Online game No. 5

Chapter 9 Training

After a pause, I said, "This profession seems to be good. It has high defense, can also add blood, and can also be equipped with magic attacks in physical attacks."

Chen Yi was stunned and exclaimed, "So awesome?"

I nodded slightly and said in my heart, if he knew that I could still seal it, it would be strange that he would not be scared to death. In this way, it is easy for him to imagine me as a profession of magic and martial arts. The legendary god of death is so perverted that it is impossible for a profession like me to be slightly perverted, because now after the revision of Magic God, many players have the opportunity to become a certain hidden profession. Of course, this kind of opportunity for hidden professional missions can only be available in the game, and the three professions of death, god thief and soul liberator are not available in the game mission.

Like "Is there an archer?", it should be only after completing a certain task in the game that he will become an archer.

"Okay, let's go to practice." I said to Chen Yi.

In order to show that I was indeed a novice, I pretended not to know the way and asked Chen Yi to take me to a place where he thought it was faster to practice. As a result, we took a big turn and came to a map of level 15 to 17 upgrade.

I couldn't help sighing: "Brother, I'm at level 20 now!"

"That's right, I upgraded here when I was at level 20." Chen Yi said inexplicably.

You are really patient. I muttered to myself, if I practice here, I'd rather come alone. Why do I want you to come and share your experience?

"That's when you were at level 20. Think about it, if you had someone over 30 to bring it, would you still be here?" I asked back.

Chen Yi suddenly realized and laughed a few times: "It seems that it's really true. Boss, you are too smart."

I was dumbfounded on the spot.

After that, Chen Yi brought me to the place of level 23 to 25 wild bear monsters: "Boss, you have to be careful. Don't hang up." Chen Yi said that several wild bears had seen us and slowly walked towards us.

I patted Chen Yi and said, "You don't have to worry about me. Go up and stand up."

Seeing Chen Yi stride forward, a sword wave split towards the wild bear monster. At the same time, a straight bear monster was hit one after another, and the qi and blood plummeted more than 700, leaving only a quarter of the qi and blood.

Before these wild bear monsters could attack, my ten thousand ghosts had been released, and the ghost heads groaned in pain and rushed away.




Three numbers in a row came up and directly sent three wild bears to the west. Chen Yi turned his head and looked at me in astonishment, and his eyes were full of doubts and emotions.

I quickly explained: "Physical attack, physical attack. This is physical damage." Chen Yi turned his head. Although my performance is no different from that of a mage, if it is a physical attack, it can at least prove that my mental strength is not very high.

"It's good to have someone to take care of it. You don't have to work hard by yourself." Xiaohu yawned lazily and said with a satisfied face.

Under Chen Yi's disdainful efforts, I rose to 97% of level 22 soon, and the wild bear monsters here were also cleaned up one by one by Chen Yi. My task is to pick up money. In fact, this money is not much. Of course, when Chen Yi worked hard to kill monsters, I also used it several times. Flying dragons explore the clouds, and the harvest in the middle is still good.

"Oh, it's really not challenging to kill these." After solving the last wild bear monster that rushed up, Chen Yi began to be complacent and said to me proudly. His purpose is simple, to show off.

But I'm not an ordinary "novice". How can I envy him because of this? I turned my head disdainfully and said, "I'll stimulate you in a moment. If you kill so many innocent creatures, their boss will definitely come to avenge you.

The voice was falling, and suddenly there was a loud noise in the depths of the dense forest.

At the same time, we were shocked and saw a wild bear as tall as a tree coming towards us. There are still turbid saliva on the sharp teeth, which flow down drop by drop, and the fat body has rich fur. At a glance, you can know that this guy is high blood-proof, and the most frightening thing is its pair of bear paws with sharp claws on its palms.

Seeing us, the wild bear slapped the tree next to it fiercely. The tree was directly cut off by the waist, making a tragic sound of "squeaking" and falling down.

I subconsciously swallowed a mouthful of saliva. If I had been in the past, I would not have been so afraid. People's grades are higher and different grades are different.

Such a boss made Chen Yi feel weak. He turned his head and looked at me complainingly and muttered, "Boss, it's all your crow's mouth."

I immediately answered dissatisfiedly: "If my mouth is really so powerful, then I will say that this boss will definitely explode with sea blue equipment!"

In such low-level BOSS explosive equipment, it does not mean that it is impossible to explode sea blue equipment, but the probability is too low, unless you have an affair with GM.

"Don't say it's explosive, I don't even know if I can beat it." Chen Yi said with tears on his face.

"Why don't we go?" I suggested that I am not Chen Yi, and I am not very clear about the gap in strength between the two sides. In this case, I dare not take action, especially now that I rely on others and have not even achieved my confidants, let alone know my enemy. How can I win in this way?

"That won't work." Chen Yi shook his head again, "It's not easy to meet a boss. How can you miss it?" I must try it." With that, Chen Yi came forward and released a sword air wave, and the light blue sword spirit cut through the ground and rushed directly towards the boss.

“603.” Sure enough, the defense power of BOSS is much higher than that of ordinary monsters, and the level is also level 27. The monster type is BOSS, which is quite a tricky problem even for Chen Yi at level 30.

Especially Chen Yi's equipment is still a little poor.

"Wan!" The claws of the wild bear monster waved quickly at Chen Yi, and the shocking claws made me feel terrible when I thought of it.

“353.” A tough number came up, and Chen Yi's upper limit of qi and blood was only more than 1,000 in total. The wild bear monster easily took away one-third of Chen Yi's qi and blood.

Chen Yi was shocked, retreated quickly, and quickly swallowed a blood bottle for himself, and his qi and blood slowly recovered.

And how could the wild bear monster give Chen Yi time to breathe and quickly catch up with him? Although the wild bear monster moved a little, it did not affect its movement speed at all. Seeing that it caught up with Chen Yi quickly, it was caught by Chen Yi again.

I'm worried when I look at it. It's still level 30. I can't even beat a 27-level boss. Sure enough, poor equipment is garbage.

I hurriedly shouted, "Walk with the sword air wave! Anyway, the attack distance of the sword air wave is very far away.

Chen Yi's eyes lit up and tried to use the sword air wave. But Chen Yi's technology is really stinky. Every step he takes is not very well, so he will always be caught by the wild bear monster and punched him hard.

However, the situation is also good. Chen Yi's qi and blood were barely controlled, and I also took the opportunity to release a lot of healing techniques for him. Chen Yi not only sighed: "Boss, your profession is really cool. You can attack and add blood."

I seemed to smile and said, "Do your work, don't lead it all to me." With that, I rudely threw an undead array to the wild bear monster and another ghost around.

"375." My injury was also quite considerable. With one blow, it also made the wild bear snorted. It originally wanted to come to revenge on me, but it was attracted hatred by Chen Yi's sword.

"Roar!" The wild bear roared, and a pale golden light spread around his body.

Then he attacked Chen Yi again.


Chen Yi was shocked. The qi and blood that had not been added before had been added. After the wild bear monster, he almost went to see the king of the day. The blood bar was almost invisible, leaving only ten digits of qi and blood.

I hurriedly added a slow healing and healing technique to him, coupled with his deadly escape and medicine, and the crisis of qi and blood finally got out of, but this crisis may come back at any time!

I frowned and rushed up with the sword of the soul directly in my heart.

Chen Yi was shocked: "Boss, are you looking for death?"

A fierce shot hit the wild bear monster. The first touch was that this guy's skin was really hard, and he didn't feel like cutting his skin.
