Online game No. 5

Chapter 123 Transforming Life PK

After calming down, I turned my head and said to Moxi, "Moxi, wait for me in Tianshen City later. I need to deal with something."

Mo Xi looked at me in surprise. His bright and watery eyes were swollen and full of doubts, but in the end he did not ask, but said, "Don't you need my help?"

I shook my head slightly and said, "No, it's just a little personal matter for me. It will be fine soon."

Mo Xi nodded and said, "Okay, I'll wait for you in the square."

The long and difficult ten minutes finally passed. Along the way, I only felt a gust of wind blowing. With a slight mouth, I could inhale a lot of air, and my hair was blown by the wind. But I didn't pay attention to these and came to Tianshen City. I didn't even have time to say goodbye to Mo Xi, so I ran directly outside Tianshen City.

passers-by who don't know think there is a market outside the city of God.

Outside the Tianshen City, there is a group of people standing in a circle, with a platform in the middle. At this time, two people are PKing on the platform. Both sides under the steps shouted hysterically.

On the steps, there is almost no qi and blood left of a mechanic named Transforming Life, while a mechanic of the other party still has more than half of the qi and blood.

Under the steps, the three priests on the transforming side of life led by a female priest named "Xiao Zi", all of whom broke out in cold sweat. Xiao Zijiao hummed, and a healing technique made up for the qi and blood of transforming life.

"Well, the number of cures on their side has been used up. Hurry up!" Under the stage behind another mechanic, Wei Xin shouted.

"No, this mechanic is not as powerful as this." Beside Weixin, the one-handed swordsman named "bloodthirsty" shook his head.

Sure enough, under the last machine gun of the transformation of life, the mechanic's qi and blood finally became empty, and the transformation of life was once again defeated.

"Hmm, one more." Weixin frowned dissatisfiedly and said to several people on his side, "Mom, you can't do this transformation life next time. It's up to you!"

A mechanic smiled and said, "Big boss, why are you in a hurry? The more difficult things to deal with in Xuanyuan Pavilion have lost. There is only this half-dead transformation of life. We have so many rounds, and the blue alone will kill those priests. Sooner or later, the transformation of life will be lost.

"Stop talking, you should come up with some practical things." Wei Xin said dissatisfiedly.

The mechanic went to the ring confidently.

"Master, why haven't you come yet? Oh, my God, my blue is almost gone. That's what I can do!" On the side of transforming life, a priest whispered.

"What? A battle and a cure, your blue is almost gone?" Xiao Zi asked in panic.

The priest nodded and said, "Yes. My level is too low.

Xiao Zi hurriedly said, "Come on, you must hold on. The master will be here soon." With that, Xiao Zi secretly panicked: "There is too much blue needed for strengthening. If it goes on like this, I still have to support his strengthening technique, and my blue will not be able to stand it."

At the beginning of the battle, the other two priests directly gave a healing technique to the transformation of life. At this moment, the energy and blood of the transformation of life were barely pulled back half.

The two mechanics began to use machine guns to fire crazily.

"This transformation of life is really strong. Our more advanced mechanics are all used to deal with the bombardment cannon just now. Unexpectedly, they have a life-changing life. Bloodthirsty said to Weixin.

"But our mechanic is also good. You see, this is also a lot of energy and blood to transform life." Weixin crossed her hands on her chest and said. At the same time, Weixin said to transforming life, "Yo, what's wrong? It seems that it doesn't work anymore. Why hasn't your master come yet? I think it's timid to hide, right?

Transforming life snorted disdainfully and looked directly at the opposite mechanic. Both sides were mechanical gods, and the attack methods were almost the same, but the attack power of transforming life was obviously higher. When the mechanic on the opposite was about to be out of blood, there was still a trace of blood strips for transforming life.

With a "bang", just as he transformed his life and thought he was about to kill the mechanic, a golden light flashed on the mechanic, and a healing technique made up for the mechanic's qi and blood.

With a "bang", another healing effect on the mechanic, and the mechanic's qi and blood improved significantly.

"Xiao Zi, strengthening technique." Transforming life while attacking, observing his own state and shouting to Xiao Zi.

Two "swal" sounds, a healing technique, and a strengthening technique were directly released.

Xiao Zi said, "Three people have released the healing, and the next step is to rely on yourself."

Transforming life nodded slightly, looked at the mechanic in front of him, canceled the machine gun shooting state, and directly brought out a huge cannon-like prop.

"What?" Weixin and others were also shocked by the skill of transforming life, and the mechanic on the stage was even more frightened: "Cannon? I have bought the advanced skills of the armor god in the city for so many days, and I haven't received this skill book. I didn't expect that you have learned it!?"

Cannon, weapon god skills, not only require a lot of magic, but also need a prop to be released. Therefore, not only skills can be released, but also props need to be supported.

Because the prop "cannon energy" required for cannons is not a simple item to obtain, and now the level of players is generally low, it is even more difficult to obtain, and it must have taken a lot of effort to transform life to have a "cannon energy".

"Priest! Pay attention to protect my blood!" The mechanic shouted in panic.

The priest under the stage quickly released an strengthening spell for the mechanic, as well as another skill to enhance physical defense, and quickly threw it to the mechanic.

The priest on Weixin's side can not only heal, but also have some people who can heal slowly. A faint green light floated on the mechanic, stroking the mechanic like a gentle hand, and his qi and blood were slowly rising.

In front of the muzzle of the cannon, a colorful halo began to condense, and the energy visible to the naked eye was rapidly gathering.

"Acheng, I said that I will definitely help you block it before you come!" The eyes that transformed life showed firm eyes, with a loud shout, and the cannon made an earth-shaking sound. The colorful energy has been bombarded by the mechanic.

The huge reaction force makes the transformation of life retreat directly to the edge of the platform. Fortunately, the system sets a boundary here, and it will not fall in battle.

And the mechanic was directly bombarded and flew away by the cannon and hit the transparent boundary of the platform. The qi and blood plummeted. At the same time, the energy of the cannon also exploded on the boundary of the platform. The mechanic was injured again and was rebounded back.

Chapter 10