Online game No. 5

Chapter 64 Territorial Guard War

"Good, good." In addition to me and Xiao Zhao Yun, the grain cart and Chen Yi shouted one after another.

"What the hell?" I asked back.

"This is a book that teaches modern boys how to chase girls." Chen Yi explained to me, "Am I, Zhao Yun has a girlfriend. Once I wanted to chase a girl and felt that Boss Zhao Yun was experienced, so I went to consult him. As a result, I found a truth that empiricism kills people.

"..." I can't help but be speechless.

Chen Yi said again, "Then I accidentally saw this book and found that it was well written. Recently, I, the scarecrow and the grain cart were all reading. I think we can buy some goods and sell them in our store.

We chatted and walked around. By 9 p.m., we finally came to the larger bookstore in the city. This abominable Chen Yi, the road idiot, insisted that he knew the road, which made us take a big detour.

"The three of us are going upstairs. Boss and Boss Zhao Yun, won't you go up?"

"No, we just wait downstairs. I'm a bookstore, but I go to someone else's house to buy books. Am I sick?" I asked back.

So Xiao Zhao Yun and I waited downstairs of the bookstore.

There is a fast food restaurant downstairs of this bookstore, but we have just been full, and we really can't afford to eat. I had to sit at a table boredly.

"It's so boring. Why don't I play chess again?" Xiao Zhao Yun proposed.

I nodded and said, "You can play chess."

After a pause, I added, "But we have to fight first."

Every time you play chess, it's like a fight. It's better to do it directly.

Little Zhao Yun was stared: "Oh? Must it be so civilized? As he spoke, he had rolled up his sleeves.

At this time, I was suddenly attracted by a shampoo shop outside the window.

In front of this shampoo shop, a woman was very exposed and stood at the door and didn't know what to do. Every time a guest came over, she would shake her buttocks happily, making people feel the spring heart rippled. Take a closer look, this woman is none other than Xiao Meng, my neighbor.

Little Zhao Yun looked in the direction I wanted and asked me, "Myster, do you like that girl?"

"Ah?" I didn't react for a moment.

Little Zhao Yun smiled and said, "Why don't I take you there later?"

"Go? Where are you going? I don't understand.

"Of course I went to her." Xiao Zhao Yun said bluntly.

I almost fainted and said, "I have nothing to do with her. Let's talk about it?"

Little Zhao Yun smiled and said, "This is not a hair washing shop, but actually a Yichun courtyard. Just pay. I can make an exception for your treat."

I frowned slightly. Xiaomeng, is she in this industry? No wonder I go out every night and come back during the day...

Somehow, I have a little inexplicable regret that such a beautiful girl is no longer chaste.

I originally wanted to go there, but when I thought about it, what did I do in the past?

According to what Xiao Zhao Yun said, did you go to her?

Of course that's impossible, so forget it.

"Yo, which girl are you looking at?" At this time, Chen Yi's voice came behind us, and Zhao Yun and I were shocked.

"Wow, this lady is so on time. It makes me ready to move." The scarecrow's eyes lit up and he looked straight at Xiaomeng.

So the scarecrow came straight forward and asked Xiao Meng, "Hey, how much is it for one night?"

Xiaomeng is obviously a veteran, and he is not panicked at all. His beautiful face has a trace of professional shyness. When I was about to open my mouth, I took three steps and two steps and quickly stepped forward to grab the scarecrow's hand and pulled him away.

At this moment, Xiao Meng looked at me with a little surprise. Obviously, she didn't want me to know her work. But she couldn't say anything at this moment and watched me pull the scarecrow away.

"Hmm, mysterious, why are you pulling me?" The scarecrow is very puzzled. In his eyes, this seems to be a very normal thing.

I was speechless at once. Yes, why did I pull him? Is the woman you want to be my neighbor?

I said awkwardly, "Well, that... I have a task tonight and want your help, so go home early and go online."

"Well, if you said it earlier, we didn't have to go shopping so slowly, so let's go back to each family to find our mothers?"

Everyone agreed.

When I got home, I took out a can of beer from the refrigerator, moistened my brain, and told myself that the little dream had nothing to do with me before I calmed down a little. I don't look down on the profession of young ladies. They are also human beings. They just want to live. But when I really met a woman I knew, she was really a young lady, but it was not easy to accept.

After calming down, I put on a helmet and re-entered the game world.

As soon as I entered the game world, the system sent me a red letter.

"Your territory is under attack."

I stared and quickly opened the tree of life to check the status of the territory.

At this moment, the intruder has come to the long road.

There is no protective equipment on the periphery and the moonlight forest, so it is easy to be attacked, but on the long road, you can buy a little time.

At this time, the message of the legal injury was sent: "It's finally online. Set up the defense quickly. We can't stop the attack of the two major gangs, Killing God and Weixin.

"What?" I frowned and came to the junction of the Tree of Life and the Long Road. Some advanced players above level 80 were resisting the invasion of the enemy, and the leader of the enemy group was the only joy and killing god.

Good guy, these two dog legs are still walking together! Originally, I thought they were just to unite with the former me. I didn't expect that the two major gangs are still hooked up now. In this way, the Shabak gang that kills the gods is the first, and they are united with the almost powerful me alone. I'm afraid it's hard to resist the legal injury.

On our side, purple frost and elegant lilies, as well as transforming life have come. I haven't seen them for a long time, and their strength has improved.

Transforming life is not the low-security mechanic who could only be remotely in the past. At this moment, his body has completely become a mechanical, powerful robotic arm, attacking the enemy like a giant hammer.

And his powerful defense can be described as a generation of meat shields, as strong as a god-like attack, which can only cause about 2,000 damage to him.

However, the gap in the number of people is huge. There are hundreds of players above level 80 in the two gangs, and there are only 30 or 40 of them, which are really difficult to resist.

I quickly guided the NPC in the Shadow Forest to defend. For a moment, hundreds of archers appeared on the high-rise tower between the long road and the tree of life. Kana and Karin released bursting arrows one after another. Although they could not cause too much damage to these senior players, this bursting arrow had the effect of repelling. The killing god and Weixin, who had rushed to the front, were forced to retreat far.

The pressure was eased, and the form of life was immediately changed. A machine gun appeared on the arm, constantly bombarding the killing gods and others in the distance.

The summoning beast of Summoner Zi Bingshuang has become larger at this moment, blocking the originally narrow intersection of the long road, so that the killing god and others will not rush over again.

The method wiped the cold sweat and said to me, "Good job."

I nodded in response, staring angrily at the god of murder and Weixin. You once destroyed me, and now you still want to deal with me. I won't make you feel better!

Fa Wound raised his head and shouted to Killing God and Weixin, "What does it mean for you two gangs to unite to deal with the members of my gang? Do you want to cause a gang war?

The killing god snorted coldly, "What I can't get, you can't imagine how much a territory has increased for players. You and I all know that if such an excellent level 60 player is pulled away by you, won't we lose our next member help activities?"

Weixin continued, "Yes, so we have to kill him in the cradle."

Fa shouted angrily: "Is this what you two gangs have done? What's the difference between a robber and a celebrity on the list! It's outrageous!"