Online game No. 5

Chapter 44 Fusion Release

When I attacked the cockroach lord, the other two bone ghosts only killed three-quarters of my qi and blood volume. After I released myself with a slow healing technique, I easily solved it.

The first batch has been solved.

The next four batches were just a few skeleton ghosts, not even skeleton archers. With the cooperation of me and Xiaohu, they completed the task perfectly.

So I walked to the original assembly point, at the end of the long road, the entrance of the tree of life.

It was here that Mokosa and I successfully recovered Karin and met the Lord of Cockroaches. Now that I think about it, it was still thrilling at that time!

What I didn't expect was that although I didn't participate in the process of slaughtering skeletons by the village head and others, I actually gained experience after they killed skeletons, and it was the same experience as my own killing skeletons. This is really a happy thing. I didn't do it myself and had enough clothes and food.

After a while, the village head and others also arrived at the meeting point and found that I had already arrived. They were surprised, "Warrior, have you cleaned up all the ghosts?"

I nodded naturally and said, "How's it going?"

Everyone took a look at the Mokosa under investigation. Mokosa nodded slightly and said, "All the skeletons in the long road have been removed."

I smiled proudly, and Karin praised, "It's worthy of being a warrior."

I said, "Well, everyone, get ready. Next is the tree of life, which is the level you are most afraid of. Before that, I almost forgot one thing. With that, I took out the 300 red and blue pills given to me by the pharmacy owner and said, "This is for you by your people."

After the village head took the lead, he swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said, "We are ready, warrior, please take the lead."

I also took courage and led everyone into the tree of life.

With a flash of light, a huge tree appeared in front of me. The roots were firmly rooted in the ground. The whole tree was as thick as a hundred people's arms, and the intertwined roots were winding up like a hill. High-pass clouds, dense leaf cages cover the whole area. This is probably the so-called tree of life of the village head. It looks so great. I thought the trees in the shadow forest were huge enough, but now the tree of life, standing in the shadow forest, has taken away the glory of all the trees.

But at this moment, the tree area of life is not as green as I thought, but dark and very gloomy.

Under the huge tree of life, a large group of bone ghosts and skeleton archers guard here. Behind them, there is a wizard in a robe. The wizard has no feet, only the robe floats in mid-air. He doesn't even have hands, but his sleeves are slightly shaking. He has no face, only a pair of eyes under the hat of the witch robe.

"Ah, my tree of life, we are finally back!" The village head sighed.

"Is this what you call the Earl Knight?" I pointed to the lich and looked at the village head puzzledly. It didn't look like a knight.

Carlin shook her head and said, "No, this is the Lich, a subordinate of the Count Knight." With that, Karin looked around and said, "This knight Alcazar doesn't know where he has gone?" This is a good opportunity to kill these annoying ghosts and skeleton archers while he is away.

During our conversation, the lich had found our village head, waved his sleeve without arms slightly, and a large number of skeleton archers rushed to us.

With so many enemies, the effect of fanatic poison dispersion has been maximized, and the range of skill effect is easy to use. A large number of enemies have been affected by poison dispersion. After giving themselves a holy word and slow healing, these monsters have also entered the range of the archers of the elf archers.

The skeleton archer's range is not as far as that of the elf archer, but I immediately shouted, "Aim at the skeleton archer first!"

With that, I also condensed a long-range attack blood ghost dance. I didn't pay attention to it before, but now I find that the range of the blood ghost dance is even as far as that of the elf archers, only a little lower than the ghost dart, which is far from being compared with the ghost entanglement.

This is the first time I have seen Karin's combat effectiveness. Her range is farther than that of ordinary elf archers, and she began to attack skeleton archers from afar. Her attack power is indeed not low, and each arrow can cause more than 600 damage.

Seeing this group of skeleton ghosts and skeleton archers slowly approaching, Karin suddenly set up a huge bow and arrow and only heard "Hugh!" With a loud noise, the huge bow and arrow was like a javelin, directly shaking back all the monsters on a line several meters away and causing "1000" damage one by one.

I praised it in my heart. No wonder the village head tried his best to save Karin. This woman really has a way.

The holy tree Pudu of the two brothers Mokosa and Morik has bloomed. In addition to the hard blood of the village head, few archers have died on our side. On the contrary, the undead on the opposite side, and the skeleton archers have been killed and injured countless times.

When the lich saw this, he released a frost armor for himself and floated towards us. Suddenly, he raised his hands and saw a black field pressing down on us like a dark cloud.

In that moment, my attributes were reduced by 10%, and the magic release speed dropped rapidly. It took 3 seconds to condense a ten thousand ghosts to pat the door!

And the attack speed of Karin and other archers also dropped rapidly, and even the village chief's healing technique was released too late to supply, greatly disturbing our morale.

At this time, the two brothers Moric and Mokosa snorted coldly and waved their magic wands at the same time. The four big words "sacred light" appeared on their heads, and a golden light bloomed on our side, directly dispelling the dark field of the lich.

I took a closer look at my attributes, which not only did not decrease, but also increased by 1%. I couldn't help but look coldly. In the state of holy words, there was a baptism of holy light, and my attributes have been much higher.

The combination of the two brothers is really a perverted assistant.

From magic to physics, it is fast to kill monsters, but I still decided to break them one by one, otherwise it will be difficult to deal with too many skeleton archers.

So I clenched the sword of the soul and walked around the many skeleton ghosts. These skeleton ghosts did not have a good IQ. They didn't know how to block my road and made me easily come to their back line. A dragon tooth combo killed a skeleton archer with short qi and blood.

The lich was shocked and quickly retreated, and a freezing technique was released on me.

I had an extra freezing technique and reduced 800 points of qi and blood, but the qi and blood were instantly restored by the holy tree and the village head. But the feeling of being frozen is really bad. Fortunately, I released Lingbo Weibu. The two are mortgaged to each other, and my movement speed is still the same as usual.

Of course, my target is the lich, which is more dangerous than the skeleton archer.

I suddenly came forward and picked him with a dragon tooth gun, but I didn't expect that this guy's frost armor effect was really good, which increased a lot of defense. My blow only deducted more than 400 of his qi and blood, but there was already a freezing technique in my status bar, so the frozen attribute will no longer be Superimposed, after the Lingbo micro-step effect ended, I officially started my attack!

Battle mastery directly released it. The ordinary attack attacked the lich as fast as cutting melons and vegetables. Even his frost armor was cut by me and disappeared ahead of schedule. Just as he waved his arms and wanted to release his skills, I directly bumped into him, making him unable to move for the time being. While I waved my sword, I cut down extremely coherent thunder from the sky, each with a damage of about 27.

My physical damage is about 250 points. From time to time, a spiral gun or dragon tooth gun will hit more than 400 points of damage. Such a terrible attack speed, until the end of my combat mastery, the qi and blood of the lich has only a quarter.