Online game No. 5

Chapter 37 Soul Cut

Before I gasped, I heard a scream behind me. I was stunned. The archer who took Karin away just now!

We suddenly turned around and saw more than a dozen ghosts surrounding Karin's prison car and coming towards us.

The archer who escorted Karin away was obviously dead at their hands.

"Warrior?" Mokosa looked at me worriedly.

I gritted my teeth fiercely. Three of my archers had died, and their combat effectiveness was obviously reduced, but I still said firmly, "Kill!"

Today, the little master took the risk! After the poison was released, I gave myself a slow healing technique, picked up the sword of the soul and rushed into the skeleton ghosts.

Now without the village head's healing skills, I can only add blood to myself, hoping to withstand the attack of this group of ghosts!

A riding shock took the lead in stunning several bone ghosts. When I came forward, I hit a dragon tooth combo, "brush!" After two sounds, before he could react, I released a rotary gun, and a series of loss of qi and blood came up.

And the first bone ghost was shot directly by the rest of the archers in a short time.

The broken blitz of the little tiger was equally horrible. The fierce attack took away a large amount of qi and blood of a skeleton ghost.

Soon, more than a dozen bone ghosts surrounded me directly, and some of them couldn't attack me, so they turned to attack the archers behind me.

No, these archers can no longer be threatened. I directly released a roar, attracting all the main attack forces. Some ghosts who can't attack me are also wandering around the outer circle.

Because there are too many enemies and too dense, thousands of ghosts can't be released at will and are easy to be interrupted. In the past, with a gentleman, I couldn't feel the power of the madman's swing gun at all, but now although I can't use ten thousand ghosts to pat the door, the swing gun is a very good skill to brush monsters.

Slowly, my qi and blood are getting less and less, and the slow healing technique can't suppress the speed of my qi and blood decline at all. In the end, I have to turn on the magic shield to slow down the speed of my qi and blood decline. The secret medicine of the elves requires a long cooling time, and it is difficult to resist the attack of this group of ghosts.

After the magic shield was turned on, my state seemed less difficult.

And these bone ghosts also couldn't stand the powerful attack power, and they died on my roundabout.

After killing the last ghost, the experience bounced slightly, and the system prompted: "Congratulations on your upgrade. Now your level is 35."

Then, another system prompt: "Ding, congratulations on reaching level 35. You have learned new skills.

New skills? I didn't react at all of a sudden. I realized the new skill at level 35. Who is it? Crazy? Gentleman? Crazy? Benevolence? Is it a ghost?

It's impossible. If you want to understand new skills at level 35, these five characters have passed the 35 level a long time ago. Why didn't they understand at that time?

As doubted, I still opened the skill bar and took a look. It was not me, but myself, the soul liberator, and the mysterious figure who understood the new skills.

"The soul is cut. The details are unknown.

What exactly does this mean? The details are unknown? So what the hell is this for? I'm confused. The soul liberator is really an elusive profession!

At this time, the system suddenly prompted, "Now you are going to decide the effect of your skill 'soul chopping'. Do you agree?"

determines the effect of the skill. Can I still choose the effect of this skill? I quickly chose to agree.

The system prompted, "Please wait a moment..."

5 seconds later, something similar to a slot machine suddenly appeared in front of me, with skills written on it. If you look closely, it seems to be all crazy skills.

The system said, "Please randomly select the skill attached to your first character to the soul chopping."

After saying that, the slot machine in front of him began to rotate, and the selected box kept rotating on various skills.

"Stop." I opened my mouth slightly, and the selected box slowly stopped on the "shock of riding" option.

Subsequently, the system said, "The skill you choose is the shock of riding. Please randomly choose the skill attached to your second character to the soul chopping."

I turned the slot machine again, and this time the slot machine stopped on the bloody dance.

"The skill you choose is the blood ghost dance. Please randomly choose the skill attached to your third character to the soul chopping."

The skill chosen by benevolence is rewarded with good and evil, the skill chosen by fanaticism is poison, and the skill selected by ghosts is Ling Bo Weibu.

"The effect of the skill has been determined, please select the release time of the skill immediately." After saying that, a slot machine appeared in front of my eyes again.

I decided to see that the release time here is long and short, the shortest 0 seconds, instantaneous, and the longest five minutes of storage time. I secretly shouted in my heart that if I choose a five-minute storage time, won't I cry to death? This skill is completely equivalent to chicken ribs and useless.

Looking at the selection box in front of me constantly spinning, I was about to stop, but suddenly I thought of something. Before shouting to stop, I first said, "GM is the most handsome man in the world."

After saying that, he shouted to stop. As a result, the selection box rotated in different options. After slowly stopping, the option box stayed for 0.5 seconds.

"Your soul release time is 0.5 seconds." The system prompts.

I almost laughed my mouth. Although I couldn't send it directly, five seconds, the shock of riding, blood ghost dancing, good and evil retribution, poison dispersion, Lingbo's five skills of soul cutting, the release time only takes only 0.5 seconds. Do you think it's abnormal?

I secretly despised GM for a while, and praised him for being so good to me. What a low IQ, haha!

After a while, the system said, "Please immediately choose the cooling time of Soul Chopping."

Because I was too happy for a moment, I shouted, "Start, stop."

As a result, the option box only advanced one grid and stopped at 1500 seconds.

I suddenly felt cold.

"NO!!!!" I grabbed my hair and shouted, "1500 seconds, 35 minutes!"

"Re, re, I want to do it again!" I shouted in a hurry.

But the system still said, "Congratulations, your soul cut has been set. Please check the skill bar for details."

Unexpectedly, this system must be intentional and intentional. It was because I despised GM in my heart that he retaliated against me!

I have been tossing for a long time, and I finally accepted the reality helplessly. Although the last cooling time disappointed me too much, I couldn't wait to open the skill bar and read the message of Soul Cut.

"The soul is cut.

Attack a single enemy with three times the shock of riding and blood ghost dancing (the multiple effect is related to the level of good and evil, up to a maximum of five times). The power is related to strength and spiritual power (spiritual power is the main factor), and causes 100% stun effect on the enemy. The duration of the effect is related to power. And curse the enemy's attributes for a certain period of time. The effect of the curse is related to mental strength and luck (luck is the main factor). And within a certain period of time, increase your movement speed and attack speed, and the effect is related to agility.

Release time 0.5 seconds

Cooldown time 1500 seconds.

There are so many effects that I'm dazzled. But all of them are extremely perverted. The first effect, attack power, blood ghost dance is originally four times the damage of ghost entanglement, and because of good and evil, it actually triples, that is, 20 times the attack power of ghost entanglement (the insignificant damage of riding shock is for the first). Moreover, the evil retribution behind the good and evil has also been lost.

And because of the shock of riding, it is actually 100% dizzy. Unfortunately, it's not a range dizziness, it's just a single one. However, it is also a good choice to deal with the boss.

Then there is a curse effect, which is definitely much more abnormal than the skill of Death.

Finally, it actually increased the movement speed and attack speed. If the role of Lingbo's microstep is reflected in the madman, the madman must be a meat grinder, and now it is to release Lingbo's microstep on the madman.