Online game No. 5

Chapter 62 End of Training

The female archer was obviously not afraid of the strength of the magic injury, and still did useless work, pulling the bow and arrow to attack the magic injury.

Every attack can only take away more than ten points of qi and blood, which has no effect at all. On the contrary, it is a magic injury and releases a ghost fire meteor.

Ghost fires fell like meteors, and the female archer screamed without any suspense and hung on the ground.

The system prompts: "Congratulations on killing all the monsters in the undead abandoned area. Players on the map of the undead abandoned area have gained 1000000 experience." A golden light flashed, with up to 1 million experience, which made most of us upgrade, and my level was also upgraded from level 49 to level 50, and received a system prompt: "Congratulations on your promotion to level 50 and getting soul boots."

"Congratulations on your promotion to level 50 and getting a fusion stone."

But at this time, something strange happened. Just as the female archer fell, she stood up again, her clothes turned green, and her skin color changed from brown to milky white, looking more beautiful.

"Where is this? Why am I here?" The female archer shook her head and looked around, her face full of surprise.

The magic injury said to me, "Mystery, there should be a task next. Come and get it."

The game has experienced rich legal injuries, he said to me.

I nodded and came forward and said, "This is the abandoned area of the undead."

"Undead?" The female archer asked back and suddenly realized, "Ah, I know. It was this hateful undead who attacked our shadow forest, grabbed me, and put some corrosive agent in my body, turning me from an elf to half undead. Warrior, thanks to your defeating me, the corrosive effect on my body disappeared.

Shadow Forest? Isn't that my territory?

At this time, the female archer said again, "Warrior, can you take me out of this place and return to my hometown? My hometown must have suffered a serious blow. I must go back and have a look. If possible, I want to see my sister Karin again.

"Ding, do you accept Kana's request?"

I quickly chose to agree, and Kana, the archer, smiled sweetly and said, "Thank you, my dear warrior."

"Boss, it's time to share the stolen goods!" At this time, Chen Yi called out to me.

There are a lot of things in total, including a purple-black equipment.

This purple and black equipment is a long gun, which belongs to the knight's equipment. Xiao Zhao Yun's eyes looked straight at this long gun. Obviously, he wanted this equipment very much.

However, among so many people, the only one who is most qualified to get these equipment is the magic injury, because he hit it. However, the level of legal injury is very high, and of course I will not covet these equipment, so the most qualified right to obtain it will change to me who is called legal injury.

I said, "Zhao Yun, I'll give you this purple and black equipment." When I said this, it hurt a little. After all, the best equipment I had at that time was just two-star purple and black equipment. And the soul sword I have now also needs this long gun. But in the eyes of others, I only take this equipment for sale, and I can't equip it myself.

Of course, even if I don't give it to Xiao Zhao Yun, it's actually reasonable, but the scarecrows will feel that I'm stingy. Xiao Zhaoyun is not bad. When a favor is given to him, I don't think it's a loss.

Little Zhao Yun was stunned. Although he wanted me to say so, I really said it. He couldn't accept it and stammered, "This, this is not good. With your help, my level has risen so quickly, and I have accepted such a valuable thing. I can't take it casually. Why don't you just think I bought it?"

I smiled and said, "This is purple-black equipment, not sea-blue equipment. Purple-black equipment will sell more than 100 gold coins in the market."

"Well..." Xiao Zhao Yun hesitated. 100 gold coins was really not a small amount for him.

"hehe." I smiled and said, "Forget it, Zhao Yun, just take it. I don't want your money."

"Yes, boss, take it. Our boss is not an outsider." Chen Yi patted Xiao Zhao Yun on the shoulder and said.

"Okay, okay." Xiao Zhaoyun was ashamed, "Then I'll take it."

Other equipment is not too bad. It's all sea blue equipment. Everyone in it gets what they want. I specially left one for Qilixiang, but when I wanted to give it to him, he turned his head coldly, refused my kindness, and said, "I don't need your charity."

This guy still has such a headache when he speaks. If it weren't for the injury, I really want to ask Chen Yi and the others to go up to K him. I thought to myself, if it hadn't been for the legal injury to prepare equipment for you, I think you are now begging for equipment from me! What's amazing, damn it!

In the end, I ignored him and didn't want it. Anyway, I can also install this equipment. I will put it all in the soul suit.

In this way, I got a total of three sea blue equipment. After replacing the equipment in the soul suit one by one, the attributes have been improved.

Now the soul sword in my hand has begun to glow a little purple and is developing towards purple and black equipment.

"Hey, boss, there is also a skill book here." At this time, Chen Yi took out a skill book and handed it to me.

"One Throw

Consume your own gold coins and cause great damage to a single enemy

You can learn a profession and steal gods."

"It's actually a god stealing, a hidden professional skill!" The scarecrow exclaimed, "This is the first skill book I've seen in a hidden profession."

My eyes lit up, and I can learn a career and steal my mind. These words have always been reflected in my eyes.

The grain truck said disdainfully, "It seems to be a little chicken ribs, and you have to consume your own gold coins. I don't know if this proportion is large or not. We don't steal gods here and can't watch it on the spot.

"Since no one can use it, I'll take it and sell it?" I quickly said that there was nothing to use, and it was reasonable for me to take it away.

Of course, everyone had no opinion, so I quickly accepted it and trembled with the skill book in my hand.

"Boss, you seem to be a little excited?" Chen Yi looked at me curiously.

I quickly came to my senses, shook my head and said, "No, nothing."

Chen Yi was at a loss: "I really don't want to ask you anything. What are you doing?"

I was speechless for a moment, simply ignored Chen Yi, and quickly chose to learn, and then opened the skill bar to have a look.

"The universe consumes 100 gold coins, causing 4,000 points of physical damage to the enemy. Level 1”

I was stunned all of a sudden. 4000 points of damage. I am currently at level 50, and I only have more than 4200 qi and blood. In this way, won't you directly empty my qi and blood? This is so perverted! And it only needs 100 points of blue!

Oh, no... I polished my eyes and looked at the previous conditions of use. It was not 100 points blue, but 100 gold coins.

I'm so stupid, damn it! Are there such cheap people?

I actually asked for 100 gold coins, which is equivalent to 1 billion (it should be 1 billion, forgive Xiaomu's math is not very good) copper coins!

I spent so much blood to cause 4,000 points of damage to the enemy? That's a lot of money, and I'm really reluctant to give up. I can only order in seconds. Although the power is similar to my soul, I will never use it to brush monsters. I can't afford to kill such a monster at such a high price.

But for PK, these 4,000 points of damage are fatal and desirable if necessary.

"Okay, the abandoned area has been brushed. Let's go back." The wound said to me.

I nodded, and the time was only 23.5 hours, almost 24 hours. In the world of Fantasy, the game time is three times that of real time, that is to say, we have only passed 8 hours in the real world.

Crush the scroll back to the city and take everyone back to the city of heaven, and everyone split up. I have to go back to my territory. After such a long time, the technology learned from the Tree of Life should have been improved, and I have to choose to study again.

Resources should also increase. They should be used up quickly. The faster they are used, the faster the territorial development will be.

And the mission of this female archer Kana also needs to be completed.

A scroll back to the city brought me back to my territory again.