Online game No. 5

Chapter 47 Heaven and Earth

In fact, the greatest credit is still kindness. If there is no benevolence supply, then everything is bullshit. What a madman kills against the strongest boss, what gentleman thin blood VS cockroach thick blood, what ghosts are one against two, all are floating clouds!

Of course, there are also many credits of the pharmacy owner in the middle. At this moment, there are only more than 60 bottles of blood medicine left, and the usage of the five characters is really not enough.

"Damn human!" The count knight Alcazar roared angrily at me, but relatively, his Qi and blood are more than three-quarters. This guy's attack power is not very high compared with other boss-level monsters, but he will release a dark healing skill for himself every once in a while, so that I have never been able to attack Alca. Pose a threat.

On the contrary, the qi and blood of the madman has always been at the bottom stage. It is hard to add benevolence, but it is difficult to make up for it. Fortunately, the little tiger under the seat is much more sensitive than the dead soul war horse under Alca, which has repeatedly helped me avoid attacks, otherwise I'm afraid that the madman has died several times at this moment.

In addition, the archers of the elf clan have been seriously hit. Under the attack of many bone ghosts, the number of deaths, injuries and deaths has reached a terrible number in an instant.

I frowned. It seems that these guys can't stand it anymore. I have to move some strength to help them. But my five characters have bosses to fight against. Can I resist the attack of the boss and then attract the attack of these skeleton monsters?

If Xiaolong is here at this moment, I can face these more easily. Xiaohu is really powerful, but she can only use it to play singles, which can be said to be a pure PK pet, but Xiaolong's all-round strength, high attack and high blood, is the king of training.

After hesitating for a while, the gentleman who was fighting hard with the cockroach lord moved slightly. A ten thousand ghosts clapped the door and poured into the group of archers and bone ghosts. For a moment, a series of injuries exploded. Some bone ghosts with little qi and blood were directly killed by me.

And the gentleman's attack obviously aroused the hatred of those skeletons. They stared at the gentleman fiercely, gave up the elf clan they were attacking, and instead climbed over to the gentleman.

At this moment, I am facing the biggest challenge. I have to resist the attack of the cockroach lord with a gentleman and have to kill this large number of skeletons.

The magic shield is constantly eroding the gentleman's magic. The blue medicine in the bag has consumed more than 50 bottles, and less than half of the reserves are left. I don't know if I can hold on.

At this moment, NPC Karin suddenly released a "10,000 arrows" and poured down like a splash of rain. The tip of each bow and arrow glowed with a faint black light, directly attacking the ghosts.

A series of 50 and 60 injuries appeared on the heads of the bone ghosts in the front row. Such a little damage was even less than three digits, but I never expected that the bone ghosts in the front row still died.

I can't help but marvel that Karin's skill is simply to save a gentleman. In a short time, a gentleman can have to worry about ghosts.

In a scream, the viscount zombie facing the ghost finally fell down, and Tianlei and combat mastery combined with the two skills, which was simply perfect. As soon as he turned around, the ghost had already gone to the lich that put freezing in the corner.

This old monster has been hiding in it and putting dark arrows, so that every time I can't move, I'm almost scratched to death by the viscount zombie.

However, the magic defense of this lich is still good. In the past, the thunder was only about 23 or 24 qi and blood, which is one-fifth less than the fixed damage of 30. Moreover, he also has frost armor to improve physical damage, and the ghost's original low physical lethality is even worse in front of him.

However, although the lich's defense is high, the total amount of qi and blood is not very high. How much qi and blood a mage can have? When the combat mastery effect disappears, the lich's qi and blood is only one-third.

But at this moment, the ghost is officially fighting with the lich, so the lich's freezing technique is thrown on the ghost without scruples, which makes me feel very headache. The ghost's magic defense and the upper limit of qi and blood are really poor to the extreme. After the disappearance of combat mastery, the ghost's qi and blood have been less than a quarter. Midway benevolence also released a slow healing technique for him.

No matter how many healing techniques are, benevolence has been taken out. The healing technique must maintain the amount of qi and blood of the madman, but fortunately, the red medicine and the recovery of 500 qi and blood is not much for the madman, but for ghosts, it is already more than half of the upper limit of his qi and blood.

"Ding!" Suddenly, the prompt sounded from the system, and the bloody ghost dance in the gentleman's hand could not be thrown out in any case!

Before I could react, the system prompted again: "Angry value 150, use team combination skills, heaven and earth. Confirm the skill, ride the shock and blood ghost dance, success.

The blood ghost in his hand was released violently, and the whole map was trembling, like a bunch of blood-red flowers centered on a gentleman. An extremely long red ghost head was even a little like a long dragon, expanding in all directions, which was very beautiful. Wherever passed, the sad screams were endless, and a large number of damage continued to rise, and the approaching monsters were all boun back three steps by the red dragon.







Suddenly, within a radius of five meters, except for the gentleman, all the monsters were repelled, including their own people. As soon as they finished the group healing, they were shocked by the ghosts of heaven and earth, and the skills that were finally condensed were interrupted. However, their own people were not hurt. On the contrary, the undead skeleton ghosts were killed and injured countless times, and those bone ghosts who lost a little more or less blood directly lay on the ground one after another. And those blood-filled ghosts are left with a little blood scum.

The skill level of the blood ghost dance is so high that the combined teaming skills are naturally powerful, but such exaggeration is completely beyond my expectation. The blood zombie who was imprisoned by wild thoughts did not have much qi and blood in the first place, and then was bombarded by the gentleman's heaven and earth ghosts, and directly bombarded in mid-air. After a bunch of things came out, it was super-life.

Originally, such a majestic and huge skeleton ghost army was blown away by such a sudden teaming skill as a gentleman and suddenly became relaxed. Now the enemy is left only the cockroach lord, the lich and the earl knight, as well as five or six bloody skeleton ghosts. The skeleton archers were successfully killed by us all.

And on our side, the elf archers are also killed and injured, leaving only three or four bloody, but fortunately, none of these NPCs have died. The village head still has half of his qi and blood, and the two brothers Mokosa and Morik did not lose much qi and blood because they were hiding behind the team.

Carlin's qi and blood look really terrible. She can hardly see the blood bar, but there is still a little qi and blood remaining.

If the gentleman's ghost is so late for a few seconds, I'm afraid Karin, the NPC, will never say goodbye. Her combat output is the highest except for me, so it also attracted a lot of hatred.

After gasping for a little, I found that even benevolence only had a quarter of the amount of qi and blood. The fantasy was only responsible for hiding behind the benevolence to seal and poison dispersed, but did not deduct much qi and blood.

The count knight Alca looked at everything in front of him. Although he was fighting with a madman elsewhere and was not attacked by heaven and earth ghosts, he could also fully feel the threat of heaven and earth ghosts and said with a stunned face: "How can this be... My dead soul array, my death soul array! How could it be broken by someone else? Although there are also lichs and cockroach lords, he knows very well that only the bloody lichs and cockroach lords can't play much role at all.

Because we have two powerful treatment outputs, benevolence and the village head, and the help of the pharmacy owner's elf secret medicine. At this moment, our qi and blood are continuing to recover, and the damage output of Lich and Cockroach Lord is completely not as fast as our recovery speed.

Finally, the lich and the cockroach lord also died at the hands of ghosts and gentlemen respectively.

And the madman has almost reached the limit at this moment, and his qi and blood have shown a bright red color.