Online game No. 5

Chapter 16 Invincible "healing"

"This, what is this...?" I asked in surprise.

Mo Xi gasped slightly and said, "This is the secret stunt of our demon clan. Lock up to two enemies and friendly forces and ourselves into a space. For a certain period of time, we are invincible to the enemies outside. No one can attack in, but the time is very short. And the cooling time is very long. The purpose of my use this time is not only to kill two more angels, but also to let the warriors think of a way to find a way to save us.

"What you said is light, but it's not that simple." I muttered dissatisfiedly, but I still began to attack the two angels.

There are only two angels, that is to say, there are only two healing techniques. After adding it, there is no healing technique available. After all, this thing also requires cooling time.

At the same time, I also clearly saw the outside of the chain. The red angel boss had waved the huge axe in his hand and split into the spherical chain here.

"Peng!" With a metallic sound, the chain did not move at all, and the red angel was shaken back a few steps.

Good! It is worthy of the secret stunt of the demon clan. I praised it secretly in my heart, but no matter how powerful it is, we still can't help it.

The healing skills of those angels were released to the angels in the chain one after another, but outside the chain, they were scattered, and a trace of golden light flashed outside the chain, which could not cure the two angels.

The time of this chain is too fast. I just finished killing an angel, and the second angel's blood is only a little left, and the chain time is over. Suddenly, golden lights threw directly over, and the second angel returned directly to a state full of blood.

At the same time, the red angel's axe attack has hit us. Wow!" With a loud noise, the huge axe directly hit a air wave. From the crazy dragon in the front to the ghost tiger at the end, all of them were greatly hurt.

The madman lost three-quarters of his blood, while the ghost lost half of his blood.

I just saw that the madman had lost three-quarters of his qi and blood. I originally thought that the ghost was either bloody or died directly. After all, the madman is riding a dragon at this moment.

But I didn't expect that the ghost could still live, and there was still half of the qi and blood. It seems that the damage of this air wave is also limited. Looking at this situation, it seems that the first person is 100% injured, the second person is 80% injured, the third person is 60% injured, the fourth person is 40% injured, and so on, with a minimum of no less than 20% damage.

And ghosts are lucky to receive only 20% of the damage.

In this way, I hurriedly changed the order of the characters. The madman was still the first. He and Xiaolong suffered the damage of the first and second people at the same time, followed by the world's largest meat shield benevolence, followed by Mo Xi, and then the gentleman with a magic shield. The next damage was 20%. There is no difference in the exchange.

But this can only defend. I can't kill at all. What should I do?

The wild and poisonous dispersion? This highly toxic powder is indeed much more effective than ordinary poison powder. But my current idea is to escape, not war. Because I know that even if I can win, it will definitely consume a lot of time and energy, which is too cost-effective for me. And I haven't seen the red angel use healing. A boss's healing is definitely stronger. Maybe even if I use highly toxic powder, I won't achieve any good results. Instead, it wastes an opportunity to use it.

Highly poisonous dispersion is very precious, and I don't want to use it.

But now think about it, looking around, there is no place to escape. The only way out is to hit this group of angels out.

Use it, a dead horse will be a living doctor! My heart is full of fantasy, and I want to directly use highly toxic powder to release poison powder.

For a time, a thicker green poisonous fog slowly drifted away, and a spiral gun of the madman stabbed directly at an angel.

"Peng!" Directly deducted three-quarters of the angel's qi and blood, and the effect of highly toxic dispersion is really obvious! But the good times did not last long. Just as Xiaolong was about to attack, the angel's spirit and blood had been full again, but he was caught by Xiaolong and was lucky to catch a critical strike, and the result was killed in an instant.

"Good job." I couldn't help praising Xiaolong.

The red angel rose in anger, with a more ferocious expression. The huge axe in his hand turned violently, and a golden angel slowly came, and finally turned into a golden rain.

Every angel has a piece of golden light.

At this moment, the gentleman's ten thousand ghosts have been released, and nearly half of each angel's qi and blood have been deducted. Because of the equipment, the gentleman's power of patting the door is only a little worse than that of the madman's spiral gun, but the madman's spiral gun can kill three quarters of people's qi and blood, but the gentleman is less than half of it. Obviously, the arrival of the golden angel used by the red angel is a skill to increase attributes.

This made me have to sweat. It was originally so difficult. Finally, the dragon had a critical strike and killed an angel. The situation improved a little, but it was brought back by this increase skill. It seems that this highly toxic dispersion can only be equal to other people's growth skills.

Unfortunately, his increase skill did not increase the attack power, so these angels attacked me, and the damage I suffered was even lower. This will give me spare time to recover.

But if I have enough effort to recover, I still have to take medicine after receiving the BOSS axe. There are many high-level potions on my body, but I will also sit and eat mountains. I can't eliminate their supplies. Sooner or later, I will be played to death.

"Mo Xi, how long is the cooling skill of your magic soul lock?" I still have a glimmer of hope in my heart and asked.

Mo Xi sighed helplessly and said, "Don't think about it. Once a month."

The three words "one month" hit me deeply and made me come back directly from my fantasy. It seems that Mo Xi's magic soul lock can't be expected.

Look at Xiaolong. His Qinglong super roar can only be used twice in his life, and he has also been used by me. So little tiger... I suddenly looked at the little tiger.

Little tiger got goosebumps when I saw it. He seemed to understand what I wanted to say and hurriedly said, "Don't look at me. Only with a soul stone can you learn to roar. I don't have a soul stone."

I breathed helplessly. At this time, the red angel has waved the huge axe again. A hurricane blew, and my qi and blood fell again. After the baptism of highly toxic dispersion, his attack power did decline a little, but for me, it was still painful. After using the potion to replenish the blood quickly.

I looked at my character again.

Ghost? The lowest damage output is him, and he is also the most combative in the team. His only contribution is that he can bring me extra wealth when he is not in a serious combat situation.

Three Days Chapter 8