Online game No. 5

Chapter 119 Strong Enemy, Leonard 2

The little tiger and I snorted at the same time and smashed heavily on the trees in the scene. Regardless of the pain, I quickly got up and released the blood-skill.

The sealing skills of fanaticism have been improved, but in front of Leonard, who is of grade 12, it is not worth mentioning at all. The next sleep can't affect Reynolds.

Ghosts and gentlemen can neither be meat shields nor assistants, and they are useless now.

At the moment when I was very anxious, Leonard didn't give me a chance to breathe at all, and quickly chased after Ren Ai and Xiaohu.

"Little tiger, go quickly." I hurriedly said to Xiaohu.

"Ye." Xiaohu nodded and fled directly to the side. Although Little Tiger is also agile, her movement speed is really not as fast as that of Leonard. Reynolds is getting closer and closer to Little Tiger, and the madman can't catch up. And the most agile ghost here is not Raynard's opponent at all, and he will die if he goes up!

But can I watch the little tiger die? Even if I risked death, I would take the little tiger back to the pet bar first, so the ghost directly opened Ling Bo's small steps and rushed to the little tiger quickly.

"Master, what are you doing here? Is it different from death? The little tiger shouted at me.

"Don't talk nonsense. Even if the master dies, he won't let you die!" I shouted at the little tiger. At this moment, I have risked my life, and my words are full of the feeling of death.

Just as Leonard was about to catch up with the little tiger, a black gas flew over and directly hit Leonard, repelting Leonard a few steps. But his qi and blood are still full, almost as if there is no blood.

Little tiger also took this opportunity to jump directly into my arms. I was like a sister who returned from overseas. I hugged the little tiger tightly. For a moment, my heart was full of love for the little tiger. I was secretly afraid. If Leonard killed the little tiger, what should I do? I don't want to lose the little tiger, not just because of the little tiger. It's a powerful summoning beast, and there is another feeling.

But I couldn't tell what it felt for a while.

I suddenly turned my head and looked at Mo Xi, but she hadn't escaped yet!

"Quick, the little tiger climbs the tree." I quickly put down the little tiger and said nervously.

Little tiger nodded quickly, jumped directly under a tree, and then climbed to the tree. Although the whole process was tense but perfect, it was not until he climbed the tree that Xiaohu wiped his cold sweat and said, "Don't I know how to climb trees? It actually made me climb up."

"Want to escape?" Leonard snorted coldly and ran quickly under the tree where the little tiger was.

Unfortunately, the roar of a madman can only be effective for monsters and can't do much on this kind of NPC. Seeing that Renard rushed to Xiaohu, I naturally would not let Xiaohu fall into crisis. With his legs pinched, Xiaolong also used unprecedented strength and rushed to Renard quickly.

But I still couldn't catch up. I saw that Leonard had climbed to the waist of the tree in three or two steps. His movements were simpler and more orderly than the little tiger, as if the tree was born for him.

"Hight!" With an angry shout, the shock of a horse was released, and the earth suddenly shook. Leonard's hand was unstable, so he loosened the tree trunk and landed in mid-air.

And at this moment, I have also rushed to Leonard and shouted to Mo Xi, "Mo Xi, go quickly!" On the one hand, kindness rewarded the madman with good and evil.

At this time, only the madman is the most suitable for good and evil. I don't want to kill Leonard, as long as I can buy enough time.

"But the warrior... It happened because of me. How can I leave you alone?" Mo Xi said nervously.

Hearing Mo Xi's voice, Leonard suddenly woke up and said, "Oh, by the way, I almost forgot. Get out of here. I only kill Mo Xi. I don't want to kill innocent people indiscriminately.

After saying that, Leonard kicked the madman away directly, jumped and rushed up to Moxi.

Due to the relationship between good and evil, I didn't deduct too much qi and blood, but Leonard's movement speed is not up to the speed of a madman, so I can only rush there quickly.

At this moment, there is only one crazy thought around Mo Xi. Renard snorted disdainfully and kicked the crazy thought away directly. The crazy qi and blood were instantly bloody. "Fude, it really hurts. Sooner or later, I will let you kick me." I scolded in my heart, but I knew that he didn't want to kill me, otherwise he would definitely die.

Rainard and Mo Xi's face. Mo Xi couldn't say a word of panic. A wisp of sweat flowed from his forehead and he was short of breath.

Leonard said apologetically, "I'm sorry, Mo Xi." After saying that, Leonard's eyes became ferocious and shouted, "Lian Bo Zhan!"

A faint blue light appeared on Leonard's sword and suddenly split into Moxi.

Two "layers" sounded, and several damage numbers appeared on Mo Xi's head.



More than 30,000 qi and blood of Moxi was dropped in a flash. Mo Xi was thrown out, and the milky white plain clothes were also stained with blood, leaving only one-fifth of the qi and blood.

With another sword, as long as there is another sword, Mo Xi will die! I threw a panic, benevolent healing technique, group healing technique, and slow healing technique on Moxi's body one after another, and finally pulled her qi and blood back in half.

The next moment, Leonard made another ordinary attack on Mo Xi's body, and Mo Xi lost more than 10,000 qi and blood.

"Hm?" Leonard was stared and smiled faintly, "It's good to have a priest, but if you didn't die last time, you will die this time." With that, Leonard cut at Mo Xi with another sword.

Mo Xi's wide pupils were so panicked that he couldn't do anything, and behind Leonard, the madman had rushed over. Before he cut out his sword, the spiral gun had already stabbed him.

And this time, the spiral gun is completely different from usual. The rotating dragon gun is also covered with spells.

"Ding, anger value 150, use team combination skills, sleep spiral. Confirm the skill, spiral gun plus sleep, success.

"Puff!" This time, the spiral gun had a powerful power, directly picked Leonard out and threw him on the ground. He couldn't get up for a while, and fell to the same place as if he were sleeping.

I hurriedly seized this opportunity. The gentleman closest to Moxi directly reached out and grabbed her hand and ran out into the jungle. And all the other characters also hurried to follow.

Along the way, I looked at the effect of the sleeping spiral.

Sleeping Spiral: Attack the enemy with five times the damage of the spiral gun and cause 100% sleep. The effect of deep sleep depends on the effect of deep sleep. Launch requirement: The initiator's anger is 150, and the probability of launching is 0.1%"

Hmm, I said that he would regret kicking fantasies, which made the anger of fantasies rise to 150 in an instant.

While running away, he uses benevolence to replenish blood for all characters, especially Mo Xi, and it is even more necessary to make up for it.

Chapter 6