Online game No. 5

Chapter 57 Victory

"Cheng!" With a crisp sound, Qi Lixiang's gas and blood filled up in an instant, and he rushed to me quickly. He was weak from a long distance. Of course, he was going to play close combat. In the minds of ordinary people, professions that can attack remotely will be relatively worse in close combat.

But... I'm the exception!

If he knew that I was pulling the wind, he would change this idea, because... pulling the wind is a myth!

Qilixiang came to me, and his footsteps suddenly changed. Instead of attacking from the front, they attacked from the left side. However, what he never expected was that my dragon tooth combo directly caught his position, making him defenseless and directly hit.

Three times in a row, his qi and blood were directly reduced by one-third, and he suffered losses twice in a row, which made Qi Lixiang panic. As he stepped back, he asked, "You, how can I go from the left?"

I simply said, "The answer is very simple, I guess."

"..." Everyone was speechless.

Chen Yi said, "Damn, if you say a handsome reason, you will die..."

"Okay..." I shrugged my shoulders helplessly, "Men's intuition."


Seeing that we seemed so relaxed and comfortable, Qi Lixiang became angry, and an extremely strong black flame bloomed all over his body, surrounding him.

It's not good. Look at this guy's appearance, he's going to release a big move. Such a long release time, the power is definitely not small! I released a riding shock and wanted to shock him to interrupt his skills, but there was still no way. He rushed to me quickly.

The fragrance of these seven miles is like a rainbow. It seems that you are going to fight with me.

I was not panicked but calm. I was absorbed in looking at Qi Lixiang's offensive and stepped back a few steps. He held the soul sword in his hand. At this moment, he was in a state of skill activation. No matter how fast my speed was, it was irresistible.

"Peng~!" With a muffled sound, his whole body hit me, hitting about half of my qi and blood. At the same time, there was a special effect of dizziness on my head. Damn, this skill is not only powerful, but also dizzy. It's really unreasonable! Magic Knight is indeed a very tricky profession.

However, after the impact, Qi Lixiang's qi and blood were also directly damaged. With such a powerful impact, he himself suffered a lot of damage. At this moment, the archer had shot him with an arrow. Originally, he wanted to attack me. Unexpectedly, before the archer's double-edged sword was cut down, he hit it first, made a crash, and hung with empty blood.

I sighed in my heart. Fortunately, I took this archer with me, otherwise I would have been abused in this dizzy state.

Seeing that I was out of the state of dizziness and stood there for treatment, the wound suddenly said, "The competition is not over yet. Don't be careless."

"What?" I was stunned. When I realized it, the system had already prompted: "The player Qilixiang used 'magic soul regeneration'."

The next moment, a black aperture flashed, and Qi Lixiang's whole body was resurrected again!

I widened my eyes and subconsciously retreated, but Qi Lixiang did not give me a chance at all. The double-edged sword in my hand was separated into a two-handed sword by him and rushed towards me.

"Player Qilixiang uses the 'double sword mode'."

"The real strength of Qilixiang will only be displayed in the double sword mode after the regeneration of the demon soul."

The momentum of Qilixiang is too strong! The moving speed was as fast as flying, which was beyond my control at all. In a few seconds, I pulled our distance very close. My heart was horizontal and did not retreat, and I met his two swords.

"You were attacked by the player Qi Lixiang and suffered 237 damage. You were attacked by the additional soul of the player Qilixiang and suffered 582 damage.

Damn, how can there be such a pervert? The damage of an ordinary attack is as high as 800? And he moved so fast that after giving me a sword, he could walk to the other side perfectly and scolded, "Fra, why is this blood so much? Is it a long-range attack profession?

"Hmm." I sneered in my heart. If it were another player, I'm afraid I would be tortured to death by him directly. But my defense and the upper limit of qi and blood are all added according to the growth of benevolence. How can it be so easy to hang up?

But I'm not very comfortable at this moment. He has such a fast speed that he must faint!

I saw his position exactly, and I decided not to hide his shortcomings, and a soul stabbed him in the direction he was going.

The magic wound saw it and muttered, "Qilixiang's continuous killing has been broken. In the double sword mode, he can usually cause more than three attacks on the enemy. Unexpectedly, in the hands of this mysterious figure, it will be broken at once."

Qilixiang was shocked. He didn't expect that I could crack his position so easily. It was too late to dodge. My soul was not as powerful as him, and there was no long casting time. Qi Lixiang thought it was just an ordinary attack. He blocked this blow with his own body and wanted to give it to me. The last sword.

But he never thought that my seemingly simple blow directly injured two-thirds of his qi and blood and fell into a state of dizziness. Moreover, his attributes, which were originally affected by my poison, became lower now!

Combat mastery blooms, and the assistance after soul chopping has increased my attributes together with the holy words. At this moment, I don't need to be proficient in battle. When will it be?

"Damn, this skill is more powerful than my flame explosion, and it is still instantaneous. It also lowers my attributes and seals me. Not only does it have no side effects on the caster, but it also has an auxiliary effect. This is too abnormal! It's a complete bug." Qi Lixiang said unbalancedly.

I also saw dementia for a while, and I was speechless.

"The more perverts are still in the future." I sneered and looked at the boy's chagrin, which was really gratifying. "Kid, I want you to know that there are people outside. There is heaven outside. Don't think you are great."

With that, the fast ordinary attack had attacked him. It was already a very powerful physical attack. With frequent thunder, at the end of his dizziness, he only had a trace of blood left.

Seeing that he was ready to cast spells to release the blood skill, I directly bumped into it.

Qilixiang panicked and shouted, "Savage collision, damn it! Can you learn the magic skills of knights?

Answerer was a dragon tooth combo, which killed him very neatly.

The system prompted: "Congratulations on defeating the player Qilixiang. The winner of this competition is a mysterious figure. In order to encourage players to compete and meet friends with martial arts, the system adds 452 copper coins to the winner.

As soon as I saw the gift, my eyes lit up. At the end... Shit, 452 copper coins, you might as well not send them!

Qilixiang was resurrected again. This time, it was not because of his skills, but because of his automatic resurrection after competition, but his attribute status has changed to 1%. He can either take special medicine or go to a hotel to rest. The price of both is much higher than these 452 copper coins.

The wound was thrown a medicinal material to Qilixiang and said, "Let's eat it."

Seeing that the wound was still smiling, Qi Lixiang looked at me with some resentment and looked at me inexplicable. Shit, why did you blame me for losing?

After a while, Qi Lixiang's state returned to full, standing silently behind without saying a word.

On the contrary, Chen Yi and the others were very happy and said, "Mysterious, how can you do this? He is your captain. How can you beat him? And in the case of a level gap, hey, I don't leave any face to others.

Little Zhao Yun said repeatedly, "Well, you are not the family we defeated. What are you proud of?" Then, Xiao Zhao Yun lowered his voice and said to us privately, "No matter what, Qilixiang is a signboard of gentle desire. The masters are all here. It's mysterious to say that we don't want to get together."

Grain lane: "The boss is still right, so as not to let the master be unhappy and solve our problem. People with high levels generally don't know morality, but they want to bully low-level people.

I felt wronged and said, "Food truck, what's your logic? I've never had it."

Everyone was shocked and turned their heads to look at me puzzledly and said, "Are you at a high level?"