Online game No. 5

Chapter 52 Practice with Injury

The beauty smiled and said, "I'm sorry, because my umbrella just broke a few days ago. I'm sorry to bother you. I'll return it to you tomorrow morning."

I nodded slightly, and the beautiful woman left in a hurry.

I shrugged my shoulders and found that I was full of sleepiness, so I lay in ** and fell asleep sweetly.

The next day, I got up early, and after washing up, there was another knock on the door. This time I don't have to guess, I know it was the beautiful woman yesterday.

consciously, he took care of his scattered hairstyle and opened the door. Sure enough, it was the beautiful woman yesterday. At this moment, she is standing at the door of my house, holding an umbrella in one hand and rubbing her eyes in the other, looking a little sleepy.

I quickly made way and said, "Please come in."

The beautiful woman carefully took a step and said, "Thank you. I'll give you back the umbrella."

I took the umbrella, looked at her, and asked tentatively, "You come out so late every day and come back so early?"

The beautiful woman was slightly stunned, and then smiled and said, "That depends on whether I work the morning shift or the evening shift."

"Oh..." I nodded thoughtfully and muttered, "But it seems that every time I see you on the night shift." I said it very quietly, because I was worried that this sentence would make this beautiful woman angry.

However, the beautiful woman smiled and said, "That's because when I was on the morning shift, I went out later than you and came back earlier than you."

"Oh..." I answered in a low voice again, but I still felt something was wrong.

Seeing me like this, the beautiful woman covered her mouth and smiled and said, "My name is Xiao Meng. What's your name?"

"Well..." I was a little dull and said, "My name is Qiu Yu, the language of language." On the official website forum of "Fantasy", there is a post that was very clear. His real name is Qiucheng. I don't know how they know it. In order to hide myself better, I even changed my name.

"Thank you so much yesterday. If it hadn't been for your umbrella, I'm afraid I would have lost my makeup and become a female devil." Xiao Meng said sweetly, "I'm so sleepy. I'll go back to rest first. I'll treat you to dinner next time."

"Ah..." I nodded slightly, and Xiao Meng left happily.

I subconsciously smelled the umbrella with the fragrance of a small dream on it...

At this moment, I was a little happy. I also ran back to my bedroom, put on my helmet, and entered the game.

As soon as it was online, I hadn't opened the friend bar, but someone else's information was sent.

It's purple frost!

A little pair who once had an encounter with me.

"Hello." Purple frost looks very polite.

I also replied politely: "Hello."

"What do you think? Do you want to join our gang? Purple Frost's tone looks thirsty.

I was silent for a while and almost forgot about the gang. It's okay to refuse him for the time being, but the second time it seemed too embarrassing. After all, they are all at the top of the game. I really provoked them. What does it matter if I don't want me?

Anyway, I have to choose one of the four major gangs to join. Instead of joining the other three gangs that have an enemy relationship with me, it's better to join the desire to slow down. At least I have helped the legal injury, and they are all here to transform my life.

"I can join your gang, and I don't want the upgrade gold coin reward you mentioned. But I have another request." I suddenly thought of something and said to Zi Bingshuang.

After a short pause, Zi Bingshuang replied and asked, "What are the requirements?"

I looked at it in my heart for a long time and made sure that this request could be put forward and would not let Zi Bingshuang directly refuse it. Then I said, "I want your master to be injured and take me to practice for a day."

The killing speed of magic injury is extremely abnormal. It is said that most of his skills are group attack and high injury skills. The skill type is slightly different from that of a gentleman. He is also a dark spell, but it is different from my ghost skill. As for what is different, you have to see.

And practice in the abandoned area of the undead, and it will not reduce experience due to team formation. This is really a good place for people to practice. It's a pity if you don't take advantage of it.

After a while, Zi Bingshuang's message has not been returned. I thought they refused my request, which made me a little disappointed, but it was not surprising. After all, if the legal injury wants to ensure his first place on the list, he must practice day and night. The players behind him are very tight. How can he have free time to bring Others practice?

But at this time, Fa Injury actually applied to become my friend.

Fa injury: "Take you to practice for a day, and you will join our gang?"

I said bluntly, "Yes."

The injury reminded me again: "I have no problem, but I want to remind you that even if I brush monsters fast, you can practice one day, and at most will not exceed level 45. For the sake of level 6, you will give up so many benefits. At that time, you can't regret it."

I laughed and said, "Don't worry. I escaped from the monk and can't escape from the temple. Isn't it reasonable for you to kill me by cheating you, the number one player on the list?

Fa Wound said, "Well, wait for me for another hour. When my business is over, I'll bring you."


I am secretly overjoyed. In the abandoned area of the undead, it can probably rise to level 48 or above. Anyway, many people will not have experience. I counted Xiao Zhao Yun and others. Open the list of friends and see that Xiao Zhao Yun, 123 Scarecrow, and small grain trucks are all there.

I sent a message to Xiao Zhao Yun: "Are you there? I have something good to tell you."

Little Zhao Yun replied puzzledly, "What's wrong? What good thing?"

I looked at Xiao Zhao Yun's level. After yesterday's efforts, this guy actually reached level 39 and was at the same level as me.

Before I finished speaking, Xiao Zhao Yun said to me in amazement, "Wow, you are already 39! I remember you were only 31 yesterday, right? You have only been practicing for a day and rose to level 39. Are you a god?

I laughed and said, "Today is the day I invite you to practice together. The legal injury that ranks first in the sky list will take us to practice. Go and ask if the scarecrow and the grain truck will go?

"What, what?" Xiao Zhaoyun's tone was full of disbelief, "Is it true or false?"

I smiled mysteriously and said, "An hour later, you let the grain cart and the scarecrow gather in Tianshen City Square, and you will know whether it's true or not."

Little Zhao Yun quickly responded and said, "Okay, okay, I'll talk to them right away."

Look at the list of friends. This little bastard Chen Yi didn't go online. Didn't he tell him to go online early? This time is already time to go to work. Forget it, if he hasn't been online in an hour, it can only be regarded as his bad luck.

There is still one hour left, and you can't waste such a long time. Now I'm eager to upgrade my experience. Gold coins. With 350 gold coins for the mission reward, I'm not so short of money for the time being, so I still have to upgrade this hour!

The bounty task must be completed. Anyway, today is a whole day of training, and I don't have time to do the mercenary regiment task, so I lightly completed the individual group task. The individual group task took much less time, and it only took me about 20 minutes. For the rest of the time, I summoned the little tiger and walked with her to the 40-level player training area outside the city of God.

Along the way, there were countless novice players who looked at me with envy: "When can we have a mount..."

In just a few days, I got rid of the title of novice period, and I am still very satisfied with my process.

has been coming to a level 30 to 35 player training area, and I found a familiar player - "big knife split".

At this moment, there are two players around the big knife. One is also the "Is there an archer?" that I killed when I grabbed the map and brushed the monster that day, and the other nickname is "Little Sword". Because they are attacked by monsters, they also show their level. The small sword level 45, while the big knife is only 24 level. Is there an archer at level 25? Obviously, the little sword is taking them to practice.

I deliberately took a detour. It's not that I'm afraid of them, but I don't want to compete with people for the time being. Now my main purpose is to rush to the level and try to avoid unnecessary trouble.