Online game No. 5

Chapter 35 Save Karin

But outside this prison, there are two skeleton archers and four skeleton ghosts, and the troops are not small.

Turning around, there were seven elf archers on my side. I gently hinted to them, and then came behind a secret tree with the little tiger, and the two condensed their skills at the same time.

The release speed of the blood ghost dance was slightly faster than the broken flash of the little tiger, and my blood ghost danced like a red light, directly attacking a bone ghost.


While the damage came out, the little tiger's broken flash has also been released, and an illusory shadow flew over and directly killed the ghost in seconds.

said that at the same time as the little tiger killed a bone ghost, the seven archers had shot a round of bows and arrows, seven bows and arrows flew out together, and a bone ghost was shot dead from a bloody state.

In a short period of time, we have killed two skeletons in a row, and at this moment, these monsters have reacted. The two skeleton archers showed no weakness. They also raised their bows and arrows, aimed at one of my archers, and flew over with an arrow.

"Wow~Wow!" The archer was shot by two skeleton archers in a row. The first time he was killed about half of his qi and blood. The second time, before I could react, there was a critical strike. The archer was directly killed on the spot!

I was shocked, but the skeleton archer had raised his long bow and aimed at an archer again.

I really underestimated this skeleton archer just now! I secretly exclaimed in my heart and quickly released a roar.

As soon as their bows and arrows were fired, they turned around in mid-air, and two bows and arrows hit me directly.

I quickly released a holy word to myself, and these two bows and arrows have shot straight into my body.



Half of my qi and blood were killed directly, and under the attack of the other two ghosts, my qi and blood volume did not exceed 600.

But my archer and little tiger were not idle. They shot down in one round and directly killed one of them in seconds.

But at this moment, the two skeleton archers are ready to bow.

It's too late to use healing! I came directly with a riding shock. Under the earth-shaking shock, one of the two skeleton bows and arrows was stunned by me.

This is the opportunity, and the bow and arrow of another skeleton archer has pierced my body, and the qi and blood have dropped again, but it has not died.

I quickly opened a magic shield for myself. This skill is too naughty for me. It is absolutely impossible to kill me in a short time.

I quickly stepped back a few steps, released a cure for myself, and then rushed forward, and a dragon tooth hit the untreated skeleton monster.

On the other side, my archers also pulled their bows and shot at the last bone ghost.

Next, the petrified skeleton archer still has some time to unblock. The remaining skeleton archer, if he is the only one, it will not be so difficult. Under the volley of my archer, the skeleton archer's spirit and blood fell rapidly and ate the little tiger to destroy the flash. There was only the last trace of qi and blood left. I put a dragon tooth gun in front of me and easily solved it.

At this time, the seal of the skeleton archer was lifted, and my own qi and blood slowly recovered with the help of healing and slow healing. It was impossible for him to kill any of us, and it was easy for me to handle it.

The stingy GM didn't give me anything except money. In accordance with the principle of returning the warehouse, I still worked hard to pick up the money. After all, I am not the same as before. There is no "emergency center" to replenish my money, which finally made me understand the hard work of ordinary players making money.

When I came to the gate of the prison, I waved a dragon tooth gun, and the gate of this prison lost a quarter of the amount of blood. Good boy, the gate of this iron prison is much stronger than other gates. And more importantly, after I waved a shot, the electric snake on the iron door split directly at me. At that time, I felt numbness and 400 points of qi and blood.

I was shocked that this iron gate would rebound? Fortunately, I have recovered my qi and blood to be on the safe hand. When I killed the skeleton archer just now, the qi and blood had dropped to less than 400. If I am lazy, I may make a big mistake.

Even my constitution has been rebounded and caused 400 points of damage, so if it were this group of archers, wouldn't it be...

I quickly turned around and shouted to them, "Don't..."

Before I finished my words, the archers' bows and arrows had already shot. But it was surprising that every round of bow and arrow passed, the electric snake on the iron gate fluttered, but it did not cause harm to them.

The original rebound of this thing is only a long-range attack relative to a melee attack, and this thunder and lightning can't spread to such a far place.

I retreated slightly, and a ghost entangled and attacked it. The qi and blood of the iron gate was already very little after the archer's attack. After being entangled by my ghost for a second, it was directly broken.

The old man inside came out in surprise, looked at me and asked, "Warrior, you..."

Before I could speak, an archer behind me shouted happily, "Yes, it's Lord Mokosa!"

So all the archers rushed over one after another: "Lord Mokosa, this is our benefactor. He saved us. He is going to save General Carline now, but I don't know where General Carlin is. Please help me."

"Oh?" Lord Mokosa turned his head and looked at me, and the shock on his face was immediately replaced by respect, saying, "Brave young warrior, I will definitely give everything I know for you. Please wait a moment."

After saying that, Mokosa slowly raised the staff in his hand, and the yellow and thin palm highlighted Mokosa's wisdom.

Slowly, green light balls emerged from the nearby woods, like a little element aggregation, condensing in the direction pointed by Mokosa's staff.

Until the green light condensed into a big ball, suddenly the big ball burst like a balloon, and the green light splashed around again, and Mokosa nodded slightly and said to me, "I know where General Karin is."

"Where is it?" I asked in surprise.

Mokasa said, "Come with me. I know it's the closest." With that, Mokosa ran to the distance.

Where is the latest? I'm puzzled. Isn't there only one channel on this long road? But I still quickly followed Mokosa.

Following Mokosa to the dead alley I once walked, I quickly asked, "Mokosa, why did you come here? There is an end here!"

As soon as I finished asking, I was on guard. Mokosa was also a member of the Shadow Elf clan. Even these archers and pawns knew the way here. It was impossible for him not to know the long road. He knew that this was a dead end, but he insisted on bringing me here. Isn't this the act of a traitor?

Just as I was about to attack him, Mokosa said slowly, "Don't worry, the obstacles of nature are only for others. Nature will not hinder our shadow elves. After saying that, Mokosa waved his staff. These big trees that blocked our way turned into a little green light and were actually absorbed by Mokosa's staff.

I was stunned. These trees were also disappearing little by little. In just a short time, all the trees in front of me disappeared, opening up a narrow road for us.

"Okay, let's go." Mokosa said to me.

I nodded quickly and dispelled my guard against Mokosa again. He twisted his old body and ran forward.

After running a short distance, it took only ten minutes. We came to the end of the path. Looking forward, we found that there was a prison car not far away, moving slowly.

I was overjoyed and said, "That should be Carline's prison car, right?"

Mokasa nodded slightly and said, "Don't worry, we need to restore nature to its original state first."