Online game No. 5

Chapter 2 Soul Fusion

I smiled, shook my head and said, "Forget it. Work has started.

Xiao Chen was excited for a long time until a customer came over and asked, "Do you have any good novels?"

"Yes, there is." After hitting the sea blue equipment, Xiao Chen's enthusiasm was very high, and he hurried to greet the guests and said, "This online game No. 5 is very good. It tells the whole process of the famous trend from decline to rise to failure. Do you know the wind? The idols worshipped by the players of "Fantasy God" all over the world!"


At the end of the day's work, in fact, I didn't help. Xiao Chen was selling it. I was just sitting there as a decoration. When I got home, I put down my bag and inadvertently saw the game helmet again.

Today, I helped Xiao Chen get rid of the Shabak man, which made me start to feel itchy. At the same time...

The people who saw Shabak today can't help but remind me of that day. Qiu Cheng, can you forget the shame of that day? Can you forget that Xiaolong died for you?

I can't!

I can't forget. Today, I also told myself that I can't forget, let alone let go! All those who deal with me, Weixin, killing gods, death is coming, and dreams, I can't let go of any of them!

A ambition rekindled in my heart, and the baptism of half a year has given me a new understanding of failure!

Take another look at the game helmet... It's decided that Lafeng will reappear in Fantasy, waiting for me to dominate!

However, I am not in a hurry to enter the game, but to open the computer to check the game's official website. In the past six months, the game has updated a lot.

After that, I put on my helmet and wanted to enter the game, but I was prompted that my helmet is the old version. Please go to the retail store to replace the new helmet. After thinking about it carefully, I remembered that Xiao Chen let me enter his game world this morning and control his characters. This is a new function that I have never seen before.

I had no choice but to go to the retail store to exchange a new helmet. When I got home, I entered the game world.

All this is still so familiar!

In the character selection interface of the game, the fairy is still smart. Compared with six months ago, her figure is more exposed and her image is more realistic.

"Welcome to the world of Phantom God. Dear players, you have not logged in to Phantom God for 200 days and have met the requirements of the 'Return of Old Friends' activity. After going online, please go to the 'Hunting Guest' of Tians City to receive gifts." The bell-like sound of the fairy came into the ears, which made people feel refreshed.


This "Fantasy God" really pleases players. I have a little yearning for this "Fantasy God" in my heart.

Next, three options appeared in front of me, one is "enter the game", one is "exit the game", and the other is "soul liberation". This option is unique to me.

However, this time, I didn't choose soul liberation. I remember that after the last fantasy transfer was completed six months ago, the soul liberator was promoted to the first level and learned two skills. I haven't seen it before. Now let's take a good look. There is a 60% chance of such a perverted profession as the soul liberator. One of the two skills is a perverted skill.

Consciousness is transmitted to the Temple of Souls. I haven't been here for a long time. The sudden golden brilliance makes me feel dazzling.

"Yo, so you still know how to come back. Since I taught you some soul liberation skills, your consciousness will never be here. You unfilial person, I thought you had forgotten my master!" As soon as he saw me come back, the soul waiter said unobeded.

I stared at him, and then poked him rudely and said, "Pay attention to your name. It's a soul waiter, waiter, waiter!" I repeated the word waiter and then said casually: "The waiter means waiter. Areyousure? Do you understand?)"

This sentence directly hit the key point of the soul waiter. He petrified his whole body and muttered to himself in pain, "If I had known that piece of cheese to the planner, I would not have finally spread such an NPC task."

I dismissed the soul waiter, and I hurriedly checked my own situation.

The attributes of this soul liberator are really sad and unbearable. However, the focus of my review is not on attributes, but on skills. Hurry up and open the skill bar next to the attribute bar. The skills I know are listed one by one.

Soul liberation: divide your soul into five parts or combine them into one;

Soul return to the position: put your soul into different characters, or return to your own body.

Soul Fusion: Eliminate all characters released by 'soul liberation' and merge them into one character. ( Note that it cannot be dissolved at will after integration.)

Soul release: remove the fusion, temporarily eliminate the characters formed by 'soul fusion', and summon all the characters eliminated by the 'soul fusion'. Items needed: fusion removal stone

Well... My IQ is not so high. I don't quite understand what these two skills are merged and released. This soul fusion is similar to the second effect of soul liberation, and soul liberation is also integrated.

I turned my head and looked at the soul waiter, but the soul waiter turned his head dissatisfiedly and said, "Don't you understand everything if you try yourself?"

"Hey, you little waiter, you have to do whatever the boss asks you to do. Explain it to me quickly."

The soul waiter snorted disdainfully: "The waiter also has a strike day."

"Hey, you..." I want to stop talking, okay, whatever you want, I'll try it myself! I turned my head dissatisfiedly, hesitated for a moment, and then released the soul fusion.

At this time, the system prompts: "Ding, congratulations, soul fusion has been released successfully. Please continue to use soul liberation.

Ding, this is the first time you have used soul fusion, and the system gives you a fusion release stone.

Ha, yes, I got a fusion stone, so that even if the soul fusion is not very useful, I can make up for it in time.

After being psychologically prepared, I meditated in my heart: "Soul liberation."

I just feel "horrible!" With a sound, my consciousness began to blur. When I opened my eyes, a familiar scene appeared in front of me.

This is the new village. The feeling of green grass and harmony makes me feel relaxed and happy. Several novice players come and go in cloth clothes, which has a unique taste of a small mountain village.

I subconsciously looked around, but found a very surprising thing. I didn't see any other characters. Generally speaking, my perspective is mainly about crazy people. As soon as I turn around, I can see gentlemen and so on. But now, I'm the only one nearby, lonely. As a single person, I immediately understood that it was the reason for soul fusion, but I was really not used to it.

Soul fusion, so what kind of person is the fusion into? I couldn't wait to open my attribute bar, and then my mouth was crooked.

Nickname: Mysterious Person

Level: 9 (according to the average level of the five characters)

Occupation: Soul Liberator

Life occupation: none

Vigor: 100

Wedweight: 5%

Hungry: 0

Anger value: 0/150

Life: 490/490

Magic: 80/80

Attack power: 90

Defense: 81

Spiritual strength: 63

hit: 54

Dodge: 63

Agility: 63

Strength: 9

Magic: 9

physique: 9

luck: 9

Speed: 9

Attribute points: 0

This is only level 9! And he is still ** and doesn't have any equipment. I really don't understand what profession this soul liberator belongs to? If it is a warrior, what does this spiritual power of 63 mean?

If it is a mage, then what is this as high as 81 defense power and 490 qi and blood?

If it's a priest, Taoist priest, this perverted 63 agility is too exaggerated!

If it is a god thief, it is even more impossible! Attack power, defense power, upper limit of qi and blood, and mental power are simply not comparable to the previous ghosts!

Just when I was still in the middle of excitement, an old man's cough interrupted my YY and said, "Ah... what a vigorous child. Welcome to Magic God. I have a lot of new tasks here. Do you want to accept them?

I turned my head and saw that it was the new village head I haven't seen for a long time!

"Hear, accept!" I responded happily.

"Ding, you have learned to take medicine."