Online game No. 5

Chapter 133 Calm Before the Crisis

"Puff!" The first shot, even if Death came to improve the defense, it was still painfully poked by me, and the qi and blood decreased significantly.

Before Death came to realize why I had such a high attack power, the second shot had hit him.

"Flop, flop!" A series of ten long guns directly sent Death to the west. He would never have thought that five long guns had not been fired after this. Ten long guns alone is enough for him.

"How can this be!" Weixin panicked for a moment and couldn't believe his eyes, but he did see that Death came under the platform, which showed that Death had lost.

"Haha, we won!" There was a burst of cheers for the transformation of life. Under his guidance, the helpers shouted excitedly: " Long live, long live the master!" Weixin rubbish, rubbish, rubbish!"

I nodded with satisfaction: "Good dual sentence."

"This is impossible..." Wei Xin became angry and shouted to the people on their side, "Let's go together and kill all the bastards in Xuanyuan Pavilion!"

"Yo, do you want to play tricks?" I sneered and looked at Death. I'm not afraid of PK. If it were only me and Weixin, I would definitely come forward and destroy him directly. But now I still have our helpers behind me. It's better not to fight.

Death also looked at me with a sad and angry face, but finally turned his head and said to Weixin, "Stop it all. Whoever dares to touch the hair of Xuanyuan Pavilion is against me."

Weixin frowned and shouted at Death, "Are you sick? Why did you break your brain when you had a fight with Lafeng? Pay attention to your position. Which side are you on?

Death's eyes were suddenly full of murder. He looked at Weixin ferociously and said, "Weixin, I tell you that I joined your gang because I cooperated with you, but it doesn't mean that I am your subordinate. In terms of gang strength, you are not qualified to talk to me at all. You'd better pay attention to it. Whoever dares to move, I will directly ask the members of the ancient capital of Rasha to appear and kill you. After saying that, Death smiled evilly

"You!" I have nothing to say.

Death came and continued to say, "Weixin, you have to make it clear that I didn't cooperate with you to destroy Xuanyuan Pavilion, but just to deal with the wind."

"What's the difference? Lafeng is the whole Xuanyuan Pavilion. Weixin asked rhetorically.

"Wrong, of course there is a difference." Death came and sneered, "The wind is broken. I can have a place in the game, and I don't have to worry that others will attack me. But Xuanyuan Pavilion collapsed, but I didn't do any good at all. On the contrary, I hope that Xuanyuan Pavilion can flourish, so that a master like you can't find a place to gather in the fair. On the contrary, I misses an opponent.

"You!" Weixin was completely enraged by death.

"Oh, don't worry. It's not cost-effective to turn against each other now. Let's wait until we collapse together. Death came and hid a knife in his smile and said.

Weixin calmed down, took a breath, nodded slowly, and said, "Okay. I won't argue with you. Let them go.

But my gangs have long ignored them, don't let you go, just leave by yourself. We are the winners. Let's see who dares stop us!

Ah Cheng, you are so handsome today. I admire you so much!" By my side, transforming life and the elegant lily said to me very excitedly.

"Please wait a moment." I was about to leave when death came and suddenly stopped me.

"What else?" I turned around impatiently.

"I'm very interested in your soul sickle. Do you want to consider selling it to me at a high price?" Death came **.

"Hmm." I couldn't help smiling and said, "Do you think I will be short of money if I open the first store in the game and have a god-stealing profession?"

Death came and was speechless for a moment. The elegant lily snorted at him and pulled me away.

After we left, Weixin walked over and mocked, "Well, I said that you can't get any best equipment from the wind except to blow this weapon out."

Death came and nodded indifferently and said, "Your plan should be carried out as soon as possible. Don't wait for me to regret it."

"Don't worry, it won't be long before you will see a sickle in front of you." Wei Xin gave a gloomy smile.

"You go to practice. I'm going to receive the goods." I said to the elegant lily and transforming life.

"Hey, the first store in the game is really busy. How long will it take to harvest? I just saw that your store was full yesterday." Transforming life is a joke.

"Yesterday?" I was stunned, but when I saw that the two had left for a while, I didn't stop transforming my life, but his words made me a little strange. Yesterday? Yesterday, I didn't have time to capture it at all. The last capture time seemed to be the day before yesterday. It had been two days yesterday. How could it still be full?

Forget it. When I thought about it, I had arrived at a blacksmith's shop and finally decided to recycle it first.

I spent thousands of gold coins to recover a large amount of silver equipment. I ran to the emergency center and shouted happily, "Little Kongming!"

Ah? Master!?" Xiaokong was stunned and stood up in panic to say something to me, but my attention was already on the cabinet.

When I opened the product page, my uneasy heart calmed down again and changed my life. What did you say? The goods on the first page have been sold out, so I was very relieved that there were a lot of gold coins to take and put the recycled equipment on the first page of the product page. Then go to the second page.

But the situation on the second page suddenly stiffened my expression. On the second page, only two pieces of equipment were sold!

I was shocked and hurried to the third page and only sold one piece of equipment!

The fourth page is full! It's full, and none of the equipment on it has been sold! I can't believe my eyes. I turned over several pages in a row. This is the case, and the equipment is full!

Xiaokong said to me apologetically, "I'm sorry, master, I don't know why, those players suddenly didn't come to us to buy equipment. Finally, one came. He bought an equipment and said to me, 'You are really out of stock. Every time you come to buy nothing, it's good this time. The goods are quite complete.'"

I frowned slightly. What does this sentence mean? I didn't react for a moment.

Xiao Kongming continued: "Master, do you think our store should often be out of stock, so that many players have no hope for us?"

I was shocked. What Xiaokongming said was not unreasonable. Put myself in another way, if I were a customer, I would run to a restaurant for dinner with hope, and then said, "Give me a bowl of iron plate beef." Answer: "I'm sorry, no."

"Then give me a bowl of egg soup."

"I'm sorry, no."

"Then give me a bowl of green vegetables."

"I'm sorry, no."

"Then I'll eat and give me a bowl of rice!"

"I'm sorry, no."

If there is no food in the fucking restaurant, you don't have to be polite. Just blacklist this restaurant and resolutely won't eat here in the future.

The same is true of my emergency center. After all, I am not a wholesale store. As soon as I received the goods, I was emptied. Then I will be out of stock for several days in the future, and that guest will still have hope for me.

Thinking about this, I also understand that the person named "Fantasy" obviously has cheap and affordable silver equipment in the blacksmith's shop, but I bought it at a high price, no, not at a high price, but at an ultra-high price. Obviously, there is a purpose, that is, deliberately targeting my emergency center.

Otherwise, I really don't believe that with so many dreamy gold coins, I wouldn't know the blacksmith's shop!

"Good guy... they all want to deal with me one by one." I gritted my teeth. In fact, their motivation is also obvious, that is, I'm too strong! As Death said, several of our ranking characters are a pearl, which is very dazzling in the eyes of every player, but the glory of me alone is too strong. I alone is enough to stand up to the glory of all of them. In order to have a place, they will naturally find ways to deal with me.

"Master, the dream just came." Suddenly, Xiaokong said to me.

I frowned and he continued to say, "She asked you to go to the west of Tianshen City. I don't know why."