away the red dragon, and it would be much more convenient for me to kill the gray dragon. The five characters cooperated with each other and attacked the gray dragon fiercely. There is the roar of the madman, and most of the attacks of the gray dragon are aimed at the madman. Otherwise, among all my characters, only the madman and benevolence can withstand the destruction of the gray dragon.

Under the extremely powerful treatment conditions of benevolence, the madman ate the high medicinal herbs refined by benevolence to restore blood volume while casting a spiral gun to attack the gray dragon. Spiral-shaped holes appeared on the gray dragon's body, and precious dragon blood was sprinkled on the ground, but it was quickly refreshed by the system.

Hey, I heard that dragon blood is also a very good material. Now there is so much dragon blood in front of you, but it can't be picked up. Oh, by the way... There was a flash of inspiration in my mind, and the ghost who had been darts finally had another job, and a flying dragon probe directly applied it to the gray dragon.

This time, I was lucky enough to steal it, but the system prompted: "The items that the monster can steal have been stolen."

Well... am I so evil? Have you stolen all their bottoms and trousers? It seems that this gray dragon can only produce "dragon whip"...

Look at the red dragon in a blink of an eye, just think about it. The ghost dragon probe will also increase the hatred value of the monster. If I accidentally let the red dragon, who was finally led away by the big man, turn back and attack me, I can't stand it.

It is said that this big man really has a set of meat shields. Originally, there were more blood bars. My group therapy is also added according to the percentage of the upper limit of qi and blood. In this way, even if his qi and blood have decreased, it is like a snail stroll. When his blood volume drops to a certain amount, I will give him an advanced treatment. + Group therapy, he can last for more than ten minutes.

Of course, under this condition, there is really no opportunity for me to perform advanced treatment on the big man, because a madman will die without benevolent assistance for a moment.

Because of the level gap, it is also difficult for the gray dragon to be hit by the crazy petrochemical array. After using poison dispersion, it can only try the petrochemical array while using spells to attack.

Little tiger, I dare not let her resist the gray dragon head-on, which made the madman attract a lot of attacks, and let the little tiger play a sneak attack behind the gray dragon. Her level is too low, and her defense is even lower than that of ghosts. If she is caught, it's Amen.

"Roar!" The gray dragon roared and suddenly grabbed the madman, "Bang!" With a loud noise, three extremely deep dragon claw marks appeared on the madman and the dragon, and a big "angry blow" emerged from the gray dragon's head.

I only felt a sharp pain. The madman's qi and blood were in a three-quarter state, and I was directly hit to the bottom, leaving only a trace. I was so scared that I hurriedly nibbled on the medicine. The healing of benevolence and group therapy have a rapid effect on the madman. Looking at the gray dragon, this guy's qi and blood are only a little, and his gray skin is red at this moment.

The system prompts: "Please note that the gray dragon has reached the point of anger and its strength has been enhanced."

Huh? Is this the legendary rampage? By the way, I met it when I was dealing with silver wolves... I miss it so much! No, this is not the time to miss it. When it storms, the attack power is enhanced, but the defense power is 0.

I seized this opportunity. With his little qi and blood, his defense power became 0, and the madman should be able to solve it with one shot. The madman who rode the dragon was slightly more sensitive than the gray dragon. Taking this opportunity, I stabbed the gray dragon directly with a spiral gun.

The result was unexpected, and it could only deduct 3,000+ qi and blood. Shit, this guy's defense has become higher?

I panicked. It's impossible! This can't happen! I didn't react for a moment, and the gray dragon had already waved at me. At the same time, a "split attack" broke out from the head.

Renai directly protected the madman, causing Renai to directly deduct a large amount of qi and blood, and was hit by the split attack of the gray dragon, again deducting blood, and directly losing five-sixths of qi and blood. And the qi and blood of gentlemen and fantasies also fell to the bottom line at the same time.

As for the ghost, I'm glad that this guy didn't win. The reason is simple. I'm far away from him, which has exceeded the scope of his split attack. The benefits of long attack range are too obvious.

But now is not the time for me to be happy. The madman is in an extremely dangerous stage and retreats in a hurry. The treatment of benevolence has a rapid effect on the madman. At the same time, the madman also nibbles blood very quickly, but before the group treatment of benevolence is used, the gray dragon catches the madman again.

It's over! This guy is in a state of anger, which is completely different from rampage, and even the attack speed has accelerated!

It's really unlucky to be beaten to such an extent by a little monster, even if he is much higher than me.

I still owe five chapters today, and I will slowly make up for them in the future