Online game No. 5

Chapter 33 Long Road

At the junction of the moonlight forest and the long road, the walkway in the middle of the forest is getting narrower and narrower. At the end, there is a stone door between the two trees, depicting strange patterns.

"There is a long road ahead." The archer riding the jaguar said to me.

I pointed to the stone door with my chin and said, "Open the door."

The archer was stunned and said, "This hateful undead has even installed such a mechanism. What can I do?"

I was stunned, looked at the archer and asked, "You, isn't this your stone gate?"

The archer shook his head helplessly and vetoed, "No, we elves never use this thing. Even if there is such a mechanism, the texture of this door should be wood."

I thought about it carefully, and the buildings I saw in the base were all wood as the basic material, and I would also be surprised.

"What can I do?" The archer asked anxiously.

I was also puzzled and asked tentatively, "Is there any mechanism?"

"Let's look." The archer hurriedly said, "It must be fast, otherwise it will be too late."

So the two of us leaned over the stone door and looked for the so-called organs left and down.

But there is no efficiency at all, and it is really difficult to find an organ. At this time, Xiaohu's voice came over: "Get out of the way."

We suddenly felt a chill behind us, and the sixth sense told me that a very dangerous thing was coming to me.

Sure enough, when we turned our heads, the little tiger had flown towards the stone gate at a speed that could not be seen by the naked eye.

The archer and I were shocked at the same time and quickly dodged aside. The little tiger's claws slapped the stone door fiercely and directly split the stone door in half.

"..." The archer and I were sweating coldly. Xiaohu clapped his hands and complained, "When you find it, I can finish reading a novel. Even if there is an organ, it must be inside. How can it be outside?

The archer and I have nothing to say for a moment.

"Ha, haha..." The archer could only break the embarrassment with a giggle, and then said, "Warrior, let's go quickly. We must catch up with the team escorting the general!"

I nodded, and the leopard under the archer's feet strode towards the long road.

"Little Tiger." I shouted, and Xiaohu directly changed into a beast and muttered, "Don't let me compare speed with him. I'm too lazy to compare with him."

I smiled bitterly and said, "Are you afraid?"

"Are you afraid?" Xiaohu asked, "I ruined him!"

The voice was falling, and I only felt the sound of the wind in my ear, and the little tiger had caught up with it.

"It's not that I can't catch up with him, but he still has to lead the way." Xiaohu followed the archer closely, looking at her expression, as if she was still proficient.

The archer looked at it in a blink of an eye. I had caught up with him and was overjoyed, saying, "Great, so that we can get there faster!"

At the end of the words, there is a curve in front of convenience, and there is almost only one lane here, which is a good thing.

The archer took the lead, turned forward and disappeared in front of my eyes. And I'm not far from this corner.

At this time, I only listened to "Ah!" A scream sounded after the curve. I was shocked and rushed up. I couldn't help but be surprised by everything in front of me.

There are 6 enemies in front of them, 5 of whom are familiar bone ghosts, and there is a skeleton archer, whose whole body is wrapped in tight bones, much fatter than bone ghosts, with a bag of arrow bags on his back.

And not far away, the archer's body was lying there, and the jaguar with him also died in front of him.

Damn it, I couldn't help swearing in my heart. The speed of death is really fast, like rushing to be reincarnated. If you die, you will die. It's only been three seconds since he left my sight!

Seeing me, the ghosts took the lead in chasing me, and the skeleton archer had set up a long bow to aim at me.

I jumped directly off the little tiger, gave myself a holy word, and then released a poison powder for them, and then the group of bone ghosts came to me.

"Wo!" With a sound, the skeleton archer's bow and arrow flew straight towards me. My whole body was shocked, and more than 300 qi and blood were deducted.

Good guy, the attack power is really high!

I sighed in my heart, and the next moment I understood that the skeleton archer was an elite monster.

No wonder they can kill the archer in such a short time.

At the same time, my dragon tooth combo has been released towards a bone ghost.



Two consecutive strikes, although the power of one blow is even lower than that of the dragon tooth gun, the power of the two strikes cannot be underestimated. But this is also related to my holy words and poison dispersion. Without the increase or decrease of these two attributes, I'm afraid it can only cause 800 to 900 damage.

The level of the ghost in the long road has been upgraded again, and it has reached level 36.

Who said that these undead are between level 30 and 35?

The peripheral skeleton ghost level 32, the moonlight forest skeleton ghost level 34, and the long road skeleton ghost level 36. When it comes to the last level, the tree of life, isn't the level of this skeleton ghost level 38?

36-level bone ghosts have increased their qi and blood a lot, with a damage of up to 1100, which can only kill one-half of their qi and blood.

It seems that the spirit and blood of this ghost is not below 2,000.

"Papa" has made several crisp sounds in a row, and the attack power of these skeleton ghosts has also been improved to a certain extent. The feeling of hitting me is really painful. Suddenly, I was killed with more than 700 qi and blood, and the upper limit of my own qi and blood is only 2,000. These guys are really horrible.

I flew back a few steps, and a petrochemical array was released, sealing two skeleton ghosts. At the same time, the broken flash attack of the little tiger had been released, directly capturing a skeleton ghost into residual blood.


Seize the opportunity, while they are still chasing me, I will directly gather tens of thousands of ghosts to pat the door.

The cohesion time of Wangui patting the door is not as high as the blood ghost dancing, and it is not easy to interrupt. Before they catch up, Wangui patting the door has been released.





A series of damage numbers came up, and the bone ghost who had been abused by the little tiger directly saw the king of hell. At the same time, I rushed into the pile of bones again, and a roundabout was released.

"brush" a few crisp sounds, and the ghost who was hit by my dragon teeth also turned into my experience.

"Oh!" The skeleton archer was furious when he saw me so arrogant and roared at me.

I stared at him with disdain, and a bloody ghost danced and released him. Xiaoyang told you to be arrogant again.

Two skeleton ghosts were petrified, and two skeleton ghosts died. Now there is only one skeleton ghost to attack me, which is difficult to interrupt my attack.

At the same time, the skeleton archer also shot an arrow at me. Before his bow and arrow hit me, my blood ghost dance had been condensed, and a red ghost suddenly surged towards the skeleton archer.

The two intersect each other in mid-air.



I nibbled a red medicine of 500 qi and blood for myself and instantly replenished the qi and blood. But the skeleton archer was turned upside down by the person I beat,

A quarter of the qi and blood.

About 6,000 qi and blood are nothing to me.

I turned around and hit the dragon tooth gun to pick out the skeleton that attacked behind me. This guy had a lot of fun in the back! If I ignore you, I really think you can do whatever you want.

Several thousands of ghosts were released to pat the door in a row to easily deal with the skeletons, including the two poor children sealed by me from beginning to end, and three skeletons died!

Only the last skeleton archer was left. I rudely released a petrified array. Fortunately, I actually sealed him directly. A dragon tooth combo and the broken flash of the little tiger were released. There is only a quarter of the qi and blood of this skeleton archer.

I suddenly said to Xiaohu, "Little tiger, you use a broken flash. I will dance with blood ghosts to see whose skills will hit the enemy first after the skills are released at the same time."

Xiaohu pouted and asked, "Master, this is unfair. After my destruction flash is released, I have to work hard for the fastest speed of my physical fitness, and your bloody ghost dance, you just need to release it."

"Hurry up." I said.

Xiao Hu sighed helplessly and said, "Compet."