Online game No. 5

Chapter 6 One person destroys one team

Xiaohu still wants to ask questions, but my attention has shifted to the ranking list.

The first place is a level 93 magic injury. There is no doubt about the training speed of this undead mage, and it is second to none.

The second place is the killing god, 87, and the difference between the first and second place is 6 levels. It can be seen that the strength of the magic injury is absolutely first-class.

The last few are all old acquaintances. Anyway, they are all dog legs that kill them. Weixin ranks fourth, and Death comes seventh. To my surprise, the transformation of life is still persisting on the heavenly list, 79th grade, ninth place.

And behind the basic information behind the name of life, it shows that the gang is slow. At first, I was puzzled that after I killed me, Weixin and others's goal is 80% of the possibility of transforming their lives, as well as some powerful players in our gang, such as cannons, elegant lilies, decadence, etc., but the transformation of life can actually carry their attacks and rise to level 79, which used to be more powerful than him. On the contrary, the cannon is not as powerful as him. It turned out that the French injury took care of him for me!

If there is a chance, I should thank the injury.

"Master, after reading so much information, do you have any goals now?" Xiaohu asked tentatively, "The highest level 93 is still far away."

I curled my lips and smiled and asked, "What else can I do? Practice now. Let's go, little tiger. Go to the dense forest outside the city of God.

Riding Xiaohu first went to the warehouse, equipped himself with a set of silver equipment, and ran all the way to the dense forest outside the city of God. At a glance, I also saw many level 10 to 15 novices practicing here.

I found a remote place. First, I cast an holy word to myself, and then released a ten thousand ghosts pat the door. Several ghost heads came out and directly hit the flower elves who were still resting happily. These flower elves were very small and floating in mid-air, only as high as my upper body, and these elves belong to The weaker holy monster, so the attack resistance to my dark attribute is very poor. I hit the door with ten thousand ghosts and burst out three horrible damage numbers in a row.




It was very straightforward to kill the three flower elves. If their type is "combat holy monsters", I'm afraid it's me who will escape, because "combat holy monsters" are immune to the attack of dark attributes, and these flower elves are afraid of dark attributes.

This is a 13-level monster, so I belong to the leap-level killing monster, and it is a must-kill one-strike. The experience is divided into more, which directly allows me and Xiaohu to upgrade each level. At this moment, I have reached level 12, and Xiaohu is level 20.

Yes, since I can be a group in a second, it shows that my speed of clearing monsters is very fast, and the level of these flower elves is one level higher than me, and I can also enjoy double the experience of killing monsters. I decided to practice here until level 13.

But as soon as I got to level 13, a team of people came towards me. The leader was a soldier called Big Knife and said to me, "Brother, I'm sorry, this place has been chartered by us. Please... make way."

"Oh, okay." Since others have chartered the field, I can't grab monsters here. It's not sentimental and unreasonable. Anyway, there are many places to practice, but I'm about to leave and turn around. The area of this map seems to be quite large, and there seems to be no one else nearby. Except for me, there are five people in their team. That's all.

"There are only five of you. You can't kill five people on such a big map. It's good for me to kill monsters in this corner, and it won't affect you." I said to them angrily.

"Big knife" frowned slightly and said in a low voice, "What do you mean, are you unwilling to leave? I have kindly reminded you once. Don't blame us for being rude if you don't leave.

"Brother, this man seems to have a tiger summoning beast, maybe it's quite powerful..." A thin man behind the big knife "Is there an archer?" He said to him in a low voice.

"What are you afraid of? This guy will practice here, and the level is definitely no more than 15. I would have gone somewhere else to practice when I was 15th, if it weren't for you." The big knife said confidently, "The highest level of the summoning beast cannot exceed the master's level 10, so this tiger is only 25 at most, which is still the worst case. Maybe this tiger is less than level 20.

I was quite kind. Hearing the meaning of the big knife, I couldn't help frowning and said, "Are you threatening me?"

"What's wrong with you threatening? If you don't get out of here, we'll just send you back to the city for free. The big knife said arrogantly.

"I wanted to leave, but if you say so, I really won't leave. If you have the ability, you can kill me back to the city." I was upset. Damn, the tiger fell to Pingyang was bullied by dogs. In the past, I would have simply sent them a ten thousand ghosts to pat the door and let them go home together. Would I still be angry?

The big knife snorted coldly and said, "This is what you said. The big guys copied the guy, learn from Lei Feng to do good deeds, and send him back to the city!" The sound of the big knife was falling, and the other three people behind him directly surrounded me, leaving only a MM in a priest's robe, singing the formula.

The formula is not over, and the thin man "does there be an archer?" He took out his equipment, a long bow, and an arrow bag, and an arrow flew towards me.

I was shocked and didn't expect that there would be an archer profession, which really surprised me, but I was surprised that my reaction was absolutely not slow. After being hit by a bow and arrow, a damage number appeared.


I secretly praised the good injury, and at the same time, I have moved quickly towards this "Is there an archer?"

The ghost's movement speed is fully exerted at this moment.

They originally saw that I killed the wild monster with magic, and always thought I was a magician. Originally, "Is there an archer?" when they saw that I was attacked, they didn't activate the magic shield. They thought I was just a novice. They couldn't help laughing and laughing, but when the damage number was displayed, they only deducted a little bit of my blood. Moreover, I still have so much qi and blood, which is really the common sense of a lawbreaker.

General mages, even if the level exceeds level 15 and has good equipment, qi and blood are about 400. According to the proportion of the upper limit of qi and blood I deducted, I have at least 600.

The sword of the soul rolled in his hand, and the dragon gun went directly to "Is there an archer?" Stabbed it.

"312." A very terrible injury came out. Do you have an archer?" He screamed in pain and quickly retreated. More than half of his qi and blood were directly knocked out by me.

At this moment, the big knife has been assisted by the priest. As he rushed to me, he shouted to the priest, "Priest, add blood to the archer!"

"Ye." Pastor MM answered softly and quickly gathered to heal. Only then did I feel how slow the release speed of the priest who was not equipped with the accumulation bonus was. Before his healing technique was released, my low-level sealing technique had been released to her.

A perfect "seal success" came out, and everyone was stunned and looked at me inconceivably.

Master? Taoist priest? Or a soldier? What the hell is going on!?

I became a god in their eyes in an instant! Is it GM who went to the sea to be a cowherd?

"Mage!" The big knife screamed. Although it's strange, he doesn't think he will lose to me.

But... only a scream sounded, and the mage who was greeted by the big knife had died at the hands of Xiaohu.

Xiaohu clapped his hands and said, "So he is a mage? If you don't say it, I don't even know what his profession is, and I will KO him at once.

"What!?" The big knife stared fiercely. The white tiger not only spoke human words, but most importantly, she easily killed their mage. Originally, she thought the white tiger was not powerful, but she didn't expect...

I smiled at Xiaohu and said, "Xiaohu, I found that the cohesion time required for your destruction flash is short."

The little tiger curled his lips, and the little beard around his mouth was slightly **. He was so cute and said helplessly, "It's not that the time has become shorter, but that your cohesion time is too long. Usually, you release four or five thousand ghosts to pat the door, and I can only put a bursting flash. Now that your cohesion time is long, it seems that my cohesion time is short. ."